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Barry stayed around as Blur to help Cat stay safe but he got annoyed when Kara as just Kara came running through the elevator. "Ms. Danvers.", Barry said to make her look at him.

She looked at him in confusion, on how he knew her name. "What?", Kara asked. "I thought I told you to not come back here.", Barry said. "My boyfriend's mother is up here in trouble, you actually think I would stay away?", Kara asked, annoyed and Barry didn't say anything. But he did take her arm and pull her away to somewhere only they could talk.

"What are you doing?", Kara asked. "To talk about what happened here.", Barry said. "H-How would I know about that?", Kara asked. "Don't play dumb with me.", Barry said and Kara hesitated in panic. "I know you and Supergirl are friends. Just like how I'm friends with Barry.", Barry said and Kara sighed in relief. "Right.", Kara said with a nervous chuckle. "Who was that?", Barry asked. "Leslie Willis.", Kara said and Barry looked confused. "Are you sure?", he asked.  "Well, obviously, she calls herself Livewire now.", Kara said but now she was confused.

"But how could this happen to her? Just because she was hit by lightning?", Kara asked and Barry's eyes lit up, realizing what happened. "She didn't.", Barry said. "What?", Kara asked. "Supergirl did.", he said and Kara was intrigued now. "She's Element X. Normal electrostatic discharge intensified as it passed through her Kryptonian DNA, picking up unknown properties. That's what's created her.", Barry explained and Kara was taken back. It was all her fault that she's like that and she couldn't even be upset about it or Barry would have suspicion.

"She sucked up energy from both Supergirl and I. It's like.."

"She is energy.", they both said at the same time, and looked at each other in surprise. Barry stared into her eyes while Kara stared into Barry's.

"Uhh..but when she's not energy, she has a physical form that someone could punch.", Barry said. "Then we can fight her.", Kara said and Barry slightly smiled at her. "I mean you. You and Supergirl. If she decides to join. Because I'm not a hero. Clearly. I mean, look at me. I'm no hero.", Kara rambled and Barry chuckled to himself. "Well, you're perfect in my eyes, Ms. Danvers.", Barry said, making Kara stare into his eyes. "Uh. Kara. I'm..Kara. Just call me Kara.", she said before nervously chuckling. Then Cat walked up to them and looked at Barry.

"Blur. I need to talk to Supergirl.", Cat said and Barry hesitantly looked at Kara before looking back at Cat. "Yeah. Of course.", Barry said before walking out of her office. "And Kara.", Cat continued and Kara looked at her. "Go home.", Cat said. "What? No.", Kara said. "Yes. You should be home with your foster mom and your sister.", Cat said. "But Ms. Grant-", Kara started to say. "No butts. And also, talk to Adam.", Cat said and Kara looked at her weird. "I'm sure he would want to apologize.", she continued and Kara softly smiled before walking out of her office.

In an alleyway, Kara as Supergirl whooshed into it, landing in front of Cat & Blur. "Hello, Ms. Grant.", Kara said before looking over at Barry.
"You know, if you would just give me your cell phone number, I wouldn't have to do so much back-channeling.", Cat said and Kara slightly chuckled. "Now, you want to catch Livewire, so do I. I can draw her out, but then we all have to work together.", Kara said as she looked at Cat then Blur. "Sounds like a plan.", Cat said with a smile. Then Barry walked next to Kara, and looked at her as Kara looked at him.

"What do you say? Partners?", Kara asked him. "Partners.", he said with a smile.

"Lightning in a bottle.", Hank said in comms. "Or, technically, lightning in a portable industrial capacitor.", Winn said and Hank glared at him. "But anyway. Get it underneath her, spring it open and close it.", Winn continued. The electricity running through will be drawn inside. She'll be temporarily broken down on the atomic level, at least until we can get her into permanent containment.", Alex said and Barry smiled big.

"Cool, it's like Ghostbusters.", Barry said with a geeky smile. Kara looked at him with a weird look, like she's seen that geeky smile before or that geeky tone before.
"Sounds like a plan.", Kara said.

"You gonna tell us where you're going?", Alex asked.

"This is between me, Blur, Ms. Grant and Livewire.", Kara said.

"Based on the amount of power she's consumed, there is a very real chance that she's gonna be strong enough-", Winn started to explain.

"She can hurt us. I know.", Kara said.

"She can kill you.", Winn said, and Barry & Kara looked at each other in concern.

"We'll see you soon."

Livewire came up into the alleyway, where Cat told her to meet her while Kara & Barry were hiding. "Where are your bodyguards?", Livewire asked. "Didn't think they were necessary. What are your terms, Leslie?", Cat asked. "The only thing that you have that I want is your skin. And there are so many ways to skin-", Livewire started to say. "A cat. Wow. Good job. You have the wit of a YouTube comment. Bravo.", Cat said.

"Are we going to talk or not?", Cat asked. "Not.", Livewire said them was about to shoot her. "Leslie!" Livewire turned around and saw Kara standing there with her arms crossed.

"Where's your partner?", Livewire asked but Kara didn't say anything. "Too bad. I'd like to see one see the other one die.", Livewire said but then Barry walked out, with his arms crossed, standing next to Kara, as he was setting up the device beforehand. "Oh, goody.", Livewire said before shooting at them but they quickly moved to the side. They started to fight her and they purposely got her close towards the device but she saw it and crushed it with her foot.

"Nice try.", she said before shooting Barry, sending him to the ground, him groaning. "Blur!", Kara yelled before looking at Livewire with venom in her eyes. She immediately punched into the ground, pulling out a water tube.

(I don't know what it's called lmao)

Kara then used it on Livewire but she missed. Then Livewire shot Kara, sending her to the ground. She continued to electrocute Kara with a smirk on her face as Kara was groaning in pain. "I wonder if I have enough power to stop your heart.", Livewire said as Barry got his vision back and saw what was happening to Kara. "SG!", he yelled. "Leslie! Leslie, don't do this!", Cat yelled as Barry did. "You're better than this. You are Leslie Willis.", she continued and Livewire looked back at her. That gave Barry an idea so he zoomed around by Kara and picked up the water tube.

"If it makes you feel better I'll always give you credit for giving me my start.", Livewire said then looked back at Kara but to see Barry. "And finishing you off.", Barry said before using the water on her, making her pass out. "Water and electricity. Never a good match.", Cat said, staring at Livewire. Then Barry looked at Kara and helped her up. "You okay?", Barry asked and she nodded hesitantly. "Yeah. I'm okay."

𝘗𝘚𝘈. 𝘐'𝘮𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺'𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘚𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘍𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘩 𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘐 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘞𝘌𝘓𝘊𝘖𝘔𝘌.

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