Back to Business!

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Lisa enjoyed the show and the attention thrown at her by the trainees. Jisoo was exhausted and, again, was having a mild headache. It was almost 3pm that the evaluation ended. Jisoo and the rest of the evaluators gave their respective comments on each performers, and was told that the grades would be posted on the bulletin the next day.

After the evaluation, Jisoo still had some talk with Mr. Kiel. After few minutes Jisoo excused herself. She looked for Lisa and found her still in her seat. She smiled when their eyes met. She went to where she was and told her that they should go back to her office for her to rest before meeting Rosé and Jennie for their concept.

"You okey unnie?", Lisa worriedly asked when she noticed that the older girl kept massaging her temple.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a headache.", Jisoo said, eyes closed.

"I just remembered we haven't eaten proper lunch. I better go out and buy us some food. Your headache might be because of hunger.", Lisa offered.

"No, I'll just instruct Ms. Chick to order for us. You're also tired and I don't want you roaming around the building. And besides you're also tired from flirting with all those trainees.", Jisoo told her.

"Unnie, I told you several times that I wasn't flirting with them. I'm just really charismatic.", Lisa confidently said.

"Whatever Lisa.", Jisoo surrendered.

They reached her office and Jisoo immediately proceeded in the sofa and comfortably sat, resting her head back. She hugged the pillow and closed her eyes to give it a rest, hoping that the pain would go away.

"You take a rest unnie I'll just ask Ms. Chick to get us food.", Lisa said. She went out and talked to Ms. Chick. When she came back to the office she saw Jisoo unnie peacefully sleeping on the couch.

Lisa couldn't stop herself from staring at the her sleeping unnie. She really looks tired, but she's still stunning. She saw that her forehead would scrunch from time to time, maybe due to her headache. Out of sympathy, Lisa decided to help ease the older girl's suffering.

During the good days, everytime Jisoo has headache after their concert or after a hard core practice Lisa would always make Jisoo lie in her lap and massage her unnie's temple. It was somewhat effective. Jisoo would fall asleep and afterwards Lisa would carry her to her bedroom. The next morning, Jisoo would be smiling brightly again and Lisa was more than happy to know she brought the sunshine back.

Lisa positioned herself at the back of the couch where Jisoo fell asleep. She slowly put her fingers in Sooyaa's temple and massaged it. Jisoo stirred from her touch and Jisoo let out a soft moan. Lisa could only smile for she knows that everytime she does this and Jisoo lets out a moan, she feels relieved.

"Wanna lie down unnie, in my lap?", Lisa offered. She wanted her unnie to fully feel better, because at the end of the day, no matter what happened, she was still her dear friend. "Yeah, sure Lisa, dear friend my ass!", her inner voice protested.

Jisoo opened her eyes and looked at Lisa who was already sitting at the other end of sofa tapping her lap, inviting her to lie down. When Jisoo saw that Lisa was sincere with her offer, she immediately laid her head in Lisa's lap.

"Hmmm..this never fails to ease my headache. Thanks Lisa.", Jisoo smiled as she felt Lisa massaging her temple again. Few minutes after Lisa was shuffling from massaging her temple to caressing her hair. Jisoo really felt relieved and relaxed that she unknowingly fell asleep.

Lisa felt that Jisoo relaxed and her muscles are no longer tensed. She knows now that Jisoo fell asleep. She also leaned back and rested her head in the backrest of the sofa and she closed her eyes while continuing to mindlessly caress Jisoo's hair.

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