Chapter Thirty

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Picking up some decorations, I feel overwhelmed. Since I started this case, my world has been turned upside down. I lost some of the closest people to me, and I gained some. I've gone through more than I could've imagined. But overall, with the new year in just 10 days, I'm grateful. This time consuming and insanely hard job has given me the money to go on vacations and enjoy new scenery, and make some lifelong relationships. Entering the new year, I want to be able to mourn in peace. I don't want to remember how my father died, but rather what greatness he achieved when he was alive. I don't want to pressure myself and continuously be reminded that Carlee was alive and I did nothing to save her, but rather all the things we did for each other when she was here. I don't want to feel guilty for never forming a real relationship with my mother, but rather remembering the love and affection we had when I was a child. While I could never let go of how Daniel ruined some of my life, I want to let go of him. I want to forget about his touch and his voice. I don't want to have that burden on me forever. I'll be optimistic that we will catch each and every one of the cult members, and that we will find the culprit of everything. Lately, I have been having this feeling that I can't turn off. The feeling of knowing that Daniel wasn't a leader, he was a follower. He wasn't in control of everything, the timing just wouldn't make sense. In my bones, I know there's someone else who's more powerful. Even chief said it. I have 2 days until I leave for Christmas Vacation. It's go time.
Getting home and Googling Daniel Wilson, I see the live video of the protest. It hasn't stopped. Switching my concerns, I see that my suspicions have also been made by others. I click on an article titled, "New day, New leader?" "Daniel Wilson May be behind bars, but is there someone new leading this protest? A possible outbreak of serial killers and a new cult leader. Someone had to take over. Either way, I'm trusting Rebecca Donelli on this one." Her suspicions contradict mine. I don't think someone took over after Daniel went to jail. I think someone was already in charge, and Daniel had to much of an ego to reflect that. Looking into documents of prior serial killers, none were close around to when Daniel started his killings. So, someone was hiding on the sidelines. After thorough research, I feel like I'm going crazy. There is no one to be looked into. Daniel's brother could've been helping him, but why would Daniel kill him then? Unless Daniel was just making way for one leader. None of it truly makes sense though. Daniel was a serial killer way before Richard was. Researching the name Richard Wilson, there's nothing but good. Richard Wilson- a licensed psychologist, with a family of two. He decided to make a better path out of his childhood, rather than becoming his mother. Maybe I am going insane, maybe Daniel really was the only leader. That feels impossible though. With my brain stumbling upon my thoughts, Derek's touch is easing. He massages my shoulders and moves my hair away from my face, whispering the seductive words, "Let's take this to bed." Kissing him, I respond, "We can't. In a few days, patience is a virtue babe." I say. "Hmm, call me babe again." He says. "Kiss me, babe." I ask. His mouth intertwines with mine and I'm in lust. I want him. But I have to wait. "You seem stressed." He says. "I am. Make it go away." I beg. With a swift movement, he picks me up and pins me against the wall. He holds my arms against the wall, and bends down. His tall build makes it all possible. Tearing my pants and underwear off with his teeth, I'm aroused. He holds my thighs over his face and I push him further to my spot. He doesn't waste time as his face and tongue dives in, taking my mind and body to the most pleasurable state. He holds me up with one arm and uses the other to his advantage. Putting his two fingers on top of one spot, and licking the other, I lose control and become weak under his touch. Orgasming, I can't control my screams. Releasing his arms from his hold of me, he puts me onto the bed. "I love how only I can do that to you." It amazes me how he could get so much satisfaction of pleasing me when he physically hasn't gotten pleased. Although, Christmas Day, I plan to make it up to him. Laying down together, he asks me what I'm so stressed over. I tell him I don't want to get into it, and we move on.
"I have a gift that I want you to open right now." He says. "Why not wait until Christmas?" I ask. He hands me the gift, and opening it, I begin to become emotional. A bracelet with charms that say, "Dad, Sister, Derek." "The people I love." I begin to cry. He knows how much my father and Carlee meant to me. He has established a place in my heart over the past few months that is almost as equal to them. "Thank you, I love you." "I know they were the people who meant the most to you in this world. I'll never replace that hole in your heart that was permanently planted when they died, but I hope to fill the pain with happiness. You've gone through more than I can comprehend not only since you started this job, but through your lifetime. If it wasn't for this job, we would've never reconciled." He says. "Another reason why I'm grateful that I even took the job." Ruining the moment, again, I see an incoming phone call from Chief. Answering, I'm nervous. "Rebecca, there's something going on." He says. "What is it?" "The station, the body guards were taken out and it was ransacked." "How were the body guards taken out?" I ask. "Here's the thing, they were working for Daniel the entire time." "Fuck!" I yell. Of course, Daniel has to take over everything. I can actually say he was right, he is everywhere.

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