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Your body melted further into Namjoons as he held you closely, kissing your lips tenderly. You ran your tongue along his bottom lip and he groans.

"You ready to go?" He hums against your lips.
You continue to kiss him without responding, pressing your pelvis into his. You can feel him hardening through his jeans. You smirk and speak softly between kisses.

"You brought me up here....a movie the roof....with this romantic ass ambiance...just to express your feelings..then take me home to fuck me" you bite and pull at his bottom lip with your teeth.
Namjoon laughs breathily.

"Express? That wasn't expressing myself...that was ...uhm calculated word vomit. I can show you how I really express myself if you want.."
You slap his chest and push him back.

"Per...vert" you mouth.

His eyes crinkle as he smiles.

"No seriously...I can show you what I mean better than I can tell you. You trust me?"
Namjoon looms over you, eyes wide with affection.

You couldn't believe how daring you were becoming, openly flirting, public displays of wasn't like you. But it was passionate. You needed this change.

"No, I do not" you playfully punch his chest.

"But I do want to see..."

Namjoon bites his bottom lip softly and leans in.

"Then let's get out of here."

You arrive back at Persona, which is bright and alive from wall to wall. Holding Namjoons hand, the two of you weave through the crowd of dancers until you reach the hidden stairway leading to his loft.

Once inside, you drop your bag on the kitchen table and sit.

"Oh hell no" you exhale dramatically as Namjoon kneels in front of you with a bandana folded to act as a blindfold.

"Please? Just for a minute, I need to set the mood. " Namjoon looks like a giant puppy, his hands resting on your knees, eyes wide and twinkling.

"You aren't gonna do anything to me when these are on are you? " you chide, snatching a scrap of cloth before placing it over your eyes.

"Do you want me to?" Namjoon quickly stands to help you tie a knot at the back of your head to secure the bandana in place.

"Namjoon.." you growl and he laughs.

"No, I won't. Not tonight...I want you to see everything " and with that, his presence disappeared behind you.

You heard him moving around, the shuffling of what could be fabric or paper, the bass pulsating from the music downstairs. Nervously you chewed your bottom lip in anticipation. Being deprived of sight made you anxious. Years of being conditioned to the lack of control, you clung to it like a lifeline. in your newfound independence But since meeting the man moving quickly and quietly behind you, control respectfully left the room.

After about 2 to 3 minutes, you felt a hand gently clasping over yours. The hand gently tugged you to stand, turn around and take a few cautious steps forward. Namjoon slips the blindfold over your head and stands behind you, dipping his head in the crook of your neck as you took in the scene before you.

A large portion of the floor, from the kitchen to the bathroom, has been covered in thick transparent plastic, and on top of the plastic laid a large white sheet. Placed in a row along the edges of the sheet were bottles of paint in an array of beautiful colors. On the edge, nearest to you were 2 pairs of white slippers and a jar of coconut oil.

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