Chapter Seventeen

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He comes back in and puts on sweatpants. My favorite. "I'm going to go for a swim, let me know when you bring out the waffles." I say, picking out a bathing suit. Walking out in my black, stringy bathing suit, I feel empowered. I haven't felt this good about myself- ever. Opening the doors to the outside feels amazing. We're right on the ocean, and the water is crystal blue. I step in and feel the coolness of the ocean, such a stimulating feeling. I've always had an admiration for the ocean, and all the things within. I feel brightened under the beaming sun and floating on top of the water, I feel relaxed. I look up and see Derek walking out of the hotel room. His combed back hair, and slick body is fitted so perfectly in the black shorts he's wearing. When he sees me, he decides to jump in. He picks me up from under water and puts me over his shoulder. "Hey!" I yell, happily. His arms are flexed while holding my voluptuous body over him, and his muscles are appealing to the eyes. He puts me down back into the water, and kisses me on the cheek. A sweet yet passionate action. He wraps his arms around my waist, and I look into his eyes. He's so tall compared to my 5'4 body. I step onto my tippy toes and he bends his neck down, reaching to kiss me. As we get closer, the air becomes hotter. It's hard to catch my breath through the craving. I brush my lips against his, and stop myself before I can fully kiss him. When I put my finger over his lips to stop this, he says "Is this what hell or heaven feels like?" "Not yet. Just not yet." "I respect that, I really do, but that tiny bathing suit is making this extremely hard." "Would you prefer me in nothing?" I ask, mockingly yet flirtatious. "Mhm." He groans. I splash him and swim away. "How did your father pass?" He asks. I've always loved the two sides to him, one sexy and light, the other deep and conversational. To me, being able to converse with someone has always been important, and I've never gotten bored with Derek and I's conversation. I might be ready to open up. "He, he was killed by a cult I'm investigating right now. Right in front of me." Remembering the dark moments is the hardest part. Having the flashbacks come back to me, him seeing the knife come toward his face as he got attacked. Remembering his phone call telling me that Carlee died, is one thing that makes me want to give up. I love my job, but losing my favorite people have made me want to quit. Yet I know that quitting can't become an option for me right now. "We don't have to talk about this." He says, sensitive to my feelings. "I'm just so lost." I cry. It's ironic, I'm in the most beautiful place yet right now I can't see the beauty. I'm blinded by the darkness. "I thought this job was going to be like the movies and the tv shows. I thought I'd crack a case in no time and that all would eventually come together, but it's not Derek. Nothing has made sense yet, nothing at all. I watched my dad be butchered and I lost my best friend. It's the same disastrous nightmare that doesn't end and I can't stop it. I thought I would be better, I thought." He stops me before I can finish my sentence. "You are better. You're a good person. You're a talented, smart, wise, and amazing woman. You've gotten your dream job, and realized it's not a dream. That's not your fault, and of course it's going to be tough on you. Your loss is dejecting, and your spirit is damaged, but you are not broken. You will stop it, and I know you will use your incredibly intelligent mind to piece together every single thing that has happened, but it takes time and patience is a virtue. Please don't feel guilty or put yourself down, you don't need to shame yourself any further." I'm overwhelmed. His words, while not filling the hole that has been permanently placed in my heart, helps. His saving soul is lovable.
Derek's Point Of View:
I know she'll piece everything together. She's way more intelligent than she recognizes. Her eyes are glistening under the sun, and her face is the most ravishing thing to look at. She's always underestimated herself. I remember the times she would feel defeated when she wouldn't pass a test, and the times she would hate on herself for the way she looked. Honestly, while she's fucking stunning, it's never been about looks. It's always been about her enthralling soul. That's exactly the reason for my knowingness of the fact that she will solve this case. I want to be there for her and protect her from the demons she's been battling with and holding on to, but I know that's something she has to do on her own. This job is something that has consumed her and put her down a dark path, and right now, I want to make that go away. If I could temporarily cause the pain to be forgotten, I have succeeded. I want her to know she's worthy of every good thing in this life, including desire.
Rebecca's Point Of View:
"Look at me, and take a deep breath." I do as he says and breathe in and out. He lifts my chin up with his fingers and puts a piece of my dangling hair behind my ear. "You are so beautiful Rebecca. You have to know that." I know what's about to happen, and I don't mind if it does. He spins my body around and puts my back facing him. I press myself against his crotch and feel him. "Not yet. I promise we will get there, but let me do this for you. Let me make the pain go away." So, I do. I take his hand and guide it into my bathing suit. He holds me steady with his right hand as his left works wonders. He sticks his cold fingers into me and goes slow. His touch is awakening and while he's calming me by doing this, my heart is beating out of my chest. I've been with other men, but never like this. Peter, James, no one compares to this feeling, this sensation Derek manages to give me. He lightly pulls my hair back and begins to kiss my neck. His fingers move more rapidly as his plump lips suck the sensitive skin on my neck. I've completely disregarded the fact that we're out in the open and in the ocean, but I couldn't care less. Everything within me is dancing under his touch. There's fire between us. "The clit is based on purely female pleasure." He smiles. I nearly fall over as my legs begin to shake. My body's reacting to his in a way I didn't know possible. "Let loose and come for me baby." He says. With the repetitive moan of his name, I do just that. Letting go of all of my worries, I'm taken over by my orgasm. If it wasn't for his strong hands holding onto me, I would've collapsed. "Thank you." I say, breathless. "You don't ever have to thank me, I could do that to you over and over again." He smirks, wickedly.

Being with Derek was one of the best things to ever happen to me. While that's something to be known, so is the chaos that came along with our forming relationship. He unraveled information to me that I couldn't have saw coming, and for that I'm grateful. Somehow, someway; we were meant to come together again, because he would connect all of the pieces for me.

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