they need Supergirl part 4

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"Oh man!", Barry exclaimed as he ran into a backroom that Kara was in. "What?", Kara asked with her eyebrows furrowed. "Supergirl is back! I knew she could do it!", Barry exclaimed as he sat in a chair and pulled up Iris' picture. Kara smiled at his amusement.

"You know, I've seen so many pictures of her recently. But. This one feels different.", Kara said as Barry looked at her with sparkles in his eyes. " does.", Barry said, slightly nervous. "Uhm...What was the first picture Iris ever took?", Kara asked and Barry smiled. "My dad. She would just mess around and take pictures of anything really but my dad was the first.", Barry said before he pulled out the picture of his dad and gave it to Kara. Then Barry got slightly upset.

"And then he went to jail.", Barry said and Kara looked at him, giving the picture back to him. "You look like him.", Kara said and Barry smiled at him. "Iris once told me that when you take a picture of someone, it's permanent. And you've captured the truth of them at that moment, and that you can keep forever. I..I think she's right. Because. Honestly, SG doesn't need powers to be a hero. I just wish she was here so I could tell her.", Barry said as she stood up, looking down at Kara. "I'm sure she's closer than you think.", Kara said, smiling a little then Barry hugged her.

"Barry-", she started to say. "Just shut up and let me hug you.", he said, placing his head on top of her head. Kara just smiled, feeling the warmth of his arms and how at home she felt. Then Iris walked in with some papers in her hand. They immediately broke apart, knowing that hugs will be put into different contrast.

"I- I accessed the DEO file on Superman...And Winn ran a differential analysis for me, uh, on the rates at which Supergirl might metabolize solar radiation-", Iris started to explain. "Iris..", Barry started to say. "You know, the long and short of it is basically that Supergirl might get her powers back if, um If they are reignited by a Kryptonian version of extreme adrenaline.", Iris said before turning around and leaving. "Iris.", Barry said before chasing after her. "Just..stop..", Iris said. "I know what you think you saw, but-", Barry started to say. "I didn't I didn't see anything.", Iris said quickly before there was a long pause.

"You know she has a boyfriend, right?", Iris said attempting to be petty. "Adam is coming back. And last time I checked he is still her boyfriend and still my bosses' son. Just being near her makes everything worse, Barry!", Iris exclaimed and Barry looked at her confused. "What are you talking about?", Barry asked. "Uh..didn't you..didn't Ms. Grant..", Iris stammered and Barry still looked confused. "So...Ms. Grant didn't say anything to you? About Kara?", Iris asked. "No. Why would she do that?", Barry asked and Iris was taken back. Then everything started to shake and rumble. Kara ran out to make sure everyone was okay but had her eyes on Barry.

"Everybody okay?", Kara asked. "Yeah, yeah, we're okay.", Iris said then there was an explosion. "Uhh. That wasn't an aftershock, that was an explosion.", Barry said. "It's got to be the gas line.", Kara said. "I'll check the stairs.", Barry said before running off. Then Iris ran to the phone with Kara following. "Please let nobody be up there.", she mumbled as the phone rang.


"Of course there's someone up there. Hi, hi, yes. We're just a few floors below you. Help is on the way.", Iris said on the phone to the floor above them then she turned to Kara, away from the phone. "So..I just lied to an entire floor of trapped people in a burning building.", Iris whispered to Kara then Barry came back. "The stairwell's blocked going up.", he said. "We have to at least get everyone on this floor downstairs.", Kara said. "So, what about the people upstairs?", Iris asked.

They all ran to the elevator and slowly opened it. "Where are they?", Barry asked, looking up. "Here, here.", Iris said as she got on the ground, but looked down. "Oh God. Why'd I do that?", she mumbled to herself.

"Uh, problem. They can't get their elevator door open.", Iris said looking away from the ground. "Okay, I'm gonna have to climb up and open it from the other side.", Barry said as he started to get on the sides of the elevator. "Barry, no, we are 23 floors up.", Kara said sternly. "I didn't say I was happy about it.", Barry said. "Barry..", Kara softly said and Barry looked at her. "Be right back.", she said. "I promise.", Barry said.

Barry started to climb the ladder up to some floors to the floor where some people were stuck in the elevator. Kara clenched her fist scared to see him go up. He finally reached the floor and slowly opened the elevator doors. "Okay.", he said as guided the people to the ladder to get to safety. "Okay. Grab the ladder. Here you go.", Barry said as he helped people get down and Iris & Kara helped them inside the floor.

"Careful.", Kara muttered. Then there was another earthquake and Barry fell off the ladder and grabbed onto an elevator wire.

"Barry!", Kara yelled then Iris looked at all the people they just rescued. "Go! Go get help! Hurry! Go on! Come on! Jeez! I thought I panicked under pressure.", Iris exclaimed as they ran off to get help. "Barry! Reach for the ladder!", Kara yelled and Barry started to use his body to swing towards the ladder.

"Kara! Get Supergirl!", Barry yelled and Kara clenched her fist, knowing she couldn't. "Okay! But just reach!", Kara yelled, backing up a little. But the wire broke and Barry started to fall to his death, screaming. The next thing Iris saw was the thing holding up Kara's hurt arm floating in the air. Kara had her powers back. Kara zoomed down to Barry in her suit.

She floated up with Barry in her arms then placed him on the floor with Iris. "Supergirl.", Barry mumbled. "You almost gave me a heart attack.", Kara said, slightly smiling, relieved that Barry was okay. "Well, I guess that's what you needed.", Iris said. "There's a city out there that really needs you.", Barry said and Kara smiled before flying off to save the city. First, she saved kids from a bus. Then from a burning building. Helped people get to the hospital.

Later, Kara in her normal clothes came back to CatCo to find Barry. "Barry.", Kara said, behind him and he turned around, relieved to see Kara. "Thank God, you're okay.", she said before embracing him tightly. He embraced her back, smiling to himself. He then saw the elevator open and saw Adam walk in. Barry immediately broke the hug, then patted her shoulder.

"I'll see you around.", he said before walking away, Adam eyeing him as Barry walked past him. Kara just stood confused before turning around to see Adam.

"Kara, are you okay?", he asked and Kara slightly smiled. "I'm fine.", she said. "Good. I'm gonna talk to my mom then I can take you to your apartment.", he said before leaving to Cat's office.

Cat's Office

"Ms. Grant.", Iris said sternly. "What is it, Iria?", Cat asked and Iris inhaled deeply. "Why didn't you ask Barry questions?", Iris asked. "Uh. Why would I be asking Darry questions?", Cat asked. "Well...Well, because aren't you still spying on Adam for him.", Iris said. "No.", Cat said as she placed her drink down. "What?", Iris asked as Adam entered the office. "Okay, Mom. What is it with Kara? Is she cheating on me?", Adam asked and Iris clenched her fist. "Well, excuse you!", Iris exclaimed and Adam looked at her, before rolling his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes on me!", Iris exclaimed. "Don't tell me what to do!", Adam exclaimed. "Adam!", Cat exclaimed and they all looked at Cat. "I will not be doing anything for you anymore.", Cat said. "What?!", Adam exclaimed. "You are perfectly capable of finding out if she's cheating or not. And honestly. I don't think she is.", Cat said. "But Barry-", Adam started to whine. "But Barry nothing! She is not cheating on you. Period.", Cat said, and Adam got mad. He stormed out of the office, then to the elevators, leaving Kara behind.

"Ms. West.", Cat said and Iris slowly looked at her, unsure what just happened. "Have a nice night." Iris nodded before walking out, grabbing Kara's arm and walking to the elevator. "What happened?", Kara asked. "I'm still not sure.", Iris said as they walked onto the elevator. "Okay. Well. I'm glad Adam walked off because I wanted to fly around for a little bit.", Kara said.

Kara was in her suit and was flying high in the sky, feeling happy that she had her powers back. Suddenly, something hit her and she fell to the ground. She landed on a roof with men in dark clothing surrounding her. "Who are you?", she asked and then a woman walked out of the crowd. "They're with me.", she said and Kara was taken back to see the woman to be her aunt Astra. "Astra.", Kara mumbled. "My dear niece. Did you really think this was over?", Astra asked.

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