Li-Chu Jealousy 2.0 II

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"Shit!!", I uttered in silence. My grip in the beer bottle tightened as anger crept in my chest seeing how intimate Lisa and Sheena are at the other side of the pool. I chugged down half of the beer in my hand without breaking my stare at the two. I was seated at the garden bench, across where Lisa and Sheena were. Because my focus is on the two, I did not notice that Palisa was already beside me.

"If looks could kill, those two would be bloody dead by now.", she uttered, which caused me to startle.

"Oh no no! It's not what you think, Palisa!", I stuttered.

"Hah! It's ok sis. I understand you. You don't have to deny it. I know everything about you and Lisa's past. Seeing you now and how you two act to each other, I could say there's still the spark and chemistry."

"Lisa and I are not together, if that's what you are trying to say.", I responded.

"I know. But you want her back right?", Lisa's bestfriend said, not asking, but more on stating a fact.

I didn't answer but responded with a smile. I did not want to confirm anything. But I did not deny anything either.

"Well it's obvious that Sheena has a thing for Lisa. And did you know that those two almost had a thing? No-strings-attached thing. For months they were dating, flirting with each other but I guess that's all there is.", Palisa continued.

"Oh really? Well, Sheena is gorgeous and they traveled to many places together, share the same passion, and works together. It isn't hard for both of them to fall for each other. They look perfect together." Jisoo said. "Yeah right, Jisoo!!", her brain silently screamed at her though.

"Naah! Lisa did not want any form of commitment and she told Sheena that. She knew that despite the flirting, they were not in a relationship. But obviously, Sheena wanted more. Oohh I tell you sis, she's trying to tie Lisa in a relationship!!", Palisa exclaimed, and drank half of her beer.

"You don't like Sheena, do you?", I asked.

"No, don't get me wrong Jisoo. I have nothin against Sheena or any girl that Lisa dated or dates.", she replied.

"Then why do I feel that you don't want Lisa to be tied to Sheena?", I again asked.

I got confused when Palisa stared at me straight in my eyes.

"Because I only want Lisa to end up with you.", she honestly said.

"What? Why??", I asked in suprise.

"Well, for one, I'm a 24/7 LiSoo die hard fan! When you two broke-up and disbanded, half of my heart died too.", Palisa exclaimed. I was shocked at her revelation and laughed at the same time.

"You are so funny, really!", I giggled hard. She did too.

"No sis that's true. But seriously, I want you two together again. I've seen how happy Lisa was when you were still a thing, in a relationship, I would say, though you two never adnitted anything! She had that glow that I have never seen in our entire years of friendship. And when you two broke, goodness! I thought I would never see Lisa's bright smile again. Well, I haven't seen it in years. Not until I saw how she smiled and laughed today. I saw how she cared for you. And so I know that she would only truly be happy with you. So please, don't let that Sheena get her.", Palisa exhaustively explained

Jisoo looked at the two who are now in the pool, Sheen on Lisa's back playing toss ball with Koii and Amita. Jisoo couldn't bear the sight, so she just lowered her head and look at the beer bottle in her hand.

"You want her. And seeing her now with Sheena, it's eating you out. Come on, Jisoo! You have to get Lisa's attention back. It's a competition! Step up your game sis!! Let's join the crowd, but of course you have to change into something that would make Lisa drool over you. It's time to flaunt those gorgeous and toned body of yours dear. And I bet you brought swimsuit with you. Let's go!", Palisa urged her. Palisa pulled me up and led me inside the house and in my room.

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