heard everything

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Kara & Mon walked off the elevator, smiled at everyone, happy they weren't drones anymore. "Mon..", Kara said softly and he looked at her. "Thank you.", she said and he nodded.

"Of course. Always.", Mon said then Iris approached them with a smile.

"Kara. Mon.", she said, softly. The two aliens looked at her with a smile before Kara hugged Iris.

"That's more like it.", Kara said, happy to be hugging Iris again. Once they broke their hug, Iris looked at Mon. Then she hugged him, tightly, so sorry what she had said and done. When she broke their hug, she looked at them with sadness in her eyes.

"Hey, listen, um- Just the things that I said to you- What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry.", Iris said and the two frowned at her.

"It wasn't you. This is you.", Kara said.

"Oh, and uh, thank you, for you know, saving my life. And James'. He would totally be here to tell you so but he went out of town as soon as everyone was back.", Iris said and Kara chuckled, before glancing at Kelly's empty desk. "Hey, Kara, nobody could have saved all three of us. Not even Superman.", Iris said.

"Well, the DEO is working to find Non and Indigo, and when they do, they'll pay for what they did. But I'm just happy that you're safe and the three of us are back together.", Kara said and they all smiled, happily. Then Barry walked off of the elevator and approached them.

"Oh, hey, Bar.", Iris said and he smiled at them.

"Hey, guys.", he said before glancing at Kara. "Hey, um, I think we should talk about that thing that happened, uh, right before Myriad struck.", Barry said as Mon & Iris looked at him confused. Kara crinkled her eyebrows, confused about what he was talking about.

"The thing?", Kara asked him.

"Yeah, the thing thing.", Barry said then Kara gasped before looking at him.

"The thing.", she said and he smiled at her. Then Iris & Mon had a realization click in their heads.

"Oh. Okay. This thing has nothing to do with us.", Iris said.

"That's all good.", Mon said.

"Yeah. We have other things.", Iris said before they awkwardly walked away, to leave Barry & Kara alone.

"You..told me you love me.", Barry said softly and Kara awkwardly cleared her throat.

"You..heard that part?", she asked and he nodded.

"I heard everything, I just had no control of my body.", Barry said, nervously.

"So..how did you..do..how do you..think of that?", Kara stammered and Barry was about to say something but then Cat approached them as she was walking into her office.

"The morning meeting was to begin 16 seconds ago. You people were more punctual when you were drones.", Cat said as people started to walk into her office and Kara knew she had to go. "Later?", Kara asked him and he smiled. "Later.", he said.


Lucy was watching J'onn lay in a bed in the med bay with Superman lay next to him. Then General Lane approached her. "Lucy.", he said sternly. She turned around to look at him, before walking up to him and hugging him.

"I'm glad you're here.", she said.

"Did you have any doubt that I would come? So, how is it that Superman is still down for the count?", Lane asked.

"We don't know. We're hoping he regains consciousness soon.", Lucy said before Lane turned to one of his men.

"You can re-secure the prisoner J'onn J'onzz now.", Lane said and he obeyed, walking into the med bay, cuffing J'onn to his bed.

"You're cuffing him? He's wounded. He just helped save this whole city. All of us.", Lucy lectured.

"What he has done subsequent to his crimes is neither here nor there, Luce.", Lane said.

"Don't you get it, Dad? As long as you keep treating everything as black and white, you're gonna breeding the same type of hate and resentment that allowed the Kryptonians to try to destroy us today.", Lucy said.

"I am trying to protect us. Especially you, Lucy.", Lane said sternly.

"And that is what is so sad. It's because you keep pushing me away. Like you pushed away Lois.", Lucy said before walking into the med bay, to uncuff J'onn from his bed.

Kara & Eliza walked into a room where they saw Alex & Iris struggling to lift up a table because their heads were hurting. "Hey, I got it.", Kara said as she walked up to them.

"Oh, no. We're okay.", Iris said but Kara made them step away from the table.

"I got it. Having your mind controlled is a lot for one day.", Kara said as she lifted the table back on its feet.

"Alex, I have to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth. Why did you and J'onn J'onzz really come to see me in Midvale? And why wouldn't you tell me? I can handle anything.", Eliza said and they frowned at her.

"Mrs. Danvers, you probably wanna sit down.", Iris said and Eliza obeyed before Alex walked up to her.

"Dad is still alive.", she said softly and Eliza was taken back.

"What? No. No. That, that's not possible. It's been ten years.", Eliza protested.

"J'onn saw into the mind of the man that captured him. They have him at a secret facility called Cadmus.", Alex explained.

"But why would he be there? Why would they bring your father there and keep him there for so long?- It doesn't make any sense.", Eliza said.

"I don't know. But once Non and Indigo are captured, J'onn and I are gonna go find him and we're gonna bring him home.", Alex said.

"We all will.", Iris said, and they all smiled. But of course. Max ruined the moment.

"Well, isn't this a Hallmark moment?", he asked and they all looked at him in annoyance.

"Don't you have someplace better to be? Like at Lord Tech? Helping your employees get through what just happened?", Iris asked.

"That's what corporate shrinks on retainer are for. Me, I'm more worried about what's still happening.", Max said.

"Still happening? Everyone's been protected. No one's mind is being controlled.", Kara said.

"True. But I went to see how much damage the Kryptonians had done to my LTE network and I found out that since we ended their mind control, the Myriad wave has been amplified ten-fold and is rising exponentially.", Max explained.

"Amplified?", Kara asked.

"Emergency rooms all over the city have been filled with people complaining about headaches. They're from Myriad, which, by my calculations, will continue to amplify until pop goes the cranium. The Kryptonians couldn't control us, so instead, they're going to kill us. All of us.", Max said and they all looked at each other in worry.

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