her plan

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Fortress of Solitude

Barry & Kara arrived at the doorway and Barry was smiling. "Has anybody ever told you that you are really fast?", Barry asked and Kara smiled. "No, actually.", Kara said. "Well, you are. But your turns are kind of sharp.", Barry said. "Hey, no one likes a backseat flier, okay?", Kara said and Barry slightly laughed before wondering how to get in. "So, uh, how do we get in? Where is it? Is there, like, a secret password?", he asked and Kara started to laugh before she bent down and moved the snow off a big golden key with the House of El symbol on it. "Seriously? He just keeps the key under the doormat?", Barry asked. "Well- It's a million tons of condensed dwarf star. So only a select few can pick it up.", Kara said before she picked it up and inserted it, into the cliff. Then a door opened and Kara smiled at Barry before putting it down.

They walked in then the door closed. Barry looked at everything in amazement. "Welcome to the Fortress of Solitude.", Kara said as Barry eyed a pod. "That's the pod that brought Kal-El, to Earth.", Kara explained. "This is so...cool!", Barry exclaimed as Kara chuckled. Then the walked up to a monitor and pressed a button and a robot approached them. 

"Hello, Kara Zor-El. How can I help you today?", the robot asked. "You know him?", Barry asked. "I, uh- We had these back on Krypton. They served as robotic helpers. Kelex, can you tell us anything about an obnoxious blue alien species that works with computers?", Kara asked. "Your description matches the Coluans. A highly intelligent race from the planet Colu. They served as supercomputers on Krypton, responsible for running day-to-day operations.", Kelex said. "That explains the cyber terrorism.", Barry said. "Were any of them prisoners on Fort Rozz?", Kara asked. "One. Her name is Indigo, a descendant of the Brainiac clan. She was captured while attempting to shut down Krypton's defense system.", Kelex explained. "What was she planning?", Kara asked. "Her objective, terminate the entire planet's population. She was deemed the most dangerous prisoner ever sentenced to Fort Rozz.", Kelex said. "Think we should run this by Director Henshaw?", Barry asked. "No. No.", Kara said. "Kara, I know you're upset with him. But that doesn't mean you have to fight this alone.", Barry said and Kara looked up at him with her blue eyes glimmering. "I'm not alone. I'm with you.", Kara said and Barry formed a small smile.

Next Day

Lucy was stressed and slightly upset that Barry forgot their date the night. Then her phone started ring. She picked it up and saw Barry was calling her. "Hey, Luc. I got some information. ", Barry said when he answered the phone. "What is it?", Lucy asked. "Okay, so an alien living computer is trying to infiltrate the US military. Now, it's the same intelligence system behind the website hack, and the attack on the city.", Barry said. "And how do you know this?", Lucy asked. "From Supergirl.", Barry said and Lucy paused. "You were with Supergirl last night?", Lucy asked and Barry took a minute to realize that he missed their date. "Oh, my God. I-", Barry started to say. "Completely forgot our date.", Lucy said and Barry sighed. "Yeah. Yeah, I did. I'm sorry.", Barry said but Lucy ignored him and continued to talk about the problem. "So I'll call my father. I'll have him alert Homeland Security that the military could be the next cyber target.", Lucy said. "Lucy. Just please try to remember that I would never do anything to hurt you.", Barry said. "Then how do you keep managing to do it?", Lucy asked before hanging up. Then she walked onto the balcony. Kara saw her by herself and realized she might be struggling with Barry so she walked on the balcony with a latte. 

"Lucy. So, uh, Ms. Grant's doing this whole green tea cleanse this week, and she rejected her latte from Iris. So, I thought you might like it.", Kara said before placing it down then they both chuckled. "Thanks, Kara.", Lucy said and Kara looked concerned. "Are you okay?", Kara asked. "I mean-", Lucy started to say before sighing. "If Barry is gonna stand me up for anyone, at least it's Supergirl. Kind of hard to compete with that, right?", Lucy said. "Look, I know you think Barry doesn't make your relationship a priority. But it's not true. He's the most caring, committed, passionate man I've ever known. He told me about how the first picture Iris ever took was of his dad before he went to jail and that he keeps the picture with him-", Kara started to explain and Lucy stood up straight, and crinkled her eyebrows. He had never even told her that his dad was in jail. 

"He gives all of himself to helping people. In his own way, I think he's the truest hero I've ever known.", Kara finished explaining. "He never told me that story about the camera. Or about the picture. Or about his dad.", Lucy said. "Really?", Kara asked. "Yeah, he has yet to talk about his dad. He told you?", Lucy asked. "Yeah. Yeah, it was, like, this- Small conversation, but you, um, anyway I'm just trying to say that Barry is an amazing guy. He could be with whoever he wants and he chose you.", Kara said. "Thank you, Kara. For sharing this. It helps a lot.", Lucy said before walking away.


Kara & Barry were in James' office, going over Indigo and the hack. "Ugh. I miss Alex. I save the world better when I save it with people.", Kara said. "Well, you are saving it with me.", Barry said and Kara looked at him, with a smile. Then Lucy walked in. 

"So, I've been thinking. Why start with a sleazy website like Diamond Discretions? What if it's not about embarrassing people? What if it was bigger?", Lucy asked before showing them photos of a General. "That's General Jonathan Mathers.", Kara said. "Who's that?", Barry asked. "He was doxed during the Diamond Discretion hack.", Lucy said. "But thousands of people were.", Kara said. "Yeah, but I think he's the reason it happened.", Lucy said. "Why him?", Barry asked.


Winn was at his computer hacking to try and find Indigo. "You identified Brainiac 8. You know her code. If you can successfully decrypt her signal, you'll lead us right to her.", Alex said. "You realize that I'm learning an alien coding language in the same amount of time it takes to watch an episode of Doctor Who, right? That's like- That's like really fast."


"Indigo wasn't looking to embarrass cheating spouses, or disrupt traffic or attack banks.", Kara said. "She was covering for the fact that the general was her target all along. She was looking to declassify his entire online footprint. That was the only way to tell.", Lucy said. "Tell what?", Barry asked. "Which high-ranking official in National City has access to nuclear missile launch sites.", Lucy said and they all looked shooked. "Oh, my God. She's going to nuke the city.", Barry said.


"Fort Pemberton is the nearest nuclear missile silo. But it's completely off the grid. No Internet access. That way, no one can remotely hack in and launch a missile.", J'onn informed.

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