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1 Year Later

Dr.Park sits silently, regarding Namjoon with amusement as he fidgeted in his seat on the couch.

The clock ticked loudly, the silence almost deafening as the two men sat in on their weekly session.

Jimin adjusted the rims of his glasses to sit higher on his face, his eyes falling to focus on Namjoons knee as it bounced anxiously.

The large hand eases over to the next notch, the single minute having just passed felt more like several to them.

Time seemed to be still and even Jimin let out a sigh, puffing a tendril of hair off from his forehead and glancing at his watch.

"This is ridiculous.." Namjoon breaks the silence as his eyes kept flitting to the clock and Jimin chuckles.

"Doctors orders. "He shrugs, checking the home screen of the device before looking back up at Namjoons agitated face.

"Yea but that was before...ugh! I can't believe I signed that stupid agreement. It's not even legally binding.." he slumped back into the cushions childishly, cursing under his breath when the time hadn't changed since the last time he checked the clock.

"No, but you gave her your word that you wouldn't miss any more sessions. No matter what. " Jimin relaxes in his chair as well, not giving into Namjoons childish pouts.

"But come on Jimin seriously? We stopped talking 22 minutes ago. We've just been sitting here." Namjoon huffs and Jimin laughs.

"And we're going to sit here until that hand hits the six. Look I think this is just ridiculous as you do but...your previous therapist is very shrewd. And I for one have found her to be quite intimidating over these past several months. avoid having both of our heads chewed off..."

Jimin pauses when a notification pops up on his watch.

Namjoons pocket vibrates at the same time and he hurriedly pulls it out to check it.

Both of them stare at their screens with wide eyes.

Jimin glances up at Namjoon as he reads the text message that was also forwarded to him.

❤️🎶: it's time.

Namjoon jumps up from the couch with his phone in hand, Jimin beating him to the door to pull it open.

He nods and tilts his head towards to doorway and Namjoon doesn't hesitate to rush towards it.

On his way out, Jimin pats him on the back as he passes, beaming with pride for his patient and friend.

"Congratulations!" He yells as Namjoon all but ran towards the elevator, chuckling as he tapped at the buttons vigorously.

30 minutes later...

Namjoon rushes through the large double doors and stumbles into the waiting room.

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