Thailand, With Love III

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"Good morning mom, good morning daddy!!", Lisa yelled as she was coming to the kitchen. It was 8 in the morning and she was up early.

"Someone's super happy this early morning. I wonder why!", Marco teasingly said while reading a newspaper.

Lisa kissed her parents in their cheeks and took a seat. Hotdogs, scrambled eggs, bacon, bread, vegetable salad and a steaming hot choco were in their table.

"Oohh I'm hungry!!", Lisa exclaimed.

"Wait up honey, is Jisoo still asleep? Why don't you wake her up so she can have breakfast too?", Lisa's mom siggested.

"No mom, let her rest. It's still early. She normally wakes up at around 9 or 10. Just let her. We already talked about our agenda today. And mom, can you cook lunch and bring something for me in the studio? I might be stuck there until lunch."

"Ok. I'll just cook something for her when she wakes up. And yes I would cook lunch for you and your staff. Should I bring them in your studio?"

"Yes mom, please. I have no extra personnel to have them picked up. Thanks mom."

Lisa finished her food. It was already 8:30 in the morning. She has to make it quick. She promised her staff, Sheena, that she would be at the office by 9 or 10. When she running up the stairs and into her room, she got suprised when Jisoo, with messy hair, got out of her room.

"Goodness Jisoo-yah! You scared me!! I thought you were still sleeping.", Lisa said, gasping for air. Automatically, her hands went to Jisoo's hair and fixed them.

"There! No longer Sadako!", Lisa laughed.

Jisoo pouted and smacked Lisa's arm. They both laughed. Jisoo was still pouting and Lisa couldn't help but stare at those plump, heart-shaped lips, that she thought they could be the best breakfast she could ever have. What???

Jisoo saw how Lisa stared at her lips and her heart felt like a drum. She unknowingly and unintentionally bit her lower lip. In doing so, she heard Lisa groan.

Lisa stepped forward towards Jisoo. The latter, stepped back, confused at the situation. Her back hit the door to her room. To her surprised, Lisa snaked her right arm to her waist and pulled her closer to her. Jisoo looked at Lisa in her eyes and what she saw was longing, admiration and....lust?? Jisoo was still biting her lower lip and bit a little harder with what she saw.

Lisa moved her lips near Jisoo's left ear and whispered,

"Jisoo-yah, stop biting your lips. You just don't know what that does to me."

Lisa finally hugged Jisoo so tight and sighed. She let go of her and stepped back. Jisoo was still stunned at what just happened. When she was out of trance, she looked at Lisa again and saw that she was already smiling at her, as if nothing happened.

"Good morning unnie! Now, if you're really up go to the kitchen and eat breakfast. Then, take your vitamins, ok? I have to go and prepare.", Lisa continued. She went inside her room and left Jisoo.

Jisoo, on the other hand, shook her head to remove the cloud that surrounded her gorgeous brain. "What a morning!", Jisoo mumbled. She went to the kitchen and saw Lisa's mom washing dishes and daddy Marco still reading the newspaper in the table.

"Oh Jisoo you're awake. Sit down and eat breakfast so you could drink your vitamins.", Lisa's mom said. Jisoo took a seat beside daddy Marco. A plate was already in front of her and as well as the food.

"Did you sleep well, honey?", sweetly asked by Marco.

"Yes dad, I did.", Jisoo answered.

Mom prepared hot choco for her too. After washing the dishes, mom sat at the other side of Marco. The three chatted while Jisoo was eating. By this time, Jisoo's and Lisa's mom's English are already fluent, so there's no trouble chatting with each other.

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