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The Talk

"She's the founder and CEO of a media empire who was recently named number one on the National City Tribune's annual Power List. Please welcome our next guest, Cat Grant!", the talk show host introduced then the audience clapped. "Wow, you look so much younger than I thought you would!", they said. "Mmm. So do you.", Cat said and the audience cheered. "Cat, how does it feel to be the most powerful woman in National City?", they asked. "Well, Sara, first of all, that's a total misnomer. Nobody is calling me the most powerful woman in National City. I believe they are calling me the most powerful person. Having a platform like mine is only worthwhile if I can use it to bring attention to the people who are really making a difference.", Cat explained. "Well, Cat, that brings us to our next question.", they said. "Supergirl.", Cat said, knowing it would be about. "You've been associated with her since she first emerged on the National City scene. And you've been a critic, you've been a cheerleader and some say that you are a friend.", they said. "Well, I would like to think so.", Cat said. "What is she like?", they asked. "Supergirl is everything you think she is. She's strong, she's brave. But the most remarkable thing about Supergirl is that she is the kindest person I have ever known. She is an idea, she's inspiring us to be our best selves. Now, we can learn a lot from her. You can learn a lot from her. I have learned a lot from her. And I'm still learning."


Kara & Iris were watching the show on the tv with bright smiles. Then Cat walked off of her elevator and saw Kara & Iris were watching the tv. "Enraptured, are we?", Cat asked and both Kara & Iris turned around to see her. "Oh, Ms. Grant.", Iris said. "I was really fabulous. God knows I hate a generic sports metaphor, but that interview was a touchdown. A home run. Whatever you call it when you do something good in hockey. Where is my computer droid?", Cat asked. "Uh. Mike? He's, um- I will find him.", Kara said before she left to go find Mon-El. "Mon? Mon!", Kara exclaimed but then heard thudding in the supply closet. "Mon, are you in-", Kara asked but the thudding continued. So Kara used her X-Ray vision on the closet and saw Mon and Siobhan having-

"No! No! No, no, no, no, no! ", Kara exclaimed as she turned around, cringing. Then the door opened and Siobhan left.

"Guess that's my exit.", she said as she left. Mon slowly approached Kara from behind.

"You didn't just now use the- Oh, God you did. You did.", Mon said as she internally groaned. "I'm never using supplies from that closet ever again without surgical gloves.", Kara said. "Okay, okay. Look, I'm- I'm- I'm sorry, I did not mean for any of this to happen. It's just kind of happening. And, like, I know it seems wrong, I mean, it definitely, it feels wrong-", Mon explained and Kara nodded. "It better. Because Iris ever finds out you did this..she's gonna freak.", Kara said before walking away and Mon followed her.


Kara arrived and saw Barry working on something so she approached him to talk to him. "So, Um, Ms. Grant told me Lucy quit CatCo.", Kara said and Barry looked at her. "You told her I was Supergirl and she left the city?", Kara asked. "No, I didn't tell her.", Barry said. "You didn't?", Kara asked. "No. She broke up with me before I had a chance to, so-", Barry started to say but Kara was worried it was her fault. "But, why? Because you stood her up when we went to the Fortress of Solitude?", Kara asked. "No, no-", Barry started to say. "I tried to talk to her. Oh, no, did I say something wrong?", Kara asked. "No, no, Kara. It wasn't that- It wasn't- It was just something between Lucy & I. So, it didn't have anything to do with you.", Barry said. "Or Supergirl.", Kara said in a questionable tone. "It had nothing to do with you or Supergirl.", Barry said. "It's just obvious how much she cares about you and I think, she knows- how much you care about her-", Kara started to say. "Maybe I didn't.", Barry said. "What?", Kara asked. "Maybe I didn't care about her as much as I should have. Maybe I didn't care about her as much as I thought I did.", Barry said and Kara looked into his eyes. She wasn't sure if this was a sign that they would finally be together or something would come in the way. Then Kara looked at Iris gesturing her to talk to her.

"I'll be back.", Kara said before walking up to Iris. Then Iris & Kara approached J'onn & Senator Crane. "Senator Crane, it's good to see you again.", Kara said. "Good to see you.", Crane said. "The Senator came by to tell us that she's been working with the Budget Committee to get the DEO more money, more resources to fight Non.", J'onn said. "A lot more.", Crane said. "That's great. We can use it.", Iris said. "I also came by because I wanted to personally thank Director Henshaw for the amazing work he's been doing to keep our nation, this planet, safe.", Crane said. "Well, it's not just me, it's my team.", J'onn said. "Well, it starts at the top.", Crane said before they gave eachother looks that Iris & Kara noticed. "This agency deals with the unknown and is often forced to make up the rules as it goes. You don't have the same oversight as other branches of the military. It's important to me that there's someone I know and trust making sure justice is meted out in a way that's consistent with our ideals. And I'm glad that person is you.", Crane said before placing her hand on top of J'onn's. Iris & Kara gave eachother looks.

"Wow.", Kara said softly to Iris as Winn approached them. "Kara. There's fire downtown. A fireman's trapped on the roof.", he said. "Supergirl, can you get there in time?", Crane asked but Kara was already gone. "Yeah, she can.", Iris said.

Building on Fire

Everyone was scared and screaming as firemen ran after the fireman that was stuck. "Lift this! On three, one, two, three!", a man said then they all tried to lift heavy debris off of his leg but it didn't work and all the man felt was more pain. But then Kara arrived and quickly walked up to them.

"Supergirl, over here!", a man said. "Okay. I got ya.", Kara said before she lifted up the debris off of his leg. "You're going to be okay.", Kara said with a smile. "Thank you.", the man said. Then Kara walked off to the corner and felt an odd feeling cover her. Then her face was filled with red veins. "God.", she mumbled before flying away.

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