Chapter Twenty Six

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It's been to calm. Everything has been relaxed and quiet. Derek is still in the hospital, and I've been with him everyday. But, I am also staying in a hotel. TWO DAYS LATER:
Nineteen murders. Nineteen murders over night. All dedicated to me. Each person murdered related to people from the station here in Australia, and back in Georgia. Every murder left with signs and words leading everyone to look back at me and wonder where I go next. Truthfully, I don't know where to go now. One of the worst murders was Destiny Rayomi. Her lips were sewn together, her eyes knifed out of her head, and her entire body bitten. Engraved into her neck were the words, "This could've been you." Daniel hasn't stopped torturing me. The untraceable phone calls and text messages, the letters sent to my hotel room, everything has been terrifying. One man- Dylan Holter, left in pieces of flesh. Engraved right below his genitals, "Looks a bit like Derek. Maybe he's next."
The Phone Call
Waking up next to Derek, I feel better about life. But getting the phone call that would switch events, I'm horrified. "Daniel's gone. He's gone, and he's kidnapped Derek's mother and sister." Pete says. With Derek in the hospital bed next to me, I don't want to tell him. But I know I have to. "Where is there home?" I ask. He gives me the address, and I tell Derek I'll be right back. Walking into the home, it's a blood bath. Derek's mother and sister have returned, but slaughtered all over the walls of the apartment. A little 10 year old girl, naked, and in pieces. A devoted mother, placed sitting up on a bed, with a painted smile on her face and her eyelids pinned open to her face. We take them out of the apartment, and after a lot of examination, we get the results. Angelina, Derek's younger sister, was raped before she was killed. When doing the autopsy, we catch something crazy. But nothing has been short of crazy since Daniel unfortunately entered my life. There was something found in Angelina's private area. A letter written to me. Reading the letter, the words are surprising.
Rebecca, not everything is as it seems. Find me, and I'll let you live your dream. I want one thing Becc, you.
It's not signed, but I know it's from Daniel. "Find me and I'll let you live your dream." That makes no sense. Walking into the hospital, I see Derek in a happy state. I have to break the news to him. "Derek, I have something to tell you." I say. "What is it?" He asks. "Your mother and sister were found dead today. Daniel's doing." I see him shatter as soon as he hears the words. His eyes are deep and showing. He's in pain, just like I am. "I'm so sorry." I say, trying to comfort him. Even though I know there's nothing I can do to help, I try. "We can discuss the funeral details tomorrow. Do you want me to stay?" I ask. "Yes. Please just hold me." He says, vulnerably. Laying on the bed I put his head on my chest. He cries and weeps, and I know his whole world has been flipped upside down. Chief walks in and says, "We have a problem." "Give me a minute." I mouth to him, and he leaves. With Derek in my arms, I kiss him and tell him I have to go handle something. "I understand. Just come back." "I will." I say. "What's wrong Chief?" I ask. "A lot of things. Derek's childhood house is on fire, Daniel has officially fled and we don't know where he went, and people are quitting left and right." "That's a lot to take in. Get the fire department at Derek's house, fuck where Daniel went, I'm glad he's out of Australia, and we'll deal with him when we find him. Who's quitting?" I say. "Assistants, profilers, all the necessary people." He responds. I don't have to ask why, because I already know that they have been targeted, or feel targeted. I'm surprised I haven't fully quit yet. "We're not going to be able to change their minds. We just have to make an announcement to the world that we're doing everything in our power, and that we will bring justice to everyone.
News Report:
"Rebecca, what will you do to make sure no one else gets killed?" I get questioned. Truthfully, I reply with, "We do not control Daniel. Therefore, we cannot make sure no one else gets killed. Is it more than unfortunate that we can't find him? Yes. We are doing every possible thing in our power to get this sped up, and to find him and lock him away forever. But it's harder than many people assume." "Is it true that you took a break from the chaos and left Australia just a few days ago?" I hear someone ask. "Yes. I have been working on this case for a long time and after being kidnapped multiple times, and seeing the people I love die, I needed a break. But I'm back now." "Will you be leaving again anytime soon? Australia needs you." "I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. But if the case arrives where I feel it's best for my mental health, I might." I say. "No further comment." Chief says, leading me into the hospital.
A Few Days Later:
Derek is finally getting out of the hospital today and I'm glad. However, we also have a funeral to attend today, two of them. Derek gets dressed into a black suit, and I get dressed into a simple black dress. Everyone from the station will be at the funeral, and I will try my best to hold Derek's hand through this difficult time. We couldn't put them in an open casket due to their terrifying appearance. When Derek walks over to the caskets, he falls to the floor and puts his hands on his face. I get down on the floor and put my hand on his back. I let him mourn, in every way he needs to, and I help him get back up.
After the beautiful and peaceful funeral, we lay them both to rest.

That was the last time I'd ever use the words "beautiful and peaceful" In a sentence, again.

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