bad supergirl

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Iris, Barry & Mon were waiting for Kara to arrive but could barley talk over the loud music. "Today's music is so loud!", Barry exclaimed. "It is not! This is my song!", Iris exclaimed before banging her head side to side, to fit the rythm of the song playing, 'Confident' by Demi Lovato. Both Barry & Mon started to laugh at her but Mon looked at his phone.

"Siobhan still has not texted me back. I hope she's okay.", Mon said and Iris stopped jamming out from the mention of Mon worrying about Siobhan. So she grabbed a couple of tequila shots and quickly drank them all. Barry looked at her in concern, knowing she was trying to get drunk because Mon was dating someone else.

"She's fine. Just give her some time.", Barry said. "Speaking of which, Kara said she was going to be here soon.", Iris said, kind of groggly. "Do you think she's still on her way?", Barry asked as Kara walked in, with her hair down, tight crop top on and tight skirt on. Iris noticed her.

"Oh, yeah. There she is.", Iris said and the boys looked in her direaction and didn't recognize her. "I think- I think that's her. Are you sure?", Mon asked. "Oh, yeah.", Iris said. "How do you know?", Barry said. "She's wearing my clothes.", Iris said as Kara approached them. "Hey!", Barry exclaimed, nervously since Kara was wearing really tight and sexy clothes. "Hey, Cat, look at you.", Mon said. "Yeah, that's what I was going for.", Kara said and they all started chuckling then Kara looked at Barry. "You want to dance?", Kara asked. "Uh, yeah, yeah-", Barry started to say but then Kara grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor.

While dancing, Kara got up close and personal, more than she usually did and Barry wasn't sure if he liked it or not. "Kara, whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey!", Barry exclaimed. "I just- I just love this song.", Kara said. "It's a good song.", Barry said before he started to chuckle nervously. "You okay?", he asked. "I've never been better.", Kara said. "Maybe we should, um- Let's go have a drink with Iris & Mon real quick.", Barry said before trying to walk towards their friends but Kara pulled him close to her. "No, no. Why would I get a drink when I'm finally getting what I want? What I want is what the poor man's Lois Lane was too idiotic to keep.", Kara said and Barry looked at her with his eyebrows crinkled. "What are you doing? This is not you.", Barry said. "You need to get her out of your head, Barry.", Kara said. "She is out of my head. The only person in my head is you, Kara.", Barry said, thinking whatever was wrong with her had something to do with him but she just stared at him sternly before continuing to trash talk Lucy. "She was a clingy, insecure daddy's girl, who was afraid and jealous of your-", Kara started to say. "Kara, stop.", Barry said but then she took off her glasses in frusteration. "I'm done pretending.", Kara said but then Barry took them with worry in his eyes. "What are you doing? Stop it.", Barry said before placing them back, staring into her blue glimmering eyes. Then they walked back to Iris, but Mon was missing, probably trying to get ahold of Siobhan still. Then Iris' phone rang.

"It's Cat.", Iris said. "Oh, why don't you just tell her to get back in her litter box and leave us alone?", Kara said and they looked at her with deep worry before Iris answered the phone. "Ms. Grant.", Iris said sternly. "I need to talk to Supergirl. Contact her and send her here now.", Cat said and then hung up. Then Iris looked to be where Kara was but to find her gone.

"..Where did she go?", Iris asked and Barry looked to where Kara was to also see her gone. Then Mon approached them to see worried looks.

"What happened?", Mon asked. "Something's wrong with Kara.", Barry said.


Kara landed on Cat's balcony with a stern expression, slightly annoyed. "What do you want?", Kara asked as Cat walked on her balcony. "Well, I would like to know if Ashton Kutcher and his camera crew are hiding underneath your cape. Supergirl would never release an evil alien caught in the act of armed robbery. So, I assume I'm being Punk'd.", Cat said. "I wouldn't assume anything from now on, Cat.", Kara said. "Did you just call me Cat?", Cat asked. "You branded me in the media as a Girl Scout. 'Supergirl is brave, kind and strong.' Isn't that kind of a stock characterization? Very two-dimensional. Everyone knows real people have a dark side.", Kara said. "Yes, but you don't get to be a real person. You're a superhero. You get to represent all the goodness in the world.", Cat said. "Yeah, well, I'm sick of it. And you know what else I'm sick of? Enabling all of you in your victimhood. 'Oh, well, my building's burning down, la-di-dah. Supergirl will just swoop in and save the day.' Well, get used to the flames, people, 'cause I quit.", Kara said, leaning over the edge of the balcony. "Supergirl, I fear that you're having some sort of mental breakdown. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us, and I'm happy to take you to Dr. Shuman for emergency Lexapro, that is, if your alien brain will respond to the SSRls. But in the meantime, I would lay low. This haughty attitude is highly unsuitable.", Cat said. "Well, I learned it from the best. Cat Grant. You're the most arrogant, self-serving, mean-spirited person I know.", Kara said. "Now, you listen to me. I made you. And you are not going to let me down.", Cat said. "Or what? Wait, I forgot. You're the most powerful person in National City. At least that's what they say on TV. You want to see what powerful really looks like? Watch.", Kara said before throwing Cat off of the balcony. Kara watched as Cat screamed and screamed as she fell closer and closer to her death. But right when Cat was about to be nothing but squished brains and guts, Kara swuped down and saved her, placing her on the ground safely.

"True power, Cat, is deciding who will live and who will die. And don't ever call me again.", Kara said before she flew off.


Barry & Iris quickly approached J'onn & Alex as soon as they got there. "Director Henshaw, need to talk to you please.", Barry said and J'onn & Alex looked at them. "Something bad has happened to Kara.", Iris said. "We know.", Alex said. "She was acting strange. Distracted. We thought it was personal at first, but then she let an alien fugitive escape.", J'onn said and both Barry & Iris were taken back. "What?", Barry asked then they looked at Winn. "Pull up the missions Supergirl has run in the last 48 hours.", Alex said and he pulled up the building fire and there was a strong red radition coming from it. "The fire.", Alex mumbled. "Run a thermodynamic scan.", Barry said. "Look at the radiation signature.", Alex said. "That's Kryptonite.", Iris said suddenly. "Not exactly. It's synthetic. It's manmade.", J'onn said. "Well, it's close to the real thing, but whoever made it, didn't get it quite right.", Alex said. "Meaning what?", Barry asked. "It's not damaging her on a cellular level. But it could explain the erratic behavior.", Alex said. "Who the hell would make Kryptonite?", Barry asked. "Yeah, that's my bad." They all turned around to see Max Lord, with a slight frown. Then Barry walked up to him and punched him then took his arm and dragged him to Cell 19, with the others following.

Cell 19

Barry pushed Max into the cell then it closed. "Come on. This isn't necessary. I came here to help. I didn't even know Kryptonite was a thing.", Max said. "Until we showed you. And we took down Bizarro.", Alex said. "I went through all that trouble to create her, when all this time, right in front of me, was a substance whose sole molecular purpose was to kill Kryptonians. Sort of ironic.", Max said.

"You're out of your mind!", Barry exclaimed. "I'm only practical. Non and his army will return. Soon. So, I took matters into my own hands.", Max said.

"You've recreated Kryptonite.", Iris said. "Tried to. I just didn't get it right.", Max said. "The satellite on that rooftop was yours. You set a trap for Non.", Alex said. "The fire, that was an accident. I never meant to endanger any firefighters, any civilians. Not even Supergirl.", Max said.

"So, you figured if you booby-trapped a satellite, then your Kryptonite would kill Non just in case he went to go check on it?", Barry asked. "It didn't work exactly as planned.", Max said. "It never does with you!", Alex said. "I didn't know Supergirl would show up or that be she's affected by the synthetic K in such a surprising-", Max started to say.

"You're right. You just thought it would kill her.", Barry said. "When I realized Supergirl had been exposed, I started tracking her to see what the Red Kryptonite would do to her. I saw her let the alien escape. I didn't know what to think. And then tonight, she threw Cat Grant off her building.", Max said and Iris was taken back. "She killed Ms. Grant?!", Iris exclaimed. "No. Cat has nine lives. She's fine.", Max said.

"But Supergirl isn't!", Barry exclaimed and Alex looked at Max sternly. "I'm sorry, Alex. I came in to make this right. I created Red Kryptonite. Maybe I can create an antidote.", Max said and Alex sighed. "You better hope so, for National City's sake. Because you just turned Supergirl into the monster you always feared she'd be.", Alex said before they all walked out.

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