Chapter Nineteen

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"So what happened with your ex?" I ask Derek.
We're sitting in bed with wine, having great conversation. "She cheated on me." He responds. Thinking of him getting his heart broken infuriates me. "Did you catch them together?" "Yes. They were doing it in my apartment." "That's fucking ridiculous. I'm sorry you had to go through that." I say, sympathetically, yet angered. "Don't be. Emily's stupid decision led me to you." He says, gratefully. "Let's go for a swim." I suggest. He follows me to the water, and is surprised when I begin to unclothe. "What are you doing?" "Have you ever heard of skinny dipping?!" I say, excited. "Oh yes I have." He smirks. Naked, and following me into the water, I know that this fun won't last long. Tomorrow morning is our flight back, and truthfully, I could stay here forever. But right now, I'm focusing on the tranquil water hitting my bare skin. I've never skinny dipped before, but the idea of it has always been appealing. "How's your dating life been? I was surprised to find out that no one had locked you down yet." He says. "I had a few flings, nothing serious ever came out of them though. There's a detective I work with that I've gotten close to, his name is Peter." I say, honestly. I could see Derek starting to get pissed off, "Did you fuck him?" He asks. "Yes. A couple of times." I reply. He takes a breath. "Well don't fuck him again." He says, harshly. Honestly, now that I've been with Derek I'm not sure that I want to be with Peter again. However, that's my decision to make, not his. "Why should you have a say in who I sleep with?" I ask. "I'm not saying I should, I'm simply asking you not to." His tone is desperate and I could tell that he needs me to say no. Being cheated on hurt him, and I would never do anything like that. So, I reassure him. "You're the only one I want to be with right now." I say, honorably. Peter is someone I adore and like very much. He's someone I could go to for help and good advice. He's certainly great in bed, and has eased my mind many times. Derek and I aren't in a relationship, neither are Peter and I. Right now though, I'm only focused on my forming relationship with Derek. While I'm rekindling what was there, I'm still building a new romance with him. "I know you don't want to talk about your job, but how are your coworkers?" He asks. Should I tell him that I'm investigating a possible imposter who may be involved with the killing of my father, yet have been with him multiple times? I guess I could open up to him more. So I say, "It's been good. I've made some great friends, but there's also a situation right now." It's hilarious how I'm out in the ocean, completely naked, discussing a serious topic. "What's the situation?" He responds. "There's a man that Peter and I are suspicious of. He's been acting very odd lately." I say. "How odd? What has he been doing?" He asks. "Well, for starters, he's picked up a bad drinking habit, and every time he's drunk a thick English accent comes out. But he doesn't regularly talk like that. He's also been really aggressive at times, and we can't find any trace of him online. There's no history that goes with his name when you look him up." "That's impossible. That can't be his real name then." He says. "That's what Peter and I were thinking. However, he told me he grew up with a bad family and had to change his name." "I bet that's bullshit. Is his accent English or like mine?" He says. "It sounds like he's from England. Yours is thick and Australian, I can't fully tell the difference." "What's his name?" He asks. "James Herilson." I respond. "Haven't heard of him. How are you going to figure out who he is?" "I don't know. None of it makes sense and there's not one lead on anything about him." I say. "Do you have a picture?" I remember one time when we were on a date, I took a picture of him. "Yes. I do, actually." "Well lets get out of this ocean and figure this shit out then." He smiles. "Delightful. But first, kiss me." He swims over and wraps my body around his. He kisses my neck and goes to my lips. I'll never get enough of this. When he charmingly makes his way down with his fingers, I readjust the situation, reminding him of our plan tonight. If anyone besides Peter could help me try to figure out who James really is, it's Derek. Changing into clothes, we sit down on the bed. "Find the picture first." He suggests. "On it." I say. Searching for the photo on my phone, I can't believe just how many I have. Taking so long I explain to Derek how James went missing for a few days, just when all the crime was happening. "He needs to be investigated. This man could be dangerous, and I don't want you any where near him." "I have to be near him. That's the thing though, the closer I get to him the more I don't understand him. I figured it'd be the other way around." I still have sympathy for James though. A part of me still exists that wants to say everything was just a coincidence and he's a weirdo who develops an accent when he's drunk- but there's so much more to his story than that, I know it. "Did you happen to bring your computer?" He asks. "Yes. Of course I did. It's in the drawer." I say. He opens it and tries to look for James' information. Again, nothing. "He had to have gone through a background check when he joined the police academy." Derek makes a point I've already thought of. "He could've changed his name through the process." I say. "Yes. But he had to have had an original name. Did he mention where he's from?" "No." I respond. Finally, I see the picture. Clicking on it and showing it to Derek, he has a clear "aha" moment. "That's no James Herilson. That man's name is Daniel Wilson, and he's from Perth, Australia. Exactly where I'm from." "Daniel Wilson? Give me my computer." I demand. "I know this isn't the right time, but damn you're hot when you're bossy." He says. I smile and type in "Daniel Wilson" into the computer. On the first page, nothing comes up. But looking a little deeper, I finally see a result. News reports and blogs come up.
"Daniel Wilson, taken to a foster home after the murder of his parents. Cause of death was a poisoning of both of his mothers, while the child was sleeping. The condition of Daniel is still unknown."
Didn't Peter say James's parents were Lisa and Bianca Herilson? Those have to be there names, just with a different last name. I look further.
"Bianca and Lisa Wilson, two of the towns worst nightmare. Notorious for dealing heroin, murdering innocent people, and leading a rapist cult."
Oh my god. The serial killer gene is in James' blood. It has to be him. I look into the more recent years stories.
"Daniel Wilson, missing and accused of murdering his mothers. Daniel fled before the police had an arrest warrant. His location is unknown. With any information, please call this number..."
I've unlocked a key to everything. This is it. James Herilson is Daniel Wilson. I have everything I need right in front of me. I could get Daniel arrested for the murder of his parents, and if I try hard enough, I could connect him to the cult.
But then, I see something else that's eye opening.
"Daniel Wilson, killed in attack. Body is still missing."
"Derek, how did you know that was him?" I ask. "Well, after the police reported his death, everyone was suspicious. They went searching for him, but he was never found. He still has the face of the sixteen year old boy he once was. He was my childhood best-friend Rebecca, but after he was caught up in the accusation of killing his parents, I stopped speaking to him. And then he went missing." I'm shocked.
"Another thing that wasn't reported, Daniel had a brother. His brother's body was found in a lake near his house. I'm a hundred percent positive that Daniel killed him." "Was Daniel involved in the rapist cult that Lisa and Bianca created?" I ask.
"It was rumored that Lisa and Bianca didn't create it, he did." Then, something clicks.
The cult that I was investigating kidnapped only women, for so long. The cult is based on sexual and psychotic needs. Something to fill a pleasure necessity and something to fill a serial killer urge. There were so many women, yet only one man: the leader. To satisfy everyone, the women had to be lesbians. Daniel's parents were lesbians.
I have a thousand thoughts rushing through my head, I can barely blink. Daniel's the leader of a cult full of lesbian women, and he's teaching every single one of them to be a serial killer. He's turning women into his mothers, and he's duplicating himself into the men he kidnapped. I get a phone call from Peter at the most needed time. "It's about James." Peter says as soon as I pick up. "What about him?" I ask. "Check the news."
I turn on the television to the station that'll show me what's happening in Georgia, and see something outrageous.
"James Herilson, kidnapped. His father was found dead, with a note on his body that said "I'm coming for all of you." The Atlanta Police are investigating everything now, but the reason for this brutal murder is still unclear."
Derek and I both look at eachother, "Father?"

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