the civilians

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Kara & Peter were working on something to help them against Livewire & Silver Banshee. "So back on my Earth, I had a Uh, father figure, I suppose, his name was Tony Stark. Mr. Stark. Anyway. He uh, made so much technology that everyone is still using it. Well. I have a basic idea with these earphones to protect us from Silver Banshee's voice.", Peter said and Kara's eyes lit up.

"Wow.", she said.

"But there's only two.", Peter said as Winn approached.

"Mon-El just called. Livewire and Silver Banshee kidnapped Cat.", he said then the TVs glitched to Livewire.

"Hello, Red and Blue. Come to National City Park now if you don't want Cat's blood all over your hands or all over the street.", she said before she laughed maniacally then it shut off. Kara then turned to Peter.

"You don't have to do this, Peter. This is my fight.", Kara said.

"One for all and all for one.", Peter said.

National City Park

Livewire & Silver Banshee were causing trouble with Cat tied to a bench. "Think they'll show?", Silver Banshee asked.

"Don't know. Don't really care. Either way, I'm getting my jolts. You see, Cat, I'm still 50-50 if your heart's actually beating, but I'm gonna stop it anyway.", Livewire said.

"No, Leslie. Please don't do this.", Cat said.

"Begging? I'm disappointed. What are you so afraid you're gonna miss, hmm? Another silly award ceremony? Where a bunch of sycophants kowtow to the false queen and tell you how great you are?", Livewire asked.

"No. No. I'm not asking for myself. I'm asking for my boys. I'm all they have. Please don't take their mother away from my them.", Cat said.

"Hey, Sparky! Shrieky!" Livewire & Silver Banshee looked in the direction and saw Spider-Man & Supergirl. Then Spider-Man smiled and waved. "hi.", he said innocently. "Now. What do you say we step away from the nice lady? Settle this like women.", Peter said and Kara looked at him weird. "What? There's more of you guys here than me.", Peter said.

"Kill 'em both.", Livewire said then Silver Banshee used her powers on the two but nothing happened to them.

"What? You lose your voice?", Kara asked.

"What are you waiting for?", Peter asked before he started to web Silver Banshee, starting a fight with her as Kara ran up to Cat.

"What took you so long?", she asked.

"Are you kidding?", Kara asked. Then Silver Banshee yanked Kara towards her and punched her, sending her a couple feet away. Peter followed Livewire onto a roof and they fought back and forth in between shooting webs and getting shot at, but finally, Livewire was able to shot Peter, making him go unconscious.

"Zap.", she said with an evil grin. Right when Livewire got back on the ground, a helicopter flew by. "I hate helicopters.", Livewire said before shooting at it but Kara quickly flew in front of it, making sure electricity didn't hit the helicopter. But she took so much that she fell to the ground weak.

"She's hurt."

"She saved that helicopter."

Then someone came running through the crowds. It was Barry as he ran normal paced, trying to get to Kara. "SG!", he yelled as civilians surrounded Kara. When Barry finally got to Kara, he kneeled down and cupped her cheeks.

"Are you okay?", Barry asked with worry in his eyes.

"Leave her alone!", a woman said.

"Yesterday you people were ready to string her up. Now you're willing to die for her?", Livewire asked.

"She was willing to die for us.", the woman said.

"What do you say we thin the herd?", Livewire said as she lifted up, using her powers. Both Barry & Kara looked terrified.

"No, don't!", Barry exclaimed.

"Please, please.", Kara said, weakly but then a bunch of water splashed onto Livewire, making her fall to the ground and the electrocuted water got onto Silver Banshee, making her fall to the ground as well. Then the crowd cheered and applauded as Barry helped Kara up.

"Supergirl. It was our turn to help you.", a fireman said and both Kara & Barry smiled at him. Right then, Peter webbed down to them. "Are you guys okay?", he asked and they both nodded.

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