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The men grabbed Kara's arms to keep her still. "Astra.", Kara muttered. "My dear niece. Did you really think this was over?", Astra asked before walking up to her, pulling out a Kryptonite knife and putting it close to Kara's face. Kara looked at it in horror as her face was consumed in green veins.

"Why doesn't Kryptonite hurt you?", Kara asked. "Kryptonite?", Astra asked as she let Kara go and Kara backed up to the edge of the roof. "Is that what you call it? It's just like any other dangerous substance. Shield yourself in the right materials and it becomes harmless.", Astra said as she gestured the thing protecting her from Kryptonite. "Afraid of a fair fight?", Kara asked with strain in her voice. "I don't want to fight you, Kara. I've been blaming you for things that happened long-", Astra started to say, as she tried to move Kara's hair back.

"Don't touch me!", Kara exclaimed, moving away from her and Astra deeply sighed. "Your mother always said you had the heart of a hero. I need for you to be a hero, Kara. It's time for us to be a family again.", Astra explained. "You're not my family.", Kara said sternly. "I know you hate me.", Astra started. "Good. We understand each other.", Kara said before falling off the roof. The men looked over the edge to see a deep hole in the ground but no Kara anywhere. "She's gone, General."


Kara walked in and walked up to Mon, Iris, Alex & J'onn. "Astra's back and she's up to something. And she has your Kryptonite knife.", Kara explained. "You didn't get that back by any chance?", J'onn asked and they all gave him a look. "I really like that knife.", J'onn mumbled.

"Wait. So the Kryptonite wasn't affecting her?", Iris asked and Kara shook her head no. "How?", Mon asked. "Oh, that's more awesome news. She has created a suit that makes her invulnerable to it.", Kara said. "That changes the game.", J'onn said. "Why'd she attack you now, after all this time?", Alex asked. "She's recruiting me for her crazy cause, whatever it is. She said Earth needs both of us. But according to the A.I. of my mother, Astra's idea of helping people on Krypton was blowing up government buildings, so-", Kara started to explain. "She wants you off the board. This could be the beginning of what we've feared since Fort Rozz first crashed on Earth, a city-wide attack.", J'onn said. "I'll head out now.", Kara said before she started to head out. "No, wait a minute. You need at least a few hours of rest to recover.", Alex said. "Now is not the time to big sister me, okay?", Kara said.

"No, she's right. You're no good to anyone if you go out there weakened and she kills you. Let's go home. You can knock her ass another day.", Iris said. "But it's my job to stop her.", Kara said. "No. It's not. It's Hank's.", Alex said and Kara & Iris looked at her odd. "Tomorrow. Come in and we'll spar to make sure you're ready, okay?", Alex said before J'onn nodded and walked away.

"You guys seem pretty chummy.", Iris said. "We were wrong about Hank. He didn't have anything to do with Jeremiah's death.", Mon said. "How do you know? ", Kara asked. "Just we do. Trust us.", Alex said.

"Well, okay.", Iris said as they walked out. "Ugh, I hope it's a slow day at work tomorrow.", Kara whined. "Me too.", Iris & Mon said.

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