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I know some of you are mad, but let me explain!!!
First off, suicide is never the option. No matter what you're going through- suicide is not the answer. You can get through it, and I'm always here for anyone who needs it.
Now, for the ending of the book,
Yes, Rebecca and the two twin baby girls she was carrying died. Jayden goes on to be happy- get married- and name his first daughter Rebecca. He also goes on to solve the case and put away every single person who has been involved. Rebecca surrendered herself, so the torture of others would stop. Rebecca died so Jayden could kill every single cult member. She knew if she didn't die, everyone she would go on to love would be tormented. She fell for the bad guys- and in the end, she pushed herself to fall off the cliff to save herself and the people she cared for. ❤️

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