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"Still want me to leave?" Mia places her hands on her hips, scowling up at Namjoon.
He stands frozen, staring blankly at the sonogram.

The squiggly bean barely resembles a baby.

"Namjoon! Hello," she claps her hand in his face and doesn't even blink in response.

"We....we have a baby?" Namjoon whispers.

"Yes......well we did," Mia says somberly. Namjoons head snaps up.

"What do you mean we did?"

"Yoongi....what are did you..." you finally find your voice.

Yoongi steps around you comfortably into your apartment, looking around at the decor and hissing in approval.

"Wow, babe. This is nice. So tell me, did my money pay for some of this or did you run out on a few other guys to afford this?" He says jokingly.

It was almost surreal to see him again, in your new space. Your safe space up until then.

You glance towards your small kitchen and linger on the second drawer near the stove.

"Hey..." Yoongi snaps, making you flinch. He softens a bit at your shaken appearance.

"You're afraid of me? Seriously?" He says lowly, taking a step towards you. You stumble back immediately and he freezes.

"Yoongi...what are you doing here?" You stutter, inching sideways towards the kitchen doorway.

"I'm here for you baby. Come on it's been long enough. I want you to come back to Daegu with me. I'm here for another 2 weeks but after that...." his voice softens even more.

"I...I miss you. I miss us."

Bile rises in your throat when he draws closer to you. You freeze again in fear when he's close enough to touch you.

"I know shit was kind of messed up. I was messed up...but I'm better now. I've been taking anger management...seeing a therapist. Ironic huh?" He chuckles lightly. He raises his hand to caress your cheek and flinch hard enough to crack your neck. You shut your eyes tight and brace yourself as if he's going to hit you.

When a second passes by and you feel no pain, you open your eyes to find Yoongi staring down at you. But not at your face.

His hand brushes your thick hair back over your shoulder to expose the skin of your neck. His eyes narrow into black slits as he stared blankly at your throat. Then it dawns on you.

You had a hickey. A large purple hickey that outside of work, you are covered with makeup or your hair is worn down. But at home you wore them bare, knowing Namjoon loved seeing his marks on your smooth pale skin.

" boyfriend...he just stepped out. But he'll be back soon.." you mumble, so shaken with fear at Yoongi being that close. You took short shallow breaths, being careful not to inhale his scent.

You used to love the way he smelled, a deep woodsy cologne you couldn't remember the name of. But the way it was presented to you now, thick with his sweat, jogging your memory of the loneliness and pain you felt being with him. The years of mental abuse and some physical. It was too intense and you resisted the urge to vomit when you took a deep breath.

"Boyfriend.." Yoongi says slowly as he leans in, humming in contentment as he brushes the tip of his nose against your clammy forehead.

"That doesn't even sound right coming out of your mouth." He huffs, blowing hair from your face. You flinch.

Yoongi chuckles.  He steps away from you finally, his hand dropping from your neck and sliding down your chest.

"But I suppose that mark had to come from someone." He says bitterly. An exaggerating sigh leaves his body as he takes a few more steps away from you, his hands now stashed in his pocket.

Yoongi turns around and walks into your living room, scanning the books on your bookshelf, your laptop, and your couch. He lingers there, leaning down to touch the cover of Namjoons notebook. It was brightly decorated with doodles and stickers that had been collected over time. Yoongi frowns then reaches to pick it up.

"Yoongi boy.." you begin, not wanting him to lurk through the notebook.

"Boyfriend...I know.." he cuts you off, almost distractingly as he ran his fingers over the cover of the book.

"Sorry for popping up like this...I don't know what I expected..." he says suddenly, his tone changing.

"But I can see that you have moved on...I'm happy for you. Really..." He tosses the book down on the couch and turns towards you.

You step aside suddenly when he begins to walk in your direction, reaching for the door nob.

"Please..can you just leave. Please.." you say bravely, staring at the floor as Yoongi strolls past you. He steps into the hall and turns to look at you, an ominous smirk on his lips. He hmmphs a tiny scoff before walking out of your sight. You shut and lock the door immediately, shaking terribly.

Heavy sobs rock you as you push your head against the door. You felt relief that he was gone, but a million questions ran through your head.

How did he know where you lived?
How long had he known?
Would he be back?
Should you run? can't run.
You had a new life. New job. And...

Namjoon sped up to your apartment complex, parking and rushing up to punch in your access code to get in the building. When he reaches your door her realizes he didn't take your key with him before leaving.
After one knock, his eyes widen in surprise at the speed of the door opening. Before he could utter a word, you were crashing into his chest.

You wrapped your arms around his waist tightly and cried silently. Fresh hot tears rolled down your cheeks as you felt the relief of having Namjoon back in your apartment.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed at your sudden embrace. He places a hand on your back and pulls you in closer.

"Baby I wasn't gone that long." He chuckles lightly, completely oblivious to your current state. At least until he forces you away from him after feeling you shudder.

You slowly look up and allow him to take in your swollen, tear-stained face. 

"What the...Song what's wrong?"

Namjoon shakes you lightly, hands braced at your shoulders.

You sniffle pitifully and reach up to wipe your nose.

"Namjoon. We...we have to talk"

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