Chapter Twenty

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"Obviously it takes a man to make a child, but his father was never brought up." Derek mentions. "His father must have not been in his life then. You said he had a brother, were they both adopted or did either one of them have relation to one of the mothers?" I ask. "It didn't say." He responds. "We have an hour to get to the airport. Pack faster, we have to get to Georgia." I changed the flight once I heard the news about James, well- Daniel. "So how are we going to go about this?" He asks. "The man is missing. I'll tell Peter everything I know and then we'll investigate Daniel Wilson further. As for you, you should get home. Why were you in Georgia anyway?" I ask. "Believe it or not, the trip was meant for Emily and I. It didn't work out though." He says. "I haven't been home in ages, Georgia has become my life now." I say. "Promise after you solve all of this, you'll take a vacation again." He laughs. "I promise, but it may be a while." "Daniel Wilson has to be the key to all of this though. You have a huge piece of information, use it for everything Rebecca. You can figure this out." I kiss him on the cheek, "Thank you. For everything."
Walking into Georgia's airport, I'm scared, mad, and upset. In a few days I have to say goodbye to Derek. Right now, I have to focus on one of the most horror filled jobs. I feel blinded by a manipulating charmer, I feel controlled by my poor judgement and instinct. Through the months, and before everything, I came to trust James. He was someone I confided in. I slept with the man who could've killed my father. James visited me in the hospital right after I was raped. Oh my god, what if he raped me? No, no. It couldn't have been him. Come on Rebecca, yes it could've. I remind myself that Daniel is not someone I could trust, he's a fraud. He's a killer. He killed his own parents. I'll take him down, whether I have someone to help me, or I have to do it by myself. I'll find Daniel Wilson. When I do find him, I'll kill him myself if I have to. I watched my father get knifed down, chopped up, eaten and blended. I watched a man's skull get forced into a dying woman's vagina. I watched a pregnant woman get grounded into a meat grinder. I had to drink my father's body. There will be hell to pay.
4pm: Walking Into The Station.
I see Peter screaming and the entire team sitting at the table. "I need to find him, now!" He screams. "Peter!" Catching his attention, he looks my way. "Rebecca!" He says, running over and picking me up.  Derek becomes aggravated, but remains calm. Shaking his hand sternly, Derek looks into Peter's eyes and says "I'm Derek. Rebecca's close friend." "Detective Peter Vendelson." They introduce themselves. "He'll be joining us on this case. That won't be a problem seeing as I'm the lead detective on this case, right?" I say. "Not a problem at all, have a seat." "We've figured something out." Derek says. "Yes, we have. James isn't a James at all. His name is Daniel Wilson." Before I can finish my sentence Pete screams, "Kate, search up a Daniel Wilson!" "Sit down." I tell him. Standing up, I grab a piece of paper and a pen. "Daniel grew up In Perth, Australia.  Hence the odd accent he speaks with when intoxicated. From birth, he was most likely adopted into a family of two mothers. Those mothers being, Lisa and Bianca Wilson, two of the most notorious serial killers from Australia. His mothers were both killed, poisoned. Police didn't realize it was Daniel, and when Daniel was accused, he ran. He had gone missing, all while his brother was found dead. Sometime later, Daniel was reported dead, yet the body remained unfound. From what I saw on the inside, the cult consisted of Sexual & Murderous needs. Only women went missing for so long. They had to have been lesbians, the ratio of women to men didn't add up. The murders happened overnight. Daniel is turning women into his mothers, and copying himself into the men he's kidnapped. Is it a coincidence that James has fled now? No. He knows we're working to figure him out. We've found out who he is, and we have to find out where he is." Peter looks stunned. "Alright. This is a lot of information, but I'm ready to do this." He screams out for Jayden, "I want helicopters surrounding Georgia. I want information on the address Daniel gave us, I want information on the car he was driving, I need his license plate ran. I need the Australian Federal Police on the phone now!" He screams. Peter explains every thing to the Australian police on the phone. They act as if they believe he is dead, but when Derek picks up the phone and they hear his familiar tone, they become aware of the truth. "He's not dead god damn! He's missing, we need to find him! The past's information is important, but right now is more important! We can't afford for anyone else to go missing." Derek takes this very seriously, and I know he's this invested because of my well being. I grab the phone, "I need you to check the airlines and check every person's ticket coming from Georgia into Australia. I need eyes every where." This case has officially been taken more seriously than any other time. Peter calls a news reporter and tells them to come down to the station.
One Hour Later:
The helicopters are out, every one from Australia is involved, no suspicious activity is backed up to his address or his car. The news reporter has put out a statement regarding Daniel Wilson's truth, but he's gone. Nothing new has happened until we get the phone call. "This is Pilot Starkholm speaking, we've found a suspicious vehicle on the road. The car has been speeding on the high way for three hours, and there's been a call reporting screams from the trunk." "Peter get into a police car, now!" I demand. "What about us?" Derek asks. "I need you to stay here, by the phone and to update us if anything new comes in. As for me, I'll take Officer Jayden with me." I picked the tallest and biggest man in the room. "Peter, grab Melissa and make sure you both have guns." "Do you have yours?" He asks me. "Yes." I show him. "Good. Be careful." He says, hugging me swiftly. Getting into the police car, I'm glad I chose Officer J to be with me. He's intelligent and one badass. I make an announcement on the radio, "What was the color of the car?" I ask. "It's a green Subaru. It's a New Jersey License Plate number: L91, GAJ." Speeding up, I put my sirens on. It's time to make this motherfucker aware that we're onto him. When he hears the sirens, he speeds up. I get right behind him and say on my loudspeaker, "Daniel Wilson, pull over and get out of your vehicle. You've been caught." That just makes him go faster. This is officially a high speed chase. "Jayden, call Peter. NOW!" I scream. "He won't stop. He's going 139 miles per hour on a packed highway!" I see Daniel's motive now. "Rebecca, I have a wild assumption." Pete says. "What is it?!" I ask. "That's not Daniel. This is to easy for it to be him, that vehicle is filled with two innocent people! There has to be something wrong with this scenario, get next to the car!" We drive up faster and see it. There's a bomb on the inside, an innocent woman in the trunk, and an innocent woman driving it. She has tape around her mouth, & is being forced to drive the vehicle. Daniel isn't in the car. This is a self destruct mission for two innocent people, I can't let this happen. I shout on the loudspeaker, "Ma'am, everything is going to be okay. I need you to try and slow down." Then, I realize it. The woman is passed out, and there's nothing I could do here. But, I try. I get closer to the vehicle and recognize that what I'm about to do here is insane, but needed. I have to knock the car over. But I have to make sure the bomb doesn't go off, and the women remain alive. It's nearly impossible. I scream, "I'm sorry." Before crashing the car over. At first it doesn't work, but after a few tries, I get it knocked down. "We have 120 seconds to get out of this car and get two women out of another car. I'm going to stop the car, and when I do, we need to run." I say to Jayden. "We got this. Let's go." I come to a screeching halt, and we run as fast as we can to the car. The bomb says 80 seconds. Jayden works on getting the girl in the trunk out, and he does successfully. He runs across the way, and back into the police car. I remove the tape from most of the girls body, but there's to much. I hear Jayden scream, "There's no time! Rebecca get back here!" Theres 40 seconds. There's time. "Rebecca, let's go!" Twenty seconds. "I'm so sorry." I say to her. Running back to the car, we drive off. Jayden has the woman from the trunk in the backseat and is checking her pulse. Thankfully, she has one. I hear the car's explosion and am shattered. Looking in the mirror, I see the burning car. I'm devastated. I should've done better, I should've saved her. Tears stream down my face and Jayden puts a hand on my shoulder. "You did all you could Rebecca. There was no time." Jayden let the fire department know that there was a bomb explosion, and they rush to the scene. Driving back to the station, I get a phone call. "Rebecca. You smart smart girl, go home. You'll never find me and you let that sweet sweet girl die." I hear, in a dark and unrecognizable voice. It's Daniel, I feel it in my bones. "Fuck you!" I scream and hear a laugh in response. "I'll fucking kill you when I find you! Daniel, I don't care what it takes, but best believe it'll be me who pulls the trigger!" I say, and hang up.

That was my truth then. I was ready to kill him.

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