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Kara, Adam & Lucy were all at a local cafe just talking and laughing

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Kara, Adam & Lucy were all at a local cafe just talking and laughing. "Have I mentioned your funny?", Lucy asked while laughing. "And that would intend that you like me.", Kara said and Lucy slightly sighed. "I do. My father makes me say all those things.", Lucy said. "You shouldn't let him manipulate you, Luc.", Adam said. "Yeah. I know.", Lucy said. Then Lane walked in, and walked right up to them, looking at Lucy.

"I have a car waiting to take us to the airport, Lucy. We have a flight back to Metropolis at 1900 hours.", he said before starting to walk away. "Uh. No.", Lucy said and he looked at her. "What?", Lane asked. "No more orders. I'm not coming. And I'm not working for you anymore. I'm resigning.", Lucy said and Kara & Adam were taken back. "Kara isn't holding Adam back and Adam isn't holding me back. No one is holding me back because it's not true. I like it here and most of all, I like Kara.", Lucy said and Kara smiled at her. Lane looked upset and was about to protest.

"Oh boo hoo, she works for Cat Grant. So does a lot of other people. So..I'm staying..", Lucy said, with determination across her face. "I hope one day you realize what a terrible mistake you're making.", he said before walking out. Adam & Kara smiled.

"You're my hero.", Adam said before hugging her. "I'll try not to let that go to my head.", Lucy said before breaking the hug and smiling at Adam. Him smiling back. Kara noticed the looks being given between Adam & Lucy.

"Um.", Kara said before clearing her throat. "I'm- I should start heading home.", she said hesitantly. They looked at her and nodded. She stared at them before walking out of the cafe, walking down the dark night streets.

Iris walked into Cat's office that night to tell her she was going to head on home to meet Cat's mother sitting impatiently waiting on Iris. "Finally! My car was supposed to be here an hour ago!", her mother said and Iris was taken back, not knowing she was suppose to get her a car. "Oh! I didn't realize I was getting one.", Iris said. "How will I get to the airport?", her mother asked before looking at Cat. "Is this creature of yours some sort of unpaid intern? How do you justify paying a salary to such an unreliable person?-", she started to ask before Cat interrupted her. "First of all, I don't pay her very much.", Cat said as she turned around in her chair with sunglasses on. Then she stood up and took them off.

"And second, you don't get to talk to her that way.", Cat continued and Iris smiled big at Cat but her mother looked offended. "I understand, Mother, that you have always been threatened by my success and you try to elevate yourself by denigrating me. Which is fine. But you are not allowed to do the same thing to my assistant who, by the way, is excellent at her job.", Cat argued and her mother walked out, muttering things under her breath. Iris watched as she left then looked at Cat.

"Thank you for saying I'm excellent at my job.", Iris said. "Oh, it was just for effect.", Cat said before giving Iris a slight smile. "Have a good night, Iris.", Cat said and Iris nodded before leaving.

Barry was at his apartment, getting ready for bed when he heard a knock at his door. He looked at his door weird before slowly walking up to it to open it, not sure who would be at his apartment at this hour at night. He slowly opened it to reveal Kara with tears in her eyes. "Kara?", Barry asked before he pulled her inside his apartment. He closed the apartment before turning Kara towards him.

"Are you okay?", he asked and she deeply sighed while some tears fell down her face. "I had a bad night.", Kara said with her voice slightly cracking up. He set her down on his couch and wrapped a blanket around her then went to his kitchen and made some hot tea.

"What happened?", Barry asked as he handed her the tea then sat next to her. "Oh..well..", she started to say.

"Well I've been so angry that I can't be with you because of Adam and I took all my energy out on Red Tornado and I feel so drained. And after all this, I'm trying to work things out with Adam, trying to not think about the way I think about you but ever since Lucy came into town, it's like I'm not even his girlfriend. It's like, he cares more about her than me when I've done all this effort to keep it together because it's, I don't know, easier." Kara thought.

"Kara?", Barry asked. "I think..Adam might like Lucy..", Kara said and Barry was taken back. "He just..looks at her different than how he thinks..", she started to say but cut herself off, remembering how Adam thinks Kara looks at Barry differently than him. "What?", Barry asked. "Nothing. But..Lucy decided to stay and Adam barely even acknowledged I was right next to him so I just left. And came here.", Kara said, sniffling a little. Barry clenched his fists.

"I'm gonna beat his ass-", he started to say. "Please..", she said as she clenched onto his shirt. "Please just stay with me.", she said looking into his eyes. He looked into hers and nodded. She laid on his chest and exhaled slightly.

"Thank you, Barry.", Kara said before sipping some of her tea. Then she went to set it cup down but missed the table and the cup broke.

"Oh, my goodness.", Kara said as she got up. Barry ran to the kitchen to grab some paper towels to pick it up.

"Don't touch it Kar, you'll cut yourself.", Barry said but Kara leaned down anyway. "Oh. It's fine, Bar.", Kara said as she started to pick up the broken pieces but then winced in pain. Barry looked back at her and saw she cut her finger and blood was running down her finger.

"Kara, I told you not to touch it.", Barry said as he went back to getting paper towels. Kara just stared at her finger, confused and everything she knew about her powers, she wasn't even fully aware of everything because why else would she be bleeding? "Are you okay?", Barry asked. "I'm..bleeding.", Kara whispered.

It's gonna be a while before the next post of this FF. I want to be able to write the rest of this book and have a schedule and be ahead. So bare with me. I might post a SuperFlash meme here and there to just let y'all know I'm still here but I just wanna be able to be ahead but once im on a good schedule with this book, I'll hopefully be posting all the time. I hope you understand:)

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