they need Supergirl

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Iris ran up to Kara & Barry when they walked through the elevators. "Are you guys okay?!", Iris exclaimed and they both nodded then Kara winced in pain again. "You've got to be really careful with that. Why don't you let me take you to the hospital to get your arm looked at?", Barry asked. "No, It'll be fine.", Kara said as they all walked up to Iris' desk. Then Kara's phone rang and it was Alex.

"Are you okay?", Kara asked when she answered the phone.

"I'm fine.", Alex said and Kara scoffed.

"Liar.", Kara said.

"Back at you.", Alex said.

"Arm's broken here. Which, by the way, a warning would've been nice about how much that hurts.", Kara said before sighing. "So, tell me what's wrong there.", she continued.

"We're on lockdown.", Alex said and Kara looked concerned.

"Wait, so you, Mon, & Winn are sealed in there with Hank?", Kara asked.

"It's standard procedure while we run safety protocols. Don't worry. Just keep yourself safe until your powers come back. And if they do, call me.", Alex said as Kara nodded. "I love you.", Alex said and Kara slightly smiled. "Love you.", Kara said before hanging up then facing Iris & Barry. "Okay, so, is everyone okay?", Cat asked as she left her office but nobody answered. "Anybody hurt?", Cat asked but again, no response. "Good. Sometimes it takes a shock to realize what really matters. So, if you need to go, if you want to go, go. Go be with your families.", Cat said and one worker left but as they did, Cat took a picture of them leaving. Then she looked back at everyone else, who was just staring at her in annoyance. She walked up to a worker by a printing machine.

"And you. are you staying?", she asked him. "Yes, ma'am.", they said. "Well, we need to get my station back online. People are scared, they're looking for information, and it is our duty to help them.", Cat said. "We're working on it, Ms. Grant. But the best estimate is four hours.", he said. "Unacceptable. Think creatively and get us on the air.", Cat said as Barry sat at a desk and started to type on the keyboard. "Hey, hey.", Barry whispered to Kara and she looked at him with her full attention. "You want to see some magic?", he asked and then the tv turned on and the news was playing. Kara & Iris looked at the tv in surprise.

"Barry, that's- Oh, my goodness.", Kara said before looking back at Cat. "Look.", Kara said and Cat looked up and was impressed. "Oh.", she said before looking at the worker she was talking to before. "Well, if I didn't have an issue with personal space, I would give you a hug.", she continued. "It wasn't me.", they said. "It was Barry.", Kara said and Cat looked at her weird. "Who?", Cat asked. "Me.", Barry said and Cat looked at him, not recognizing him. "Uh. are you from the satellite company?", Cat asked. "No, he's my foster brother. Who is almost here..every day.", Iris said and Cat's eyes lit up. "Barry? Huh?", Cat asked and Barry nodded, slightly confused, and Iris rolled her eyes before they pulled all their attention back to the tv.

"People need help now. This city's a powder keg. We can't wait around for the government to save us. Or Supergirl. Just when this city needed her the most, she's nowhere to be found. The world's most unreliable superhero. Let this be a lesson to all of us. We need to rely on ourselves, not aliens in capes.", Maxwell Lord said on the tv, promoting his company to manipulate the people to get money. Cat rolled her eyes at his attempt at using her brand for his.

"Look at Max. Using the earthquake as a branding opportunity.", Cat said in annoyance. "He's sticking it to Supergirl pretty hard.", Barry said. "Well, I'm not going to let that bloviating narcissist knock my creation down just to build himself up. Darry.", Cat said before looking at Barry, realizing she was talking to him, Barry stood up quickly and awkwardly. "That's close enough.", he muttered before clearing his throat. "You've proven yourself not to be incompetent. Let's start a feed in my office.", Cat said before turning around and walking into her office. Iris didn't think it was a great idea since Adam was making Cat be his little spy.

"Uh-", she started to mumble. "We are going to counter Max's message about my girl.", Cat continued before walking into her office. Barry looked at Iris & Kara.

"Knowing what I know about what you guys have told me about Ms. Grant, If I'm not back in half an hour, send- Send help.", Barry said before walking into her office. Kara looked at Barry go in slight worry. "Why do I feel scared to leave him alone with Cat?", Kara asked and Iris slightly panicked. "Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine. Let's not worry about it.", Iris said with a smile and Kara slightly smiled before looking back at the TV to see Max still trying to get money. "Max is spreading panic. People are already scared.", Kara said in concern. "What do you suggest we do?", Iris asked before Kara faced her. "Go down there and stop him.", Kara said then Iris started to chuckle. "And do what? You can't fly up to him like you usually do, Kara. I mean- This guy is waist-deep in security.", Iris said but Kara started to smile, thinking of an idea. "Yeah, but he loves preening for the press and lucky for us, we know a commonly known journalist from CatCo who has written many articles, Kara Danvers.", Kara said and Iris smiled, knowing what she was leading on. Then Iris ran to her desk and opened one of the drawers, grabbing Jimmy Olsen's camera.

"Also lucky for us, Jimmy lets me use his camera from time to time.", Iris said with a smirk and Kara smiled.

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