Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Now we have no idea where he is!" I shout. "We'll find him." "I doubt that boss." "Well, we have court tomorrow, go back to wherever you're staying." "No. No. It's not that simple. I'm getting Jayden." "Rebecca that's a suicide mission." "Well call me dead then because I'm getting Jayden." "Rebecca don't be stupid, you're going to get yourself killed." On that note, I leave. I'm going to track Jayden through the audio. Leave the impossible to me because I make it possible. When I find Jayden, I'm shocked. He's in my hotel. I get a call from Peter and am automatically confused. "I just got a phone call from an unknown number, they said that they're going to blow up your hotel". "What?" "They're going to bomb your hotel Rebecca, you need to run as fast as you can. Because even if they don't bomb your hotel, they're in it and they're coming after you." "I need to save Jayden, Peter. I'm not going to let anyone else die on my account." "You're gonna have to." He says. "No." I say, hanging up. They wouldn't be in just any hotel room. They're trying to keep quiet, they would be on the first floor and in a very lonely suite. I go to the front desk and ask, "Excuse me, was there someone with a suspicious name that entered here about an hour to two hours ago?" I ask. "Who's asking?" "A detective, give me the fucking files." I say, sternly. "Daniel Wilson." Reads the paper. "These impeccable idiots." I say, heading to there room. When I break down the door, I see Jayden, with a bomb taped to his chest. I check the area and there's no one except for him, the bomb on his chest, and the bombs surrounding the room. "Rebecca, there's no time, you have to run." "Yes there is. Remember that girl you got out of the car that time? We had seconds, and you made it possible. I got this." "There's no way to deactivate the bombs." Jayden says. "There's always a way." I say. But checking the seconds each bomb says, they don't add up. He's right. There is no way to save everyone here, but I can save him. I focus on the one bomb on his chest, and manage to get him free. "Rebecca we have 65 seconds." "Let's go then!" I scream. We run as fast as we can out the door and to the other side of the street. We watch the entire hotel burst into flames and we call for backup. Everyone is dead.
Court: The Next Day
I look over and see his face. Daniel, smiling. He's always smiling, with evil radiating from his eyes. The judge is speaking when Daniel looks over and mouths, "How's Derek?" To me. That's it. I've had enough. My temper gets the best of me as I run over to Daniel and attack him. I put my hand around his neck and tighten my grip as I choke him out. I feel a shock of electricity go through me and I wake up in a jail cell. Contempt, I'm being held in contempt. The judge walks in and greets me. He walks into the cell and says, "Let's have a talk." I nod in agreement. "If it was up to me, you wouldn't be in here. But it's not, it's up to the law. Which is why you can't go after Daniel again. But I understand your pain Rebecca. Chief was my son. My son was murdered by the man I'm convicting. Which is why this case will be over soon. Rebecca, you're young. You're twenty two years old and have dealt with more in two years than most sixty year olds deal with in a lifetime. But you cannot let your temper get the best of you. You have the power, he's the man that will rot for the rest of his time." He says, freeing me out of the jail bars. "Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow." I say, appreciative. "No you won't. I just privately sentenced Daniel Wilson to the death penalty. He will be put to death on January 19th. I'm inviting you to watch, and say anything you want to him." I can't help but hug the judge. "Thank you. Thank you so much for ending him. I'll be there." All of my things were destroyed in the hotel bombing. The pictures with my family, my books, all of it. All except one of the most important things to me. The bracelet and ring that Derek got me. I never stopped wearing those cherished pieces of jewelry, and I never will.
January 19th
"Today, we fight. We fight with ourselves, we fight against all odds and we watch the man who harassed dozens die. He's gotten satisfaction from killing many. And while we'll never be him, now we get to feel the pleasure of killing the man who killed our family, our friends, our neighbors, our co-workers, and overall the people we love. Today, of all the painful days, we get revenge. I also want to issue an apology, where it's due. I'm sorry to the people I couldn't save. I'm sorry to the mothers and fathers who saw there children get killed. I'm sorry to all the innocent victims of Daniel's doing. But I'm also sorry to myself. I've let my anger turn into rage and my love turn into guilt. Today, we learn the definition of justice." I say, making a statement to the public and to the cameras of the reporters. "Yeah!" The people with posters scream. "Die Daniel die. Daniel's gonna die." People are shouting. We are happy. We feel free, even though we know we are not. Daniel, my tormentor, is going to die and I get to sit in the pure joy of watching him. I go up to the board he is laying on and say, "You thought you were going to win. You thought everything you did you would get away with. But now, you won't rot behind bars. You'll rot in hell. Every time I think of you, I'll spit on the ground. Because below that concrete, you'll be rotting. And I hope that when the devil does get to you, he rips your fucking eye balls out." He doesn't reply. For once, he's speechless. I'm put in a different room, and watch through glass. The needle goes into his neck, and I watch as he dies a poisonous death. I text Jayden, "He's finally gone." I walk outside, arm in arm with the judge, and shout, "Daniel Wilson has been killed!" Out of happiness.

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