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Kara was leaving the office in an awkward hurry when Barry ran up to her, with his eyes lit up and a surprised expression. "Barry? You oka-", Kara started to say. "You're Supergirl!", he exclaimed and Kara looked at him with a terrified expression. All of her fears just hit her all at once like a truck of emotions. Cat knew about her and now Barry? How could this be happening?

Kara started to nervously laugh as Barry started to frown. "Me? Supergirl? How could I possibly be Supergirl?", Kara asked as she continued to laugh. "Don't try to hide it from me, Kara. It all makes sense now. Why you're always so secretive and why you're here and then not and Supergirl just shows up.", Barry said. "Barry. Seriously. I'm not Supergirl.", Kara said. "When you were sick, you said 'told you I'd be fine' when we were talking about Supergirl. Or just today. You told me you overheard Dirk but then told Cat something else.", Barry said as Kara got a call from Alex. "I have to go.", Kara said as she headed for the elevators. "Kara. You don't have to hide it from me anymore.", Barry said as he followed her. "I'm not Supergirl.", Kara said. "You are so Supergirl.", Barry said as the doors of the elevators closed.

Lord Technologies

Kara flew to the building as quickly as she could to find Non & other Kryptonians attacking DEO agents. Non, Astra's husband, looked at Kara when she arrived and approached her. "You remember me, little girl?", he asked. "You're Non. Astra's husband.", Kara said. "To think that you're the last daughter of the once-great House of El.", Non said. "You're gonna wish I'd died with the rest of them!", Kara yelled before they attacked each other.

They started to fight that ended up with Non throwing Kara out of the window. She groaned in pain as she tried to get up from the ground but was grabbed by the throat and pulled off from the ground by Non. "Astra was wrong about you. You're as weak as any human.", he said as J'onn ran out of the establishment and pointed a blaster at Non.

Non let Kara go and sped to J'onn, wrapping his arm around his throat in a throat choke position. Then Alex & some other agents ran out, pointing their blasters at Non. "Let him go!", Alex yelled but Non flew off with him. Kara looked at Alex with worry in her eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop them.", Kara said.

They went back inside to see Max stopping some DEO agents from going upstairs. "Stay away from up there.", he said and the agents walked back down. "Max, we need to secure the area. This is an active crime scene.", Alex said. "No, this is my property.", Max said. "This attack has been traumatic for all of us. They kidnapped my commanding officer.", Alex said. "I think the days of us partnering up are over, Agent Danvers.", Max said. "At least tell me what the aliens were looking for. They could least help us locate our man.", Alex said before Max gestured to Kara, who was watching him suspiciously. "Why don't you ask your pet alien? As for me, I'll protect myself in the future. Now, get your jackboots off my grounds.", Max said before he walked upstairs.


Kara & Alex walked in and Barry saw Kara and started to walk towards her but Kara moved Alex faster away from Barry. "So, Who's in charge now?", Kara asked. "I don't know.", Alex said as they approached Winn. "Hank classified the line of succession.", Alex continued. "We're implementing the emergency protocols now.", Winn said as he started to type on the computer and it showed up that Alex was the line of succession.

"Wow. You two really did bury the hatchet, didn't you?", Kara said and Alex took a deep breath before starting to order. "I want every satellite we have pointed at this city. Scan it block by block. And I want status updates every ten minutes.", Alex said and the agents started to go to work. Barry used this as an opportunity to talk to Kara.

"Kara.", Barry whispered behind her and her eyes widened. So she didn't say anything and Barry sighed.

"Kara!", he exclaimed softly but she still didn't answer then he crossed his arms, frustrated. "SG!", he exclaimed and she deeply sighed before turning around with a forced smile. "Oh, hey Barry.", she said. "Oh, don't play dumb with me. I know it's you, Kara.", he said and Kara started to laugh but Barry just raised his eyebrow and she slowly stopped laughing. "Sorry.", she said before clearing her throat. "But do you actually think I'm- Me?- Kara Danvers? Ha!", Kara exclaimed and Barry continued to give her a look. "What?", she asked but he didn't say anything. "What?!", she exclaimed but he still continued to stare at her. She even crossed her arms with a pout.

"Stop staring at me!", she whined and Barry started to smile. "There's my Kara.", he said and she glared at him before grabbing his hand and pulling him aside. "I'm not Kara!", she softly said. "Fine. If you're not Kara then you didn't leave Krypton when you were 13, then got stuck in the Phantom Zone for 24 years, then for some odd reason you got free then crashed here where the Danvers adopted you and you became Kara Danvers. Then you and Alex moved to National City where she became a DEO Agent and you became Cat Grant's assistant. Then you got promoted to reporter. Then you met me. Then you became Supergirl. Am I wrong?", Barry explained and Kara stared at him, shook at how he knew all of the information about her. "Okay, maybe I am Kara.", she said and Barry pointed at her with a big grin. "I told you!", he exclaimed and Kara deeply sighed. "I'm gonna be in trouble.", she said. "We can deal with that later. Right now. We need to focus on getting Hank back.", Barry said, still excited that he was right. "Well unless he has powers we don't know about, we have to help him.", Kara said and Barry nodded but then Kara's eyes lit up with an idea. "Maybe I can get Astra to tell me why Non took him.", she said and Barry gave her a worried look. "Are you sure you're up for it? I saw how Astra affected you yesterday.", Barry said. "Do we have a choice?", Kara asked.

Astra's Holding Cell

Kara & Barry walked in, sternly looking at Astra, while she glared at them. "Careful, little one. These humans are fond of their Kryptonite toys.", Astra said, glaring at Barry and Kara stood in front of him to keep him away from her. "Where did Non take Henshaw?", Kara asked, sternly. "I spent years in Fort Rozz. It's going to take more than a stern voice to scare me.", Astra said. "Maybe I'll have my cousin come down and the two of us can force you to talk.", Kara said. "Kal-El doesn't have the stomach for it. He was raised on Earth. He might as well be human. You are the true heir to the House of El. If you help me, maybe I can help you.", Astra said. "You're trying to manipulate my emotions.", Kara said. "But you're undermined by your own fear.", Astra said and Barry grabbed Kara's hand, so let her know that he was with her and she didn't have to deal with all of this alone. Kara deeply sighed, as she held his hand back, not as scared anymore because Barry was there with her.

"I'm not frightened of you.", Kara said. "Not of me. Of the truth I hold... About your mother.", Astra said and Kara scoffed. "This has nothing to do with her. This is about saving a man's life. My mother may not have been the woman I thought she was, but I know what you and Non are.", Kara said. "Are you so certain of that? Did Non kill you today when he had the chance? I ordered him to spare you because blood bonds us all.", Astra said. "Those are empty words coming from you.", Kara said. "If they were, you would not be alive.", Astra said. "If blood bonds us all, then why don't you just tell me where Henshaw is?", Kara asked. "Because blood does not bond us to him.", Astra said. "I couldn't disagree more. All life is bonded by blood.", Kara said. "You speak of your human family.", Astra said before glancing at Barry, who was sternly looking at her, not afraid of her. "The ones who have caged me in here.", she continued. "You've done this to yourself.", Kara said and Astra deeply sighed. "Then you have chosen your side." Kara sighed before walking out of the holding cell with Barry still holding his hand.

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