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Kara & Iris' Apartment

Kara woke up to her alarm buzzing so she reached over and shut it off but sighed, staring at the ceiling. Then someone started to knock at her door. She got up and groaned before opening the door, with her glasses in hand. At the door was revealed to be Barry holding a box donuts. Kara slightly glared at the box. "If I x-ray vision that box, will I see a cruller?", Kara asked. "You will not. They were out.", Barry said and Kara groaned as she moved out of the way to let Barry in. 

"But I got you the powdered ones.", Barry said as he handed her the donuts box and Kara gladly took it. "And yet you know I'm all about the cruller.", Kara said before she closed the door and placed them on the counter. But Kara realized something. 

"An offering of donuts. Whatever could you want from me?", Kara asked. "Ah! I just thought that you might need the extra sugar kick before You know, coming back to work.", Barry said, slightly awkwardly. "I'm not going back to the DEO, Barry. I can't.", Kara said before they sat down at a two-seat-table. "Kara, Hank was only doing his duty. Okay? Protecting the planet. Just like you do, every day.", Barry said. "I don't kill.", Kara said. "But soldiers do, when they have to. And Hank had to.", Barry said. "I had the chance to bring Astra back into the light. And Hank cheated her and me out of that chance. I know- I should be better than this, but I don't think I can forgive him for that. I love working with you- But maybe it's time for me to be my own Supergirl.", Kara said and Barry sharply inhaled. "Shoot, I gotta go to work.", Kara said but then Iris walked into the living-room, in her pj's and her hair all messed up. "Barry?", Iris asked, with a groggily voice. Both Kara & Barry chuckled before Kara gestured her the tasty treats. "Donut?"


Iris, Kara & Mon were all waiting for Cat to arrive when Siobhan approached them with a package. "Good morning, Siobhan.", Iris said, trying to be nice. "Iria.", Siobhan said. "It's Iris.", Kara said and Siobhan glared at her but Kara noticed the small package she was holding. "Is that for Ms. Grant?", Kara asked as Iris also noticed. "For her eyes only.", Siobhan said. "Well, uh, Ms. Grant, uh, likes for everything to be open before it reaches her desk.", Iris said. "I spent the last 90 minutes in the mail room letting a glorified postal worker stare at my chest, so I could be the one to give this to Cat. And I'll take the credit.", Siobhan said and the three of them were giving her judgmental looks. Then Cat arrived in her elevator. 

"Tweedledee. Staff meeting. Everyone in my office. Stat with a side of ASAP!", Cat exclaimed as she walked into her office. "I guess that makes you Tweedledum.", Siobhan said to Iris before walking into Cat's office. Then Iris faced Kara & Mon. 

"If I was Kryponian, I could throw her into space. I dream about doing that.", Iris said before they walked into Cat's office. "My massage therapist spent the entire session talking about how her surrogate has celiac disease and my Pilates instructor just informed me that he's quitting to open up an artisanal yarn store in Vermont. So, which one of you hearty souls is going to give me a reason to go on living? You.", Cat said before pointing at Derek. "The National City Men's Chorus is organizing a Lego drive-", Derek started to say. "And I'm comatose. Fashion. Speak.", Cat said. "We're seeing crushed velvet as an important look this fall-", Kelly started to say. "Oh! Try crushed dreams. Anyone else?", Cat asked but Siobhan approached her with a smug smile. "Ms. Grant, this came for you via private courier. I've been keeping it safe from prying eyes.", she said and Cat looked at her weird. "Why didn't you open it? It could be anthrax.", Cat said and Siobhan started to stammer. Then Iris & Kara looked at each other before smirking to each other. Then James took the package. 

"It's not.", Siobhan whined but James took it out to reveal to be a thumb drive. "Oh.", Cat said. "Thumb drive. And a letter.", James said before giving to Cat and she started to read it. "Make the liars pay for their lies. Make the cheaters feel the pain of their betrayal.", Cat read. "That's the website for adulterers, It's like Ashley Madison, except for- The difference is, this is supposed to be un-hackable. It was attacked by an anonymous hacker last night. None of the data they took has been released.", Lucy explained. "Because the hacker wanted it reported by a major media outlet. So they sent it to me.", Cat said before looking at Siobhan. "You. Brown hair. Put it in the microwave. Set it to popcorn. Well, actually, put it on baked potato. Uh, whichever, just melt it.", Cat said. "Ms. Grant, that website caters to powerful people. Elected officials, public figures espousing a morality they themselves ignore. They're hypocrites. Liars. The public has a right to know the truth.", Kara said. "Oh, Kara. We live in a brave new world of gay marriage and transgendered Republicans. Nobody bats an eye at that stuff anymore. Also, I've been on the other side. And if we publish these names, we give these disgusting bottom-feeders legitimacy. And therefore, Kara, The terrorists will have won.", Cat said before everyone left.

Later, Kara was working on some things for Snapper when a shadow approached her. She looked up to see Barry, with more food. "Potstickers.", Barry said and Kara's face lit up. "Is that from Chow Hong's?", Kara asked and Barry nodded his head then Kara grinned. "Ooh, that's my favorite.", Kara continued before taking the bag. "I know.", Barry said, as he smiled at her excitement. Then Iris approached them to talk about the meeting when she saw the food. 

"Hey- oh is that the potstickers from Chow Hong's?", Iris asked. "If you try to eat any, I will melt your face off.", Kara said and Barry chuckled. "I wasn't going to.", Iris said before chuckling. "I just wanted to talk about if you thought if Cat did the right thing by not releasing the cheaters list?", Iris asked. "I think people's secrets are theirs to keep.", Kara said. "Even if they hurt other people?", Barry asked and Kara looked up at him, and realized what he meant. "I can't let you tell Lucy, Barry.", Kara said and Iris was taken back. "You want to tell Lucy about..Kara? Are you freaking kidding me?", Iris asked. Annoyed that after everything he's done, he adds more to the idiatic list. 

"She knows I'm lying, Iris. And she trusts me.", Barry said. "Non already knows where we live. I don't trust Hank anymore. Everything is too complicated and dangerous. I'm sorry.", Kara said but then Lucy approached them. "Hey, planning a surprise party for me or something?", she asked and they all started to laugh nervously. "No, we're just, uh- We're talking about the-", Kara started to see. "The package, uh, earlier.", Iris said, to help Kara. "Ugh, don't even get me started. There's nothing I hate more than liars.", Lucy said and they all started to chuckle nervously.

Then all the TVs started to static and a woman with blonde hair appeared on all of them. "Greetings, Catco employees. I'm disappointed in all of you. Especially you, Queen of all Media.", she said. "I suppose you're the hacker that sent the drive this morning. Hmm. What do they call you?", Cat asked. "The Peroxide Avenger. I handed you the story of the year. How sinners have turned the Internet into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. But you failed to act. And so now, all will suffer. Computers control everything. Communication, banking- Even traffic signals. The age of chaos begins now. Enjoy.", the woman said before all the TVs went back to normal. Then Cat looked at Barry. 

"Allen. You're a computer expert. Fix this.", Cat said before going back into her office. "I definitely liked it better when she did not know who I was.", Barry said before he pulled up a screen on Mon's computer and the group gathered around to see what was happening on the streets of National City. "Every traffic light in the city just turned green.", Barry said before giving Kara a look and she quickly took off to the elevator. They continued to watch and saw a truck and a car were about collide together. 

"Liberty Avenue. There's about to be a major crash.", Barry said and Iris ran off, to talk to Kara on comms. "Supergirl, get to Liberty Avenue now.", Iris said.

Kara grabbed the car before the truck hit them and put them to safety but then she looked out onto all the ciaos happening in her city and she was angry.

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