Chapter Five

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"What do you mean it's a man?" I ask. "His name is Paul Realer, he doesn't live in Florida, he was just on vacation here. He's a 27 year old man. No one was with him when he disappeared, but his girlfriend called the report in." "How do we know this is linked to the missing women?" I ask, firmly. "We don't. But Rebecca, I have a feeling it is." "Nothing is based on feeling when it comes to this kind of work, you know that Peter." "It's an inference. Someone broke into Paul's house, leaving not one trace of footprints behind, and entered the house through the bedroom window." Now I know, it has to be connected to the missing women. All kidnappings were done discretely, at night, with no DNA of the intruder left behind. "Why a man? What makes this one different? And why just one? There's twenty one women missing, one girl dead, and a supposed killer murdered." "I know that. That's what I'm putting into your hands, find out why Paul was kidnapped. What does he have, besides a penis, that makes him worth taking to this bastard." "I need to talk to the girlfriend." "I'll give you all the reports and information I have tomorrow. For now, go get an hour of sleep and meet me at the station at six." With that, we hang up. I can't sleep. I don't have time for sleep and I've already made coffee. I open my computer and google Paul Realer. I can't help but notice his handsome appearance. Another thing every victim has in common, attraction. They're all attractive and acceptable to social standards. He's popular on social media, and he has every possible platform. His Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, And Snapchat come up. All Public. I can't put my eye on just why exactly this man was kidnapped. Why one man to twenty one women? The ratio doesn't add up. I stay up all night, finding his profile's, printing out all the information I could possibly find on this man. At 6am, I arrive to the station and meet with Peter. He hands me a pile of papers filled with all the information of what happened the night Paul's kidnapping was reported. I look over all of the information and call Lana, Paul's girlfriend. At 7:30am she meets me at the station. Disheveled and looking heartbroken, she steps in and greets me. "I'm sorry that this happened Ms.Cavallo" I say, gently. She wipes a tear away with a tissue, and sits down. She's grieving, so I know I have to be gentle with my questions, but I can't help but deeply investigate. "How long were you in a relationship with Paul?" I ask. "We just celebrated our two year anniversary a week ago." She says, sobbing harder. "It's okay, we're going to find him." I promise, handing her a donut I bought for myself. It'll go to better use if she enjoys it, food usually brings people together. "Thank you." "Was Paul acting odd or out of the ordinary before he was taken?" I need to know this because if so, he could've been already involved with the kidnapper before he went missing. "No, he was being his usual self." She states, surprised by my question. "I need to know this Lana, just because I need you to recall the people he hung around, good and bad." "Detective, Paul never hung around with anyone bad." I accept the compliment she gives me by calling me Detective and move on. I don't believe her words. I understand that Paul was a good man, but everyone has a past, or an encounter with a bad person. He's a victim of abduction, which is horrible, but his need for attention/popularity on social media  has to mean something. The kidnapper wanted this kidnap to be known. This one, being the first male, has to be different. The reasoning behind all of it has completely blindsided is all. After a few more questions, Lana is sent on her way. With all due respect, I got nothing out of the questioning that could be helpful. I call James due to his prior knowledge on this whole thing. I tell him to come over to the station and he does. "Why did you need me here? What's going on?" "Nothing new. But I need to know what the first woman's identification was. What exactly she looked like, every piece of information on her life before she went missing." "Got it boss." He says, winking. "Afraid I'll figure out the case before you do?" I joke. "Never." He laughs. A few hours later, I receive everything I needed. All the information. First woman who went missing:
Ava Emerson- Twenty One Years Old, Had moved out of her parents house at 18. Her friends recall her as a little bit "wild".
Struggling. That's what I had been doing for two hours looking into all of her information.
It wasn't until one week later that I found something that could lead to who possibly would be the next Victim. 
The Week Later...
I've gathered Pete, James, & all the other people working on this case, into a room. I've cracked something outrageous. "It's taken no sleep, a lot of caffeine, and an outrageous amount of research to find this. So, even if it isn't the biggest deal, pay attention." I announce. "I'm going to list everyone of the victims names, in order." I put the cards with the Twenty One women's names in order.
Did you catch it?
All of the missing women's names spells out
A Psycho U Will Never Catc
The next woman to go missing has to have the letter H as the first initial of her name.
Once I show the room this, Pete is infuriated. "He's playing games with us goddamnit!" He screams, slamming his hand onto the table. I don't blame him, I'm mad too. "Paul starts with a P though, this doesn't make any sense." James says. "Paul is a man. One more woman has to go missing and it'll spell out his phrase." I infer. "Yes, but the letter P might just be the beginning of a new phrase." Pete suggests, slapping his hand to his head, annoyed by the actions of this twisted man. "I want everyone to know. I want flyers all around the neighborhood. I want flyers put on colleges, houses, stores. Put them everywhere! The next person to be kidnapped will have a name that starts with H. MAKE THAT KNOWN." Pete's boss says, sternly. From there, we go to work on catching this kidnapping,murderous,harmful, psychopath.
Little did we know, it was right in front of us.

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