red faced

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The next day at the DEO fighting grounds, Barry & Kara were staring at Red Tornado that she would be fighting

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The next day at the DEO fighting grounds, Barry & Kara were staring at Red Tornado that she would be fighting. "I don't say this often, but I am craving a good fight right now.", Kara said. "Had a bad night?", Barry asked. "You can say that."

"Well, just try to keep your cool.", Barry said and Kara looked at him before giving him a slight smile. "You got this.", he said before looking at her.

Then he walked into the tent with everyone else. "I got $20 on the android.", one soldier said, and Barry stopped walking, then looked at him. "Forty for the alien.", He said and they looked at him, thinking he was joking around, but he gave them a serious look.

"If at any point I don't like what I'm seeing, I'm ending this.", Hank said to Lane. "If you had any authority over me.", Lane said, making Iris, Barry & Alex all glare at him.

"Dr. Morrow.", Lane said and Dr. Morrow looked at him. "You can begin."

"Thank you General.", Dr. Morrow said.


The session began and Red Tornado caught Kara off guard. He tossed her in the air then hit her with missiles.

Barry & Iris slightly winced when she got hit with missiles. "Maybe she's not taking this seriously.", Lane said and they all looked at him. "She is.", Barry said and Lane looked at him. "And who are you suppose to be?", he asked. "Her friend.", Barry said. "Aliens don't have friends.", Lane said before looking away from Barry again.

Barry was about to protest but Iris stopped him.

Kara flew back to the ground in such anger and got underground, trying to confuse Red Tornado. She then jumped out of the ground and punched him. She just continued to punch him harder and harder.

"It's experiencing system damage.", Dr. Morrow said. "The test is over. Pull the plug.", Lane said. "Supergirl. You won.", Alex said in comms.

But Kara didn't listen. She continued to punch then his froze his robotic arm off. "Supergirl. Stand down!", Hank yelled in the comms.

Kara realized she was getting too angry when Red Tornado flew off.

Alex looked at Barry. "Go.", She told him, meaning speedrun to Kara. He quickly sped to Kara but stopped a couple feet behind her, to just normally run. "Are you hurt?", Barry asked and Kara looked at him. "No.", she said as everyone gathered around them. "She must have triggered his emergency self-preservation function.", Dr. Morrow said as Kara used her X-Ray vision on the sky. "I can't see it.", she said. "He's in stealth mode, making him 100% undetectable.", Dr. Morrow said. "This is your fault.", Lane said to Kara and she crinkled her eyebrows in confusion with her arms crossed. "You asked me to fight it. So I did.", Kara said. "An now your recklessness has unleashed an uncontrollable killing machine on National City.", Lane said before looking at his team.

"I want this thing found and destroyed before it turns National City into a war zone."

Kara & Iris got back to work to Cat yelling Iris' name. "Iria!", She yelled and Kara gave Iris a look. "Have fun.", she said before Iris ran into Cat's office. "Yes, yes, I'm here.", Iris said as she entered. "Finally! I have been screaming your name over and over for the past minute and a half."

"Ninety seconds I have been boiling alive in my office. Ninety seconds, each one of which, if amortized to reflect my earnings, is worth more than your yearly salary.", Cat continued to say, making Iris get upset, anger boiling up in her blood and she just wanted to lash out.

"One second of my time is more important than your pointless, sad, pathetic-"

"Don't talk to me like that!", Iris yelled, making everyone look at her. "Please! I work so hard for you! I don't ask questions, I don't complain, and all you do is yell at me and tell me I'm not good enough! And it's mean! Why are you so mean?!", Iris yelled, immediately realizing what she just did and covered her mouth in embarrassment. "Oh- I'm sorry- I didn't mean that- I- I don't know what happened- I just snapped-", Iris rambled. "Forward then phones.", Cat said, in a calm manner. "What?", Iris asked. "We're going.", Cat said as she walked out of her desk. "Where are we going?", Iris asked as she followed her. "Chop. Chop.", Cat said.

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