Chapter Eleven

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Opening my eyes, I see the room and people around me. Peter is sitting in the chair to the right of me, and I'm hooked up to an IV. I'm in the hospital. When Peter notices I'm awake, he comes over and kisses my forehead as he says, "How do you feel? Are you okay?" I feel drained. My body is sore and I'm starving. "Yes, I'm just really hungry and I want to go home." "What about mentally? What did you see?" I get flashbacks of my dads face being cut off, Dennis's skull being cut into, Casey's crotch being violated, the pregnant woman being grounded, and being raped. But how do I tell Pete that? So I respond with "I don't want to open up about it yet." "I'm going to go ask the nurse when you can go home, okay?" He says, sincerely. "No, please don't leave me." "Okay, I won't." He says, taking my hand into his. My crotch hurts, my back is stiff, but my mind is the most damaged thing. Pete presses the button for the nurse and she walks in aware of my awakening. "Hi honey. How do you feel?" "Not good" I respond,truthfully." "How does everything feel down there?" She asks. Pete looks confused. She notices the tension and says, "Do you want me to tell him?" I know I need to break down the barriers around me when it comes to Peter. "No I will." I look to Pete and say, "I was raped." Saying it out loud is scary but a slight burden comes off my chest. He shakes his head and looks to the floor saying "I'm so sorry." He comes over and puts his arms around me gently. His touch is warm and relieving. He makes me feel okay, well, like it'll be okay. "I love you Becca. I hope you know that." And even if it's not in a romantic way, I love him too. "I love you Pete. Thank you for understanding." "I have to do a rape kit on you. And a few other tests." "Okay. Just give me some time." I say. She nods and leaves the room. I prepare myself to tell Pete everything I saw. Every thing that happened to me while in that hell hole. "Have you heard about what happened to Dennis and Casey?" I ask. "No, ever since I got you and brought you here I haven't been in touch." "They're dead. They got murdered Pete." He puts his hand to his face. "What uh- what happened to you in there?" He asks, with difficulty. I take a gulp of air before letting out my words. "My dad." I cry before finishing my sentence. "You don't have to talk about it. It's okay." "No, I want to. He- he wasn't dead when he came in. They cut his face off Peter. Then they, they took his clothes off and took his insides out. They began to eat him, all of him. They blended him and they made me drink it. Peter I was forced to drink my father's dead body. Dennis and Casey came in on the same day. Dennis was sexually tortured while dead, and Casey saw her death when they burned her face off. They took Dennis's skull and they, they put it in her. There was a couple. They came in the same day as the older lady Pete. They all, they all got grounded into the meat grinder. I had to go to the bathroom on myself, I stayed in the same chair tied up the whole time Peter. I was tortured." I scream, "They're dead. They're all dead. My dad, Carlee, Dennis and Casey, that pregnant woman, they're all gone." I cry into Peters arms. "Shh. I got you. I got you." He says, cradling my upper body, supporting my emotions. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault. If I hadn't come here, none of it would have happened. Your brother, my family, none of it. They're all dead because of me!" My chest hurts and I can't comprehend my thoughts. I start hyperventilating and can't pick myself up out of the dark pit I've been buried in. "Breathe Rebecca. Take a deep breath. Count with me as you inhale, one." "One."
"Now exhale. Three."
I take another breath and feel a little bit better. I thank him, as I see the nurse walk in. He walks out and I take another breath. She performs the Rape Kit Exam on me, and I'm thankful when it's over. "Your vitals are good right now. I'll check up on you in a few hours." "Okay." I smile, as best as I could. Pete walks back in and smiles at me. Pete and I are in the middle of a conversation when I smell a familiar scent of cologne, and see James walk in. "James!" I nearly shout. "Hey Becc. How are you?" He asks, coming over and hugging me. Pete gets up, annoyed and says "Her name is Rebecca." Into James's ear as he leaves the room. "I'm working on being okay. How are you? Why are you here?" "I got a phone call from Michael Holmes, he's taken over for The Chief Of Police. He said he wanted me here since I worked with Peter in the beginning of it all." "I missed you." I say. "As I did you." He says, kissing me on the lips. I gently push him away as I say, "I'm not ready for that yet." "Take your time. I need to get back to the station, but call me if you need anything." When James leaves, I hear arguing in the hall. Pete walks in with an expression of aggravation. "What happened?" I ask. "Nothing. I've just never liked that guy." "Why? He's sweet." I argue, in defense of James. "Yeah, he's real fucking nice." This is the first time I've seen Peter so mad. In a way, it's attractive. "Why do you hate him so much?" I ask. "He has things hidden in his closet that you don't know about Rebecca." "He's a police officer, how bad could his secrets be?" I ask. "The only reason he became a police officer is because his mother and sister became the worlds most notorious serial killers first." "Who were they?" I ask. "Lisa and Bianca Herilson." Oh my god. "You mean the Lisa and Bianca Herilson? Two of the biggest serial killers of the years 2003-2009?" "Yes. Those exact people." He responds. "Well those are just in relation to him, his family members doing doesn't define who he is." "I wouldn't be to sure of that. Ever look into his profile?" He says, suggestively. "No, I haven't." I lie. Yes I have, I should've said. "Well there isn't one. He's not known in Florida, he's not known of being anywhere. It's odd isn't it?" "Maybe he changed his name." I suggest, remembering James's telling of his life-story. "Even if he did, his profile would be seen on the Internet. Especially with the technology we have back at the station, he should be known and he isn't. I don't even know how he got the job he has." I could see Pete getting more stressed out as he goes on about it. "Let's not talk about that. Let's not talk about anything bad right now. What's your favorite dessert?" I ask. He laughs. "It's ironic. You're in a hospital bed, suffering, asking me what my favorite dessert is." "Don't pity me. I like Tartufo, what about you?" "Chocolate covered fruit. I like sweet things." He says, eyeing me. "I'm sweet." I laugh, looking him up and down. "Well then I like you. Do you taste good too?" He asks. "Yes, I do. Maybe you'll get a lick sometime." I see him turn hot as I speak those words. Our flirting is on-going and through the conversation, I become aroused. When I get discharged, I ask to go home with Peter. He is the only person who has supported me through everything, and I would love nothing more than to be comforted by him right now. Getting to his house, I sit down on the couch. "They're going to question you about some things tomorrow. Are you ready to open up?" He asks. "Yes, I'm ready." "Detective Peter Vendelson speaking." Pete answers the phone. I barely hear anything from the other side, but I could tell by Pete's changed expression that something has gone wrong. "I knew it." He says, hanging up. "What's going on?" I ask. "It's James. He's gone missing."

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