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The air in your apartment thickens, as it's filled with the breathy moans of you and Namjoon.

He wasted zero time from the moment the two of you stepped over the threshold. With quick deft hands, he undid your buttons, yanked down your slacks and the now soaked cotton away from your trembling lower half.

You barely notice him as he dropped his blazer in front of the door and lifted the hem of his sweater.

His lips never left yours as the two of you stumble deeper into the living room.
The back of your legs meets with your couch and Namjoon pushes you against it, making you sit.

He peers over you hungrily and you squirm under his gaze, almost whimpering with need.
You reach for the button on his pants but a large hand swats you away.

"Impatient? You ready to tell me you missed me?" Namjoon growls.

Without responding, you reach behind your back and unclasp your bra. Now completely naked, you sit back on the couch confidently and exposed. Namjoon bites his lip as his eyes begin to ravish you.

"I'm ready for you to show me how much you missed me." You purr and rub your naked knees together seductively.

You had no idea what had come over you, but you felt the unrecognizable woman inside of squeal in excitement and anticipation.

Namjoons eyes widen for a fraction of a second then return to normal.

There was that challenger in you that he loved to accept.

Wordlessly, he lifts his sweater over his inked and tan skin, tossing it aside. Your eyes were locked with his as he undoes his pants and kicks them aside as well.

Encased in the dove grey fabric, your mouth waters instantly at the sight of his bulge.

A smirk painting his face, Namjoon reaches down and trails his fingers along your collar bone and up to your neck. You gasp when suddenly his large hand is wrapping around the side of your throat, guiding your head upward to look him in the eye.

"Show you?" He says softly.
You bite your lip and scoot forward, opening your legs to release your heat.

Namjoons eyes dart to your crotch briefly then back to you.

Bending forward and pulling your neck towards him, he extends his tongue to meet yours. Linking and slurping him in, you turn your head to invite him deeper into your mouth. Namjoon moans into you as he takes a step then squats down to rest his hand on your bare hip. He releases your neck and grips your other hip aggressively. Then in one smooth movement, Namjoon scoops his hands underneath your thighs, lifts your body to straddle him, and abruptly enters you.

You moan loudly at the sudden intrusion and your head falls back. Your arms are locked around Namjoons neck and he steadies himself before pulling back and lifting you slightly before slamming into you again. You cry out once more, but this time in pleasure instead of surprise. This was Namjoons greenlight to move. He bounces your body up and down against him, his hips snapping into your inner thighs as he reached your deepest depths.

His eyes are on your face, gaining satisfaction from your screwed facial expressions.
"Hmm? What was that baby? I can't hear you..say that again" he says in an arrogant but sexy tone that makes you groan. His pace is even and his strokes are relentless.

Your mouth falls open and you lose control of yourself as all kinds of words mumble out of you.

"Mmmhhnnuh yes yes fuck yes Nam..yes yes baby uuh"

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