Chapter Ten

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Laying Dennis onto the table, they expose him to everyone's eyes. Men and women start jumping on each other like wild animals. As they start to perform oral sex, and have sex with every, and I mean every part of Dennis's body, I realize that murder in this cult is connected with sex. A need for a lustful relationship and an intimate connection with a dead body, is necessary to keep the cult proactive. These all are demented human beings experimenting with what twisted thing they like to do. The knives that once were inside of my father, now come back out as they get ready to butcher his body as well. But this time, they do it differently. They chop his head off first, and make incisions, round and big enough to fit there penis's into the hole, into his skull. Thirteen men, and thirteen women, on top of a dead man's body, having sex with it. Five get on top of Dennis's skull, and the rest consume themselves with his body. They're so focused on the sexual pleasure they're experiencing, that they don't notice me start moving to try to escape. I lick the duct tape off of my mouth, and try my hardest to maneuver out of the rope my hands and feet are tied together with. With one quick movement I accidentally kick the chair back and fall. A man with the clown painted white mask comes over and sticks his penis out. They haven't taken off there masks, and they haven't spoken a single word. They don't want to be seen or known. When the man unties me, I'm ready to run. But he gets a hold of me and throws me onto the floor. I'm laughed at by the others as he rips my clothes off. I know what's about to come and I'm not ready or prepared for it. He exposes my body to everyone watching. He's big and stocky, so when I manage to kick him in the penis, I'm proud of myself. But, that makes him more aggressive and my strength turns him on. He sticks himself inside of me and I'm instantly mortified. His harsh and torturous movements hurt, and he grabs onto my hips so tightly, I weep in pain. When he begins to lose control of my body, I move my arm to hit him in the face. But he grabs my wrist and breaks it. I hear the crack and scream in pain. My legs are powerful though, so I wind up being able to kick him in the chest. When I do this, he groans. "Listen you stupid fucking bitch." He says, angrily. His voice is deep and familiar. One of his followers come over and get a hold of me as well. I feel helpless. I have no way of controlling what's happening to my body and it's sickening. The leader stays inside of me as the new man to this scenario goes into my anal cavity. It's one of the most painful things I've ever felt. I feel hopeless. Peter was right. I wasn't ready for this, I shouldn't have done this. As soon as I say those words to myself, I remind myself that it's not my fault I got here. I had a plan, and a disaster filled with destruction ruined that plan. I try to see what the guy's faces look like, but there masks won't budge and it's nearly impossible. They both finish at a similar time, and I thank god it's over. Even though I am trapped, I feel a small sense of freedom when they both come out of me. There's so many horrid things going on, so I close my eyes. I close my eyes and beg god for help. But after a while, I stop the begging because I sound pathetic, even in my own head. More bodies come in. More dead victims. But it's when Detective Casey comes in, half alive, that I begin to have hope. Casey has always been such a good Detective and I soon learned her skilled ways. Yet she's so out of it, I can already tell she won't survive this. I'm not expecting anything that's about to happen. Again, a guy comes over behind me and holds my eyelids open. They want me to see every bit of pain they inflect on other human beings, every single sick act. They each take a knife, much different and much bigger than the ones they chopped up my father with, and cut off her hair. They're all naked while torturing her, and she's still alive. When they go over to the barbecue, I don't accept my predictions, that would be far to extreme. Then again, I just had my father's body poured down my throat, so nothing is to extreme here. They ignite a flame under the barbecue, and put her face into it. They hold her down and watch as every part of her face melts off. Watching her eyes melt off is the worst part. When they're done burning her, they place her onto the floor, in the same place my father was brutally killed. They pull out pliers and I'm genuinely terrified. The man holding my eyes open goes over. I can finally shut it out. But even when I close my eyes, I realize I can't. I watch them rip out everyone of Casey's teeth. One by one, they tear each of her teeth out from her gums. Blood. There's so much blood. She moans and cries from the agony. When they're done removing her teeth, they put them into a cup. In a way, I hope her death is quick and less painful than my fathers. But it's not. Holding Casey down, they take Dennis's skull, unclothe her, and shove his skull inside of her vagina. His skull is ten times the size of a penis, and I'm in pain just watching her go through that. More blood comes out of her body. They're tearing her apart body part by body part, but in such different ways. I just suffered through the physical torture of getting raped, and now I have to see her be violated in such an evil and sexual manner. When they're done with that part of her killing, they get on to the final stage. They chop her foot off and shove it down her own throat. She's choking as they shove it further and further down. As her throat closes, her breathing stops, and she's dead. What has happened here tonight has deranged me. I have been mentally abused, physically abused, and emotionally abused. I feel like I am stuck here. I feel like there's no way out. While they're feasting on Casey's body, I take in the space around me. Where am I? The odd part is, there isn't a visible door. It blends in with the wall. It's a black and dark underground room with soundproof walls and nothing but tables full of weapons, a barbecue, a blending machine, and a meat grinder that take up the space. Twenty six people are enough to deal with, but a part of me is insanely curious where the other people are. Are they out in the word, taking more victims as there prize, or are they just holding people somewhere else?
Five Days Later...
I've been here for days. Brutal, harmful,scary, emotionally draining, mentally damaging days. I've been fed and given a little bit of water. The person behind all of this won't kill me, they just want me to watch every single thing that goes on here. I thought my father's death was vicious, I thought Casey's death was harsh, I thought Dennis's disposal was disgusting. But nothing beat watching a wife and husband have to kill each other. The cult threatened a couple with the fact that they would get thrown into a meat grinder or buried alive if they didn't attack each other. The husband was so innocent. But the wife eventually gave in, especially with being pregnant. She tried to save herself and her baby, but it was too late. They both faced there death, as they got thrown into the meat grinder, together. Cannibalism has been the major tradition within the cult. They've raped endless amount of bodies, living or dead. They've blended and drank people, chopped off limbs, scalped more than I could count, and have detached skin,teeth,nails, and every other external part of the human body. Another horrible murder, an older woman, around fifty to sixty five. She's blind, so she didn't sense what was coming at her. I'm sure when she heard the drill she expected something horrible, but no one could expect numerous holes to be drilled into there head.
Five Days Later...
It's been almost two weeks. I'm going fucking crazy. I've been forced into eating body parts, watching things I can't even describe without gagging, and being raped by different people, men and women, over and over again. I'm sick. Physically and mentally. I want to die. I don't want to suffer through watching this anymore. I've had the same clothes on for ten days, I haven't moved from the same chair in ten days, I've gone to the bathroom all over myself and have had to sit in it. I've given up all hope. I miss life beyond these walls. I miss showers. I miss fresh air. I miss all the little things I've taken advantage of. I miss Peter. I miss everyone. I wish I had my best friend or my dad. I wish I had James. I wish I had someone, anyone. I need to be saved from this, or else I'll die in here. But I take that wish back  as I hear the door get kicked down and Peter run in. At first, I'm thankful and relieved and happy to see him. But I worry about his safety as a gun gets pointed at him by the leader. The leader is hesitant to shoot Peter, and he hasn't aimed to kill me once. Something I've been so confused about since I got here is, why hasn't he killed me yet? Peter shoots first. He shoots the leader in the head and keeps his gun aimed as he unties me. He picks me up and runs out of there. I put my head to his chest and inhale & exhale. The sun is beaming on my face, and I feel safe. I am free. I am alive. I am safe.
After that experience, I was 100% positive I was done. My plan was to quit my job as a detective and give up. I thought I would be safe and free of all demons if I did that. But as you know, nothing goes as planned.

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