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{Third person}

It was morning in River town where the the robots were doing their own thing, playing, working, relaxing. But on this day, a specific robot was going to receive the greatest news of his life.

"Wa hoooo! I'm gonna be a dad!" He runs across the street heading to his house, "I just talked to my wife! The baby's gonna be delivered any minute!" Guy in car, "Hey! Get out of the way!"

"Hey! I'm gonna be a dad!", he was too excited to make any stop, as a few robots congratulate him, "Congratulations." They said as he hands them some robot cigars.

"Woo hoo!" as he jumped over the talking fire hydrant where the robot dog was near, "Good for you, Herb! *sniffs* Don't even think about it." While being excited he accidentally bumped into someone who has crates of bottles, "Woo hoooooo!" Guy with bottles, "Hey!"

He quickly catches all the bottles without them breaking, "Woah! Woh! Ha ha! Hah hoh hah! Sorry. Hey, how are ya? Nice to meet you. I'm gonna be a dad!", Guy with bottles, "Congrats!"

"Woo hoooooo!" He was almost home when he passed by his neighbor, "Hey, Mr. Nuts! Did ya hear the news?" Mr. Nuts, "Yeah!" He smiles with glee, "Beautiful day, isn't it?"

Herb quickly gets in the house, "I'm here! I'm here! I'm here." His wife Lydia answers, "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. You missed the delivery." Herb who was slightly disappointed, "Oh." Lydia, "But it's okay. Making the baby's the fun part."

Then the two newly parents starts working on building their new baby. Lydia was carefully looking at the instructions as Herb try's to put the pieces together, "Honey, I think you got the wrong, uh..." Herb, "No, hah hah, I don't need to see the directions."

As soon as she turned around he quickly took a peek and was able to put them together, it took almost the whole day to put this little boy together. It was hard work but they both are almost done with just one piece being put together, "Push! Push! Puuuuuush!"

Lydia was struggling to put it together, "Hmmmmmm! Nnngh! Gnnnnnngh!"
Herb was holding to the piece Lydia was trying to put together, "HMM." Lydia, "Nnnngh-oh!" Herb, "Ogh!"

Herb fell into a box as Lydia was laughing, "Hahahahahahahahahahahahhoh! Ooh!" Then finally *crying* the baby was born. Lydia was holding the baby, "12 hours of labour. Oh, but was worth it."

Herb looks at his beautiful baby, "Look at him. Look at him! Rodney Copperbottom. He's got your mom's eyes and my dad's nose. I knew we were smart to save those parts! This Copperbottom's gonna do great things for the world, I can feel it!"

The happy parents were adoring their new son Rodney, Lydia holding Rodney till she noticed something, "Honey?" Herb, "What?" Lydia, "What's that extra piece?"

Herb looks at the piece, "Oh. Oh no, they always put in...an extra.....hah hah hah....we did want a boy, right?" She smiles and nods, Herb then grabs the piece and a small mallet, "Mm hmm. This won't hurt a bit, son!"

With only one piece put on Rodney then starts to extensive crying, having the poor family trying to calm him down as much as they can. Luckily they managed to succeed and taught little Rodney as much as they teach him.

Time skip

After a few years when Rodney was little, the family noticed that a new neighbor moved in, they decided to greet them as they helped them unpack, Rodney was happy to meet them till he noticed a little girl heading to the backyard of their new house.

Rodney was curious and decided to follow, he looked at the girl and slowly walked towards her, she was sitting down in the ground looking at the sky happily. Rodney tapped her shoulder and she turned around, she smiled, "Hi."

Rodney was a little nervous, "H-Hello." He then sits next to her, "Whats your name?" She looks at him, "It's Y/n. What's your name?" He smiled, "Rodney."

"It's nice to meet you Rodney." He responded, "You too Y/n." Rodney then hears his parents calling him, "I guess I have to go home now." He really didn't want to, he wanted to stay with Y/n for a little bit.

He quickly rushed to his parents and asked them if he could invite Y/n for a play date sometime, his parents looked happy at the idea and ask Y/n's parents if they agree. They happily agreed as Y/n was behind the wall over hearing the conversation.

She looked at Rodney and slowly felt something in her motor aka heart that was going so fast whenever she sees Rodney. She was called from her parents so they could say goodbye as everyone heads back home.

Rodney went to his room and couldn't stop thinking about Y/n, then he felt something in his motor that goes fast when he thinks about Y/n. The two new friends would have fun playing and growing up together.

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