lucy lane

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Kara walked up to her desk to find Alex in her seat and Barry leaning against her desk

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Kara walked up to her desk to find Alex in her seat and Barry leaning against her desk. "Guys?", Kara asked, taken back that they were there. "What are you doing here?", she asked. "I need to talk about my dad.", Alex said as Kara fully walked up to her desk, putting her coffee cup. "We're going to find out what happened to your dad. I swear.", Kara said. "Actually. We're here to see Mike.", Barry said.

"No.", Mon said. They all found him and took him to a private room.

"You are asking me to hack the DEO, which is basically hacking Director Hanshaw, who has already been giving me a hard time since the second I got here.", Mon said. "Mike. Please. We need to know who we are working for. And if he's a bad guy, we're all in danger by working with him. Like Iris.", Kara said and Mon glared at him. "That was cold. You know I like Iris.", Mon said. "My dad. His name was Jeremiah Danvers.", Alex started to say. "The DEO found out about me soon after I landed on Earth. They threatened to take me unless Jeremiah went to work for them. So, he did.", Kara explained. "A year later he's dead. I need to find out what actually happened.", Alex said. "Uhh. Why don't you just ask what happened to him?", Mon asked. "Because if they wanted us to know, we would have already.", Kara said and Mon stared at them before groaning, annoyed. "Fine.", Mon whined.

Later at the DEO fighting grounds, Kara as Supergirl, Iris, Alex, Barry & Hank Henshaw were all meeting up with some military. "Director Henshaw.", A General said to him.

"General Lane."

Kara tensed up, knowing what business General Lane was doing in National City. "What can I do for Army Intelligence?", Hank asked. "I need you to approve an immediate transfer. A member of your field unit to my command.", General Lane said and they all looked at him weird. "Really. And who would that be?", Hank asked. "The lady in red.", Lane said, looking at Kara and Barry slightly glared at Lane. "Technically, Supergirl doesn't work for this organization.", Hank said. "If I had my way, no one would.", Lane said and Iris rolled her eyes. "Why do you need me?", Kara asked. "We've been developing something. An anti-insurgent combat device. Project code named, RT. I need her help testing it for me.", Lane said.

"She has no choice."

They all looked at who spoke to them, which was Lucy, in her military uniform-dress, holding a piece of paper. Kara got tensed again, also knowing why Lucy was in National City.

"We have an executive order forcing you to comply.", Lucy said. "My legal attache and my daughter, Major Lane.", Lane said. "It's been signed by the President. You can take it up with her if you like. Unless you don't think you're up to it.", Lucy said as she handed Hank the piece of paper. "No, I'll do it.", Kara said with her arms crossed. "You don't have to.", Barry softly said to her. "For once, I agree with Mr. Allen.", Hank said and Kara & Barry looked at him weird.

"What do you need me to do?", Kara asked. "Fight my robot.", Lane said but then the doctor who made the robot, walked out of the tent they had set up. "It's not a robot. It's an anthropomorphic pseudo entity with combat capabilities.", He said and they all seemed slightly annoyed. "I call it Red Tornado.", he continued. Then Kara & Barry looked at the robot then at each other, in slight worry.

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