Li-Chu Jealousy 2.0

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Morning came and as usual, daddy Marco  and Lisa's mom, Tisha, are already up. Daddy Marco is wearing the apron Jisoo bought. He likes it a lot because it has a print in it which says "Hottest Chef in Town". When Jisoo handed him the gift Marco can't stop laughing in his deep deep voice. You could just imagine a big guy with deep deep voice giggling because of an apron!

Despite having not enough sleep, Jisoo was able to be up early in the morning. It was only 7AM and Lisa wasn't still up. She decided to make her breakfast. "It's the least I could do for taking good care of me here.", Jisoo thought.

"Good morning mom, morning dad.", Jisoo greeted the two. She gave them each a kiss in the cheeks.

"Oh you're up early! What do you want for breakfast honey?", Lisa's mom asked.

"It's okay mom, I'll take care of it. Do we have ingredients for pancake and strawberries? I'd like to make some pancakes for Lisa and of course for you.", Jisoo explained.

"Oh that's so sweet of you Jisoo. Yes we have, just look in the fridge and in the condiments board. But just make pancakes for you and Lisa. We had our breakfast already. We didn't expect for you to be up early so we didn't cook for you yet.", Marco said.

"It's ok dad. I can't sleep anymore and I was hungry so I got up and thought of cooking something for Lisa and for you. For taking good care of me here.", Jisoo uttered.

The spouses smiled at the sweetness of young Jisoo. They let her do whatever she wanted in the kitchen. Marco pitched in some ideas to make her pancakes yummier. He would teasingly say, "Put a dash of cinnamon powder and tons of your smile. Lisa would definitely be in love with you..I mean with the pancakes."
Jisoo would blush so hard. Lisa's mom would just laugh and kick Marco under the table.

After almost an hour of preparation, pancakes and strawberries are ready. Lisa's mom volunteered to wake Lisa up since she still has some tutorial sessions to do. Five minutes passed, Lisa and her mom are now entering the kitchen.

Lisa was eyeing Jisoo, testing the waters, so to speak. Jisoo smiled at her and Lisa knew that everything is fine between them. Lisa immediately took the seat next to Jisoo and greeted her "Good morning". Jisoo did the same. Both were still in their sleeping clothes.

The older girl got up and got a plate for Lisa. She put 2 pancakes, some cream and strawberries. Jisoo also poured hot chocolate in Lisa's mug.

"Wow! You cooked pancakes unnie?", Lisa asked excitedly.

"Yep! I couldn't sleep anymore so I thought of making breakfast. Unfortunately, mom and dad already had breakfast.", Jisoo said. She sat back and started to eat.

Marco and Lisa's mom were just looking at the two. They wouldn't want to put malice on the sweetness of the two because for so long they have seen the girls taking care of each other even after they disbanded. They were just happy that Lisa and Jisoo, who have been estranged from each other, are patching things up.

"Oh by the way unnie, my cousin, Koii, is coming over and she'll bring the kids home."

Leo, Luca, Lily and Louis stayed with Lisa's cousin while she was away. And since Lisa will be staying at home for few days, she asked her cousin to bring them home so she could see and take care of them for a while.

"Oh really? That's great. I miss them already too. I was going to ask if we could go over to your cousin to see them.", Jisoo exclaimed.

"No need. She'll be bringing them home, maybe around 10AM.", Lisa said.

Jisoo is happy at what Lisa said. She's going to see her kids!

"Oh by the way Lisa, Jisoo do you have plans this evening? Your aunt and uncle are in town, so as your cousins. We were thinking of inviting them over for dinner. We could have a barbecue party in the garden.", Marco informed the two.

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