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At the computers, everyone surrounded Winn & Max as they continued to explain what was going on. "The Kryptonians were using Myriad for mind control because the frequency penetrates neural tissue. Now, they're increasing the frequency. Exponentially.", Max said.

"We're talking terahertz jumps. That's like using an Uzi on a mosquito. And we're the mosquito. Once the wave reaches its full potential, the electromagnetic energy will create enough pressure to kill every one.", Winn said and Kara sighed.

"I need to tell Barry.", Kara said.

"Let's not get our cape in a bunch. Telling him or anyone wouldn't do us any good right now.", Max said and Kara sighed heavily.

"How long do we have?", Kara asked.

"Four hours. I usually love a good countdown, but this is bad. This is really bad.", Max said.

"Think you can find the source so we can shut it down?", Mon asked.

"You're lucky I work well under pressure.", Max said as an agent approached Alex, Mon & Eliza.

"You're needed in the armory.", they said, and the three followed them, leaving just Kara & Max.

"Finding them will be the easy part. Defeating them with only you, that's our problem.", Max said.

"And to think I thought you'd learned by now, I can handle anything.", Kara said and Max looked at her before he started to walk towards her.

"I'm not trying to be an ass. I know you can handle anything. But I'm actually worried. And if the others were thinking straight, they'd be worried, too. You have no backup. Your sidekick J'onn J'onzz is injured, Mon-El is in la-la land and the DEO's resources have been depleted from the prison break, and even if they weren't, no human can go out there. Their heads would explode if they got too close to the source. If you go out there and fight, you might win. But chances are this is a suicide mission.", Max explained.

"You know I'll never stop trying.", Kara said, sternly.

"Believe me, no one's rooting for you more than I am. I just want you to know what you're facing, so that you're prepared.", Max said.

"I will stop Non and Indigo.", Kara said.

"Good.", he said before he started to walk towards the computers again.

"Hey- Don't tell anyone about my odds.", Kara said and he looked at her before nodding.


Kara walked off the elevators and looked in the corner to see Iris in pain, while drinking water and Kara knew that it was the signal. So she started to walk to her desk and Iris noticed her. "Hey.", she said before walking up to Kara but noticed something was wrong. "Whoa. You look like you could jump in on that lunch order. They just called it in.", Iris said.

"No, it's fine. I've had like, four lunches already.", Kara said.

"Really? Just, no offense, you just kinda have that little hypoglycemic I-haven't-eaten-in-25-minutes look.", Iris said before chuckling but then Kara looked at her with a stern expression and Iris knew something was wrong.

"I know I don't say this enough, or ever, really- Thank you.", Kara said and Iris eyed her with confusion.

"For what? You're the one that, uh, that just saved everyone from super mind-control ray-", Iris said.

"No, that's not what I mean. I- Thank you for being such a great friend always. A best friend. From the first day that I met you, to Barry ending up in a coma, to you moving in when I needed you, and my first day as Supergirl, your friendship and your presence has been one of the best parts of my life.", Kara said, saying good-bye to her, without Iris even realizing it. But Kara was going to say goodbye to everyone.

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