Chapter Forty One

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I now felt like I knew why this happened to me. This, all of this, was planned.
But it's what I didn't know that triggered me.
Peter finished raping me, and now I'm back to being tied up. I'm not happy I'm here, but I'm happy I'm finally getting an explanation. "So what? I was adopted?" I ask. "No. Your mother cheated on your father and got you. But your father looked after you. He kept you safe." "Safe from what?" I ask. There's something here that no one knows, I need to figure it out. "So why me? Truly, why me? Out of all girls to choose, why did you choose me?" I say. "You don't see it? You don't realize what's really going on here?"  "No! So tell me!" I scream. Then, I see him.
My father. My father walks out, alive and thriving. How is he alive? I watched him die. I watched his face be chopped off. How is he here? "How are you? What?" I'm excited to see him at first, but once I see he's made a deal with the devil, I'm outraged. "See darling, your father created this entire thing. The entire empire, it goes all the way back to him. He knew your mother was cheating on him, but he decided to stay because of who she was cheating with. Alan and Your father made a deal, if your father took care of you, Alan would let him take over the cult. So, he went on to work with Lisa and Bianca." Oh my god. My father. This all makes sense. Peter and Daniel targeted me because I was raised by there leader. My adoptive father created all of it. Dated back to when Daniel was born. "So why? Why'd you give me up for adoption?" I ask. "We were teenagers, we needed a break." Alan responds. "Than why did you re-adopt Derek?" I ask. "Because he mattered to me." "Wow, Thanks father." Pete says. It's ironic. I can't help but laugh. I think I'm going fucking crazy. Alan, Derek's father, also my father, Peter, my brother, My adoptive father, the man I loved, the man who posed as my father, what the actual fuck has my life become? So, I laugh. I laugh at how easily I was manipulated. I laugh at how my entire life was a joke. "Why the fuck are you laughing?" My father, adoptive father, says. "Because this has to be a sick joke. All of it. I fucked my brothers, and I watched you die, yet somehow you're here, you're all here." They laugh along. It's like we're one big happy fucking family. Oh god, if I'm related to them it must mean that I have the serial killer gene. That terrifies me. Alan comes over to me and cuts my neck. "Laugh one more time. Say one more fucking thing and I'll chop your head off." "That's an empty promise. You wouldn't do it, you have to many plans for me." "Yes, we do." Pete says, looking to Alan. Through all of the answers I have, I still have one question." "I have one question." I say. "Did Derek know? Was he part of this?" "Be honest Peter." Alan suggests. "No. He didn't know any of it." I take a breath. Derek wasn't part of any of it. He didn't know. Just like that, I take a breath. I'm relieved Derek was innocent. Out of just about every single person I've met over the past two years, Derek and Jayden were the innocent ones. Which is why I know Jayden will find a way to get me out of here. But when I watched my adoptive father get murdered, it felt to real. Someone died in my father's place, I just don't know who. "Who was it that died? When I watched what I thought was my father die, who was it that actually did?" I ask Alan. "His twin." "You had a twin?" I ask, confused. "No. We were identical triplets." "Oh." I say, shocked. "But Steven has nothing to do with it. Alex gave himself up for us to confuse you into thinking it was me. I'm glad it worked." "We have other plans for you though." Pete says, untying me. I try to run, but he grips my arm and throws me onto the bed. My adoptive father, and biological father, are going to watch my brother and I have sex. It's sickening. He rapes me over and over and over again. While the two men, the one who made me, and the one who raised me, masturbate to the sight. It's disgusting. After twenty two years of living, I had to watch the man who raised me be a murderer. I thought he loved me. He was my best friend, my hero. I was a daddy's girl. I thought he was Superman. Every single person has betrayed me in some way, whether they knew it or not. After Peter gets out of me, Alan comes over with pregnancy tests. "Go into the bathroom and take these." "It doesn't work that fast." Peter says. "It might though because while Rebecca was drugged, I inseminated her with your sperm." Alan says to Peter. I've been violated, and abused, mentally, sexually, physically. So, I run. I run out of rage, I run as fast as I can. Which is where I am Now- the telling of this story has taken place in my head, running far away from captivity. Running. I'm running for my life with no where to go. No destination in mind, but just running. I hear him. I hear his loud footsteps right behind me and it's when I feel his hand wrap around my neck, that I begin to panic. Is it really over? It can't be, I'm still his puppet. Which is why I need this to be over. Peter grabs me and brings me back to the place I'm being held, and makes me pee on the stick.
In a few minutes, I see the worst results possible.
I'm pregnant.

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