jeremiah danvers

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10 years ago

Hank Henshaw had everyone surrounded to talk about the next threat they'll be taking down. "Ancient Greeks had Hades. The Egyptians, Anubis. The Incas, Supay, the Lord of the Underworld, God of Death. Today, the villagers that live among the ruins of that Empire believe that Supay has returned to live amongst them. But this creature is no devil, it is an alien fugitive, the Manhunter. One we've been hunting for for so long. And we've finally found it. It triggered one of our Remote Outpost Probes where the Peruvian Amazon meets the Eastern Andes. That is where we shall find our quarry. This thing is the most dangerous fugitive we have ever faced. Your mission is shoot-to-kill. Gear up, gentlemen.", Hank said but then Jeremiah Danvers approached Hank as the rest of the men walked away.

"Sir, if this creature really is as old as you say, imagine what it's seen, what it might know.", Jeremiah said.

"The only thing I wanna know is the color of its blood. So check your bleeding heart at the armory and man up, Agent Danvers.", Hank said before walking away.

Peruvian Amazon

Hank was leading an army of his men, one including Jeremiah to try and find the Manhunter. "Thermal tracker indicates the target has been active within a two mile radius. Prepare to put up a fight. He will not go quietly. Let's move out.", Hank said as his men separated. Jeremiah went on his own path, miles and miles away from the team. As he was walking, he heard a snake hissing. He turned around to find a huge yellow snake, coming right for him. In fear, he tripped and fell on his butt. The snake got closer and closer and Jeremiah didn't know how to think. But then someone took the snake, saving Jeremiah from getting bitten. He looked up at his savior to see the Manhunter.

Present Day

Barry & Kara continued to watch the screen, worried about their friend. "They've been in there for hours. We have to get in there.", Kara said.

"And implicate ourselves as accessories? We won't be any use to Hank if they lock us up with him.", Barry said.

"I'd like to see them try and lock me up.", Kara said and Barry looked at her with a slight smile. He loved her confidence.

"You can't expect us to believe you saved Jeremiah Danvers. He was on a mission to kill you.", Lucy said to J'onn.

"You asked for the truth.", J'onn said.

"What is truth to you, J'onn? Huh? Wearing skin that doesn't belong to you? Or pretending to be someone or something you're not?", Harper asked. "I did not kill Jeremiah Danvers.", J'onn said. "Then how did he die?", Lucy asked and J'onn sighed.

10 years ago
Peruvian Amazon

It was late, and cold. Jeremiah was sitting in front of a fire that he made as the Manhunter was a couple feet away. Jeremiah noticed that the Manhunter was purposely trying to stay away from the fire. "Fire won't kill you. But it will prevent me from freezing to death tonight. Unless you're willing to cuddle.", Jeremiah said, trying to lighten the mood but the Manhunter still stayed away. "You don't like fire, do you?", Jeremiah asked.

"My planet burned to death.", The Manhunter said.

"What planet are you from?", Jeremiah asked.

"Mars.", The Manhunter said.

"So there is life on Mars.", Jeremiah said.

"Was.", The Manhunter said.

"How many others escaped?", Jeremiah asked.

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