Merry Christmas!

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Fast forward to the 24th of December, 2022, 3pm in the afternoon.

"You sure you know what you are doing, Lisa? Please don't mess it up!", Rosé worriedly asked, as she watches Lisa in her phone screen being busy mincing, mixing and tossing some ingredients.

"Rosé baby, have faith in Lisa. She can do this! We practiced for this for several days. Damn, we had Pad Thai almost everyday in their house until she's confident that she could do it on her own. You got this, right Lisa?", Jennie chimed in.

"Don't worry guys, I super got this! I won't fail you and my family.", I beamingly said.

Four days ago, my parents arrived and brought with them the champagnes I requested and my dad taught me how to make Pad Thai before they left for Switzerland. Now, my tutorials will be tested.

Why Pad Thai and champagne? Well, Jisoo's mom and grandma are fans of Thai cuisine and Pad Thai is one of their favorites. And champagne, because the patriach of the family is likewise a wine and champagne enthusiast. Good thing my dad is an international famous chef. Hehe

It's past 3 in the afternoon and we are expected to be at Jisoo's residence by 6pm. I still have enough time to cook and re-cook if any mishap happens in my first try, and enough time to prepare.

My lovely girlfriend is upstairs and still taking a nap. After our early lunch we decided to cuddle and yes, make love, and nap because we won't be able to do that in their house. So, while she sleeps, I will do the cooking. For the past days, Jisoo has been asking me why I want to learn to cook Pad Thai. I honestly answered that I want to bring something for the dinner and she had been insisting that I don't need to do such thing. But, I insisted as well. In the end, she just let me.

With me in the kitchen, virtually, are Jennie and Rosé, to keep me on track, reminding me if I miss something. The truth is, I'm nervous if I can really do this right. But, at the same time I am confident that I can do it. Yesterday, before Jennie and Rosé left the house, we had dinner and for the nth time, we had Pad Thai, of course prepared by me. And as per Jisoo's verdict, it was surprisingly delicious. So, this is my final test.

"Really Honey, you cooked Pad Thai for mom and grandma and you bought two of the most famous and quite expensive champagnes for dad? A lot of toys for the kids, and expensive coats for others. Something is up. You, Jendeuk and Chaeng are up to something.", Jisoo exclaimed, as I was loading to the car my gifts. I bought toys for the kids and yes, the expensive Celine coats, limited edition, for her brother, sister and their spouses.

"Hon, it's Christmas, the season of giving, so I'm giving them gifts. What's wrong with that? And besides I'm just thankfuk that they allowed me to join the dinner and indirectly allowing me to spend Christmas with you. Don't be mad please.", I pleaded and gave her a quick kiss.

"Hon, you spent so much and I don't like it. I mean, I appreciate your efforts and all but spending too much for my family is something that I don't approve of.", Jisoo explained.

"I know Honey, and I'm sorry but I am just being so thankful for them. Promise, this would be the last."

Jisoo is someone who really is a gem. Not many know, but her family is one of the rishest in Korea. His father, a CEO and part-owner of a telecommunication company which has several branches around the world. Her mother, a successful businesswoman, is also a part owner of the business and has so many investments in other areas. But their family isn't the type to broadcast it. Among our members, little information is known by blinks regarding Jisoo's family. Because that's how she wants it to be. They have a mansion in Jeju and a luxurious residence in the far outskirts of Seoul, but only few knew about these. Me, Jennie, Chaeng and our families are some of the few.

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