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"You cut me off, dude!"

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"You cut me off, dude!"

"Shut up!"

"Who taught you to drive?"

"Go to hell, you piece of-"

"What are you, insane?"


"I just paid this car off!"

Two men were road raging while zooming down the road, bumping into each other. They were so concentrated on calling each other names that they didn't notice the group of kids walking in front of them and they weren't gonna stop. They were gonna kill those kids-

Then Kara stopped them by smashing her fists into the hood of their cars, making them come to a fast and hard stop, saving the kids. The kids behind her clapped for saving them. She slightly looked back and smiled at them. Then one of the men got out of his cat, with his nose bleeding. "You broke my nose!", he yelled as she looked at him. "Well, watch where you're going next time.", Kara said. "You totaled my freaking car!", he yelled then she walked towards him. "Before you totaled all these kids!", she yelled back. "You better get out of my face, you stupid-", he started to yell before attempting to punch her but she caught it and accidentally started to crush his hand. "Argh, you're hurting me!", he yelled as she immediately let go then noticed the kids were recording her.

Barry winced, feeling bad for Kara as he watched the news at the DEO. "Oh, SG. Not one of your smartest moves.", Barry said, before crossing his arms.

"Supergirl scared young children at a local school. Road rage and superpowers-"

"The news has a tendency of being more dramatic than they need to be." Barry turned to see Iris walking up to him, crossing her arms.

"Agreed.", Barry said. "Road rage!", Hank yelled, making Iris & Barry jump a little, turning away from the tv, looking at what was going on with Hank.

Then Kara walked in, in her suit with annoyance written all over her face. "What were you thinking?", Hank asked her. "They were about to run over an entire soccer team!", Kara yelled. "You cannot lose control like that!", Hank yelled. "Those two idiots nearly killed people, and you're getting mad at me?", Kara asked. "That's the thing. I'm not mad. I know how to control my anger. I suggest you do the same!", Hank said before walking away and Kara huffed.

"SG.", Barry said as he walked towards her. "Are you okay?", he asked and she nodded. "It's just really hard to take him seriously when I know he has something to do with Jeremiah Danvers' death.", Kara said and Barry nodded.

"Me too.", Barry said then Kara looked at the time. "Oh. I have to go. Bye, Barry.", Kara said before quickly walking away.

Kara & Adam were in at a café, having some coffee before Kara had to be at work. "Oh, by the sister is in town.", Adam said and Kara almost choked on her coffee. "Lucy?", Kara asked and he nodded. "On business.", he said and Kara slightly put her cup down. "I'm sure James will love to see her.", Kara said, trying to be positive. "Also..", he started to say.

"Her Dad will be here too and they both want to have dinner with us.", Adam said very quickly, leaving Kara in an annoyed state. "He's also on business.", he said. "So..your foster family is here..whom hate me..and want to have dinner with me..yeah that sounds like a great idea!", Kara exclaimed before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh, come on...Lucy doesn't hate you.", Adam said, meaning just Lucy, not her dad, and Kara gave him a look. "I know you think he doesn't like you-", Adam started to say. "He does, Adam. He's made it very clear he doesn't like me.", Kara said.

"Please.", Adam said. "Fine.", Kara said. "Thank you.", he said before looking at the time. "Gotta go.", he said before getting up.

Then Iris walked in, and walked up to the counter. "Hi. To go, please.", Iris said. "Oh, hey, Iris!", Adam exclaimed before Iris looked at him. "Thank you so much for the invite. It's gonna be fun.", Adam said with a smile and Iris kinda looked at him confused. "Uh, yeah, see you there.", Iris said before Adam left. Kara sighed before getting up, seeing Iris.

"Hi.", Kara said. "You good?", Iris asked. "Yeah. Adam's foster sister & dad are in town.", Kara said. "Foster?", Iris asked. "Yeahh.", Kara said. "I thought Adam was Ms. Grant's son.", Iris said. "He is. But she gave Adam up when he was born and General & Lucy Lane took him in. Never really officially adopted him-", Kara started to explain. "Wait. Lane? As in Lois Lane? As in your cousin's wife? As in-", Iris started to ramble. "Yes. Lois & Lucy are Adam's foster sisters..but anyway..General Lane doesn't really like me.", Kara said. "Why?", Iris asked. "Because I know Superman. And because James & I are friends. And lastly, because I work for Cat Grant.", Kara said and Iris was getting annoyed. "That's stupid.", Iris said. "Yep.", Kara said. "Well, speaking of Adam..he told me he was looking forward to-", Iris started to say and Kara internally groaned in annoyance. "He's coming to game night. He basically invited himself.", Kara said and Iris looked at her weird. Then Kara sighed as rolling her eyes.

"He found out that Barry was going and now he's so intent on going. So to shut him up I just told him you already invited him.", Kara explained and Iris slowly nodded. "Soo..he's still jealous.", Iris said. "Yeah.", Kara said in an annoyed tone. "Oh, it's fine. The more the merrier.", Iris said with a smile, trying to be optimistic and Kara gave her a slight smile.

"The more the not the merrier!", Iris exclaimed to Mon at CatCo. "Adam can't come! He doesn't know anything about anything about us! And he practically forced Kara to invite him just because Barry is gonna be there! Kara doesn't even want him there! He's also been like really clingy ever since Thanksgiving! Like dragging her to go to dinner with his foster family, who by the way, hate her, when she should be doing more important things, like be Supergirl!", Iris ranted and Mon just stared at her, a smile forming on his face.

"What?", Iris asked and he started to laugh a little. "Mon-El. This isn't funny!", Iris exclaimed before hitting his arm. "Okay, okay, why is he being so clingy?", Mon asked and Iris looked around, making sure no one was listening.

"He said the L word and she hasn't said it back.", Iris said and Mon suddenly looked deeply confused. "What's the L word?", He asked and Iris stared at him in annoyance.

"Love. He said 'I love you'.", Iris said. "Oh.", Mon said, but then he realized the problem with Adam saying that. "Ohhh.", he said again, with his eyes a bit widened.

"Yeah. Oh.", Iris said before sighing. "Please say you're coming still, I don't think I can survive the tension between Adam & Barry, which will probably be mainly Adam.", Iris said quickly. "Yes. Iris. I'll be there.", Mon said and Iris smiled. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.", Iris said before kissing his cheek.


"I better go. Bye!", Iris said before running off to Cat's office, leaving Mon, softly smiling to himself.

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