fight or flight

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Hella long, so sorry in advance.

Snapper stared at them, in annoyance. "You wanted to talk? We're here.", Kara said, trying to get him to stop staring. "Cat. It's actually them. You can come out of the car now.", Snapper said then the only Cat Grant got out of the car and stared at Supergirl & The Blur. "It's you.", Cat said as Snapper got back in the car while Kara was surprised to see Cat. "Uhm.", Kara said slightly. "I'm sorry. I meant to say, who are you? Both of you?", Cat asked. "According to you, I'm Supergirl.", Kara said, still floating in the air.

"And to CatCo..So I guess you too..I'm The Blur.", Barry said, still crossing his arms. "Trademark pending.", Cat said with a slight smirk. "You got questions and we're here to answer them.", Kara said. "Huh. Do you mind if I record this?", Cat asked and Kara was hesitating to say anything.

"I..I guess not.", Barry said for her. "Okay, first things first. Supergirl. Let's start with the generals. Where are you from?", Cat asked. "I traveled to Earth from my home planet of-", Kara started to say. "Krypton?", Cat asked, annoyed. "When it was destroyed. My parents sent me here where they thought I'd be safe.", Kara continued. "I feel like I've heard this story before.", Cat said, still annoyed. "This is my story.", Kara said before flying behind Cat but she looked at Barry. "Now you, where are you from?", Cat asked.

"Uh. Earth.", Barry said. "How are you so fast?", Cat asked.

"I was affected by the Particle Accelerator Explosion in Central City.", Barry said and Cat nodded her head, intrigued but then looked back at Kara.  "So, I can assume that all of your powers are the same as the Man of Steel's? The flying, the super strength, the freezy breath thing?", Cat asked. "I'm still working on that last one.", Kara said. "Oh, so you're not up to his level yet?", Cat asked but then Kara used her heat vision and burned part of the ground, right next to Cat. "I wouldn't say that.", Kara said before flying by Barry and landing in front of Cat, making Barry slightly grin. "Do you two know each other?", Cat asked, making Kara & Barry look at eachother then back at Cat.

"No.", they said in unison. "Interesting.", Cat said. "So, why are we just hearing from you now?", she continued.

"..What?", Barry asked. "..I'm not sure I understand the question.", Kara said. "Well, if you've been on Earth all these years, why wait this long to start giving back? And if the explosion affected you, where have you been for the past year? Where were you during the earthquake two years ago? Or that wildfire last month that killed eight people?", Cat asked both of them, making them get under pressure. "This job is not that easy.", Barry said. "We had to be ready.", Kara said. "Any plans to start a family?", Cat asked. "Nobody ever asked my cousin these questions.", Kara snapped, making both Cat & Barry look at her in shock.

"", Barry started to say. "Superman is your cousin?", Cat asked. "This interview is over.", Kara said before flying away. "I have to go.", Barry said before running off, after her. "Well, what do you do all day when you're not flying around town? Do you have a day job?", Cat yelled, as they zoomed away from her.


"Supergirl!" Barry was still following her, trying to get her attention to talk but it was like she was just simply not paying attention.

"SG!", he yelled. She then finally came to stop and flew down to the ground and landed in front of Barry, confused on why The Blur was trying to get her attention.

"What?", Kara asked. "Are you okay?", Barry asked. "Yeah, why should you care?", Kara asked. "Well..Barry talks a lot about you and you seem like a good person who shouldn't of been under pressure like that.", Barry said, making Kara smile a little. "Barry..talks about me? To you?", Kara asked. "Yeah..we're..good buds.", Barry said. "Well, please tell Barry..thank you and that I'll..see him tomorrow.", Kara said with a smile before flying off again and Barry smiled to himself and all the way home, Kara was smiling to herself, thinking about Barry.

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