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Supergirl Room

Kara walked, looking slightly upset, Barry following her. "Hey, everything okay?", Iris asked. "Fine. Any luck tracking the hack?", Kara asked Mon. "Uh, not yet. There are no signs of any malware or overrides, nothing is out of place.", Mon said. "Okay, and what about Ms. Grant's e-mails?", Kara asked. "All over the map.", Iris said. "How bad is it?", Kara asked. "I mean, I'm compiling a master list but it's always this strange, weird stuff like the fact that Cat invested in Jekyll and Hyde Musical.", Iris said.

Cat's Office

"I still maintain that it was an excellent score.", Cat said to Iris, talking about the musical.

Supergirl Room

"Has she sent in an audition tape to be on Undercover Boss?", Kara asked Iris.

Cat's Office

"Years ago, and only because Anderson Cooper dared me to.", Cat said.

Supergirl Room

"And there are 317 e-mails referring to Lois Lane as a-", Barry started to say.

Cat's Office

"Oh, please. I call her that to her face and worse. Is that it?", Cat asked. "For the moment.", Iris said. "Well, if that's the worst people might read about me, then I'm golden. The factoids couldn't be more benign. The board has to understand that people get hacked. It happens.", Cat said but Iris slightly frowned.

The Board Meeting

"In some circles, it's a badge of honor. It was bound to happen to one of us eventually, and in a way, thank God it was me", Cat said as she walked into the room where everyone was. "This hack is painting a rather unflattering picture of you, Cat.", one person said. "You don't build a company like Catco by being a wallflower and not having an opinion and a strong point of view.", Cat said. "Yes, but devil's advocate here-", another one started to say. "I, uh, I agree with Cat. I think we should follow her lead on this.", a man named Dirk said and Cat softly smiled at him.

"Oh, thank you, Dirk. And, ahem, about that one e-mail-", she started to say. "The one where you said I was the walking personification of white male privilege?", Dirk asked and Cat looked slightly embarrassed.

"Mmm. Well, obviously you're more of an ally than I thought.", Cat said. "Maybe you could take a sabbatical. Put some distance between you and the company?", another person said. "My company, you mean?", Cat said. "I don't think, at this point, that's necessary. I mean, if there is a smoking gun, the press is yet to find it. Maybe they never will. No, I, uh, trust Cat's judgment. Besides, if, uh, well, if things get too hot, I'm sure that you'll be the first one to step away. Right, Cat?", Dirk asked and Cat was giving him a look. "Absolutely."

After the meeting was over and Cat walked out to be met by Iris and Kara. "Ms. Grant?", Iris asked. "Did it go well?", Kara asked. "Mmmm. They all smell blood in the water. Keep going through my e-mails. No stone unturned. Whatever the press turns up, Dirk Armstrong is going to pounce all over it. He's as two-faced as they come.", Cat said before she walked away. Kara faced the elevator where Dirk and the board were in. She used her super-hearing to listen in to see what he was up to.

"Oh, we have opened the floodgates and the press is gonna do the rest. I think she'll be out by the end of the week.", Dirk said and Kara was taken back before grabbing Iris' hand. "What are you-", Iris started to say but Kara was pulling her into one of the offices where Mon & Barry were in.

"Oh, my gosh. Oh my gosh. OH MY GOSH!", Kara exclaimed as she walked in. "Kara, what?", Iris asked. "It was Dirk Armstrong, chairman of the board. He hired someone to hack Ms. Grant.", Kara said.

"How do you know that?", Barry asked. "I overheard him after the board meeting, talking about setting up Ms. Grant for a fall.", Kara said so casually but Mon & Iris gave her a look. "You overheard him?", Barry asked and Kara realized what she did. "Uhhh. Yeah. He talks really loud.", Kara said and Barry looked at her weird and she knew she was running out of excuses. She was gonna have to eventually tell him.

"Okay anyway, um, if the hack was ordered by someone inside Catco, that's gonna be a lot harder to trace.", Mon said. "So we have to find proof. We should talk to Catco's lawyers if you really suspect Armstrong.", Iris said.

"No, we can't trust them, they could be working with Armstrong.", Kara said but that gave Iris an idea. "But we do know someone who has a legal background who might be able to help us...Don't we, Kara?", Iris said and Kara awkwardly chuckled. "We sure do.", she said, uncomfortably before glancing at Barry.


Kara, Mon, Iris & Barry were all gathered around with Adam & Lucy sitting with them. "And this is a completely hypothetical situation?", Lucy asked. "Right, because, you know, if we were actually planning on going after the chairman of the board of the company that we all work at, that would just be insanity.", Mon said and Iris elbowed him. "Full-blown, career-ending insanity.", Iris said before they forcefully laughed. "Can we get a warrant to search Mr. Armstrong's office?", Kara asked. "You need something like a paper trail in which Armstrong directly references conspiring against Cat.", Lucy said. "Now, so let's say we get that proof. Then can we stop him? Can we get him fired?", Barry asked and everyone looked at him, as did Adam but was glaring at him.

"If you can prove Armstrong is colluding against Cat, his CEO, then we're talking corporate wrongdoing. Forget fired, you could get him arrested.", Lucy said and Kara didn't know how to form words, she was so thankful. "Thank you, Lucy.", Kara said. "But go after Armstrong without hard evidence, and this is my expert legal advice, you'd be making things a lot worse for your boss.", Lucy said.

"An unknown woman is hovering over Catco Plaza, with, it seems, the same powers as Supergirl. Does she mean us harm? Should we be concerned?", a newscaster said, with footage of Astra in the air. They all looked at the screen, taken back.

"Uh, You, um, you have the thing, Kara, you asked me to remind you.", Iris suddenly said. "A thing?", Adam asked. "Yeah.", Kara said before getting up and leaving. "What thing?", he asked Iris. "Oh..she didn't tell you? Hm. Must say something about you.", Iris said, trying to play it off but to also be petty to Adam. "I'm her boyfriend. She tells me everything.", Adam said and Iris gave him a look. "Does she?", she asked. "Yes.", he said sternly and noticed Barry was staring at him. He gave Barry a dirty look to make him look away.

Kara zoomed up to the sky in her suit to confront her aunt. "Astra!", Kara exclaimed and Astra turned around to face Kara.

Kara immediately noticed she had no guys with her. "No bodyguards?", Kara asked. "No knife. No armor. No one besides you and me. Will you talk to me now? You can't say it's not fair.", Astra said. "We're done with fair.", Kara said before attacking her. They took their fight to the ground and luckily, no one was around. Kara got knocked down at one point but immediately got up.

"Again.", Kara said. "Just like Alura.", Astra said. "She was a better woman than you'll ever be.", Kara said. "She was a murderer.", Astra said. "Liar.", Kara said. "Oh, she called me a liar, too. She had to. Had to make someone else responsible for her deception. And cruelty. And weakness.", Astra said. "Her only weakness was letting you live!", Kara yelled before knocking her out.


Kara walked in, dragging Astra on the ground, leaving her with Alex & Hank. "Here.", Kara said before walking away. "Containment, now.", Hank said. "We'll call you when she wakes up.", Alex said. "Don't. She can rot.", Kara said.

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