max helping?

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Kara & Mon eyed Max as he just walked back and forth. "Do Kryptonians gloat? Because I'll bet wherever he is, ol' Uncle Non is feeling pretty good about himself.", Max said.

"Why am I not surprised that your brain is intact, Max?", Cat asked.

"What is it they say? Only cockroaches will survive the apocalypse. Happy to see you too, Cat. You look lovely, considering the end is nigh.", Max said.

"Why weren't you affected?", Mon asked.

"Ion blockers. I realized the Kryptonians were using my LTE interface system. That's why they broke into my lab over Christmas. They're using my satellites to send neural signals directly into the minds of everyone in National City. These scramble the signal before they reach my brain.", Max explained.

"If you invented the technology that blocks Myriad, why didn't you give it to the DEO?", Kara asked.

"Once Henshaw and his Trusted Girl Friday stepped down, I had no one at the DEO to trust.", Max said.

"Well, clearly, not everybody needs this ear-wig thingy, because I don't have one and my brain is perfectly intact.", Cat said and everyone looked at her.

"I see you got the earrings I sent you last night.", Max said and Cat softly smirked to herself, realizing what Max did.

"Oh, I get it. Ion blockers in the diamonds? Oh, so many karats and yet so functional.", Cat said and Max chuckled.

"Didn't seem right for the world to lose Cat Grant's mind.", Max said.

"If it only targets humans, why was my cousin affected?", Kara asked.

"Nature versus nurture. He may be an alien, but your cousin grew up on Earth. It seems like environmental factors, being raised by ordinary people, made his brain more human. The Man of Steel brought to his knees all because he went to kindergarten and watched Sesame Street.", Max joked and the aliens glared at him.

"You think this is funny?", Mon asked.

"Everything I have feared has come to pass. I couldn't be more serious.", Max said.

"We have to stop them. They're using your satellites. Can't you reprogram them and destroy Myriad from the inside?", Kara asked.

"I tried. There are some pretty epic force fields around those satellites at the moment.", Max said as he walked onto Cat's balcony.

"You're always 10 steps ahead, Max. I know you have a plan.", Cat said.

"Of course I do.", Max said before facing them. "We kill them all.", he continued.

Danvers House

Eliza heard a door squeak and quickly ran to the sound. "Who are you?", she as she turned on the lights but revealed it was Alex in a blonde wig and J'onn as the little boy still.

"Mom! No, no, it's me. It's Alex.", Alex said, calming her mother down.

"Alex! Oh, my God!", Eliza exclaimed before embracing her daughter.

"Hi. I needed that.", Alex said then Eliza broke their hug.

"Are you all right? What is going on? And who's this?", Eliza asked.

"Oh, uh, yes, that's a little harder to explain.", Alex said.

"I don't understand, sweetie.", Eliza said.

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