kara & adam

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Over two years ago...

'We all make mistakes, have regrets from our past, things we wish we could go back and change In my case, my biggest regret is not being there for you. I know that my choices may have hurt you in ways I can never understand But if you're willing, I'd like to try and make things right between us. It won't be easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is. But life is short. And when all is said and done, there is nothing more important than family. All my love, Mom.'

Kara was still Cat Grant's assistant. Winn still worked at CatCo. James was still the art director at CatCo. Alex still was keeping the secret that she was a DEO agent from Kara. James was dating Lucy. Lucy was working for Cat. Kara had a crush on James and she thought she would never find anyone who would be 'her person'. Not even with James. But she still liked him.  Winn had just expressed his feelings for Kara but she just wanted to be friends but Winn didn't take it that way. He was hurt.

Barry had just finished college and started to work at CCPD as a CSI. He was still trying to figure out what killed his mother. And everyone still thought he was crazy. Iris just started college and was working at CC Jitters. Mon-El was stuck in space with no one way of getting out still.

The gang didn't know anyone. But this time marked the time of the start of a, at first cute romance, but turned into an annoying, quite toxic romance of Kara & Adam.

Kara walked into the cafe she goes to every morning with Alex to get Cat Grant breakfast. "Hi. Is Ms. Grant's latte ready?", Kara asked as she gathered Cat's food and coffee supplies. "I'm sorry.", a man said. Kara looked at him to see a tall man with the deepest brown eyes. He seemed like he could be prince charming.

"Excuse me?", Kara asked. "I said, I'm sorry. That you have to work for Cat Grant. I hear she's a piece of work.", the man said. "A reputation she proudly fosters.", Kara said as she walked back to her bag of breakfast supplies and the man followed her. "Is she really as horrible as everyone says? You know, breathes fire. Eats babies.", the man said. "Ms. Grant is tough, but she's amazing. Not only at her job, but as a person. She's pretty badass.", Kara said. "Does she pay you to say all that?", the man asked. "No.", Kara said and the man had an expression like he didn't believe anything about Cat Grant was good. "Well, maybe one day you'll meet her and form your own opinion, instead of listening to rumors.", Kara said. "Well, she's very lucky to have you.", he said and she caught herself staring at him, with a smile. "I think that latte's ready.", Alex cut in and Kara blinked her stare away. "Oh.", Kara said as she grabbed the latte and put it on the cup-holder. "You better run.", the man said and Kara smiled at him before walking away with the latte, the breakfast, and Alex. "Please tell me you realized that guy was flirting with you.", Alex said and Kara looked at her sister in disbelief. "No. I would not call that flirting. He was- He was friendly.", Kara said and Alex rolled her eyes. "Oh. You're hopeless.", Alex said before they walked out of the cafe.


Cat Grant and some of her employees were in a meeting to talk about the upcoming news that would be headed their way. "Miranda Crane is in town. She is a lightning rod for bigots, hippies, and aliens, and yes, that is the order in which I detest them. Our top reporter has made the mistake of dumping Catco for a cash grab at Vanity Fair. His ruin will be swift and merciless, thanks to Lucy, who will serve him a lawsuit by the end of today.", Cat said and Lucy looked at her awkwardly. "That's not how it works-", Lucy started to say. "By the end of today.", Cat said, giving Lucy a look and she nodded. "Meanwhile, we need someone to get to the rally. Ker-rah, get me a list of who's available.", Cat said and Kara started to trype on her tablet but then-"Actually, I'll do it.", James cut in. "You have layouts to do. Ker-rah-", Cat started to say. "Uh, Ms. Grant. Nothing that can't spare an hour. And with all due respect, I'm the most experienced photojournalist you have. And with my connection to a very famous alien, I may just be able to get us a good quote from Senator Crane.", James said. "You better get us a quote that will offend virtually everyone.", Cat said and James nodded. "That's all.", she said and everyone got up and left the meeting. "Ms. Grant..", Kara started to say as she followed Cat out of the meeting. "If you hate bigots more than aliens, then, why are you giving Senator Crane so much attention? She's horrible.", Kara said. "Because, Ker-rah, while bigots will always take the gold on the medal podium of my contempt, they make excellent click-bait. Also, the more they talk, the more they sabotage themselves. It's a magical implosion happening right before our very-", Cat started to say as they walked towards her office but stopped when they saw someone was in her office.

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