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{Third person}

Y/n's face heats up even more, Rodney has a face of realization of what he said to his crush. He then backed away from her flustered, "What I mean is that, I'm so excited for us to be together- Working! Working together!"

Y/n's was in complete shock, "I....I'll.....See you later Rodney!" She said as she runs off covering her face, Rodney was still flustered, "Wait Y/n!" She was already gone.

Rodney's face heated up from what he said to her, I couldn't believe I said that to her, I mean.....I do mean it but.....what if she thinks I'm being weird, will she still love me......

Rodney heads inside the shop overhearing the conversation the gang was having with the robot who work here, Jack.

"I got good news and I got bad news." Fender asks, "What's the bad news?" Jack replied, "I checked the stock book. And as of today, they are no longer making parts for your model. You have been officially outmoded."

"Outmoded? Well, that's fine, WHAT'S THE GOOD NEWS?! Fender shouts. "Well, when we had your parts, they were on sale! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Fender starts crying, "Aaaagh, how could this happen to me?! I'm practically a kid!"

"Sheesh, look, pull yourself together, all you need is an upgrade!" Everyone was amazed, "Whoooah." Lugnut, "That new upgrade smell..." Jack smiled, "Just came in. Fully loaded. Look, it's got cup holders! Standard!"

Lugnut asks, "Does it come in plus sizes?" Jack replied, "Sure! Take a look at the new Bigweld Spring Collection!"Fender gets worried, "I can't afford that fancy stuff! All I need is one stinking neck joint! D'oh, why did this! Happen! To! Me!
Argh! Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Rodney started to find some parts for Wonderbot as Fender hurts himself. "I'm hurting me! Idiot!" Jack shakes his head, "Sorry, pal. It's either upgrade or the Chop Shop for you."

"The Chop Shop! Nooooooooo!" Fender cries out, "I'm fine, I'm fine! Look, no hands! Whoops! Uhp! Heeey, uhp! Uhp! Uhp! Oooh, uhp! And, uh, dah dah! I'm back! Miss me?" As Fender try's to fix himself.

Piper states, "No one's going to the Chop Shop!" Crank respond, "That's right! *whisper* What do you think we can get for 'em? Now that I've been thinking about it..."

Piper gets upset and pushes Crank away, "Will ya stop? Listen, shinypants, you get back there and find a part for my brother! We are not junk, we are not scrap, and we will not be treated this way."

Diesel, "*sassy sounds*" Jack said, "I'm sorry! I don't have the parts!" Rodney decided to help the crew, He does find them very interesting bots, "Well do you two washers, an S-spring and some fastweld? I can fix you easy!" Diesel try's on a voice box, "*darth vader voice* The force is strong with this one!"

{Y/n's Pov}

I head inside the home and put the groceries away, Aunt Fanny comes out of her room, "Y/n are you alright. Your face looks like it's heated up." I made a nervous gulp, "Ummm I uh.....I met my childhood friend....."

"That's wonderful darling, I'm sure he was excited to meet you after all those years." My mind flashed to what Rodney said to me, "I want to be by your side for the rest of my life so we can be great inventors together.", I covered my face.

Aunt Fanny looks happy, "You still have feelings for the boy don't ya?" I start to stutter, "I...I..I mean...I still do.....but it's been years....I don't even know if he still likes me." Aunt Fanny looks at me determined, "Listen Y/n, I know you wanna tell him about your feelings, but remember that no matter what I'm sure you and him will be happy if you tell him how you feel."

I sighed, "Thanks Aunt Fanny." She smiles, "Come on dear, let's relax while we wait for everyone." I softly smiled as we both head to the couch to relax and talk.

With Rodney

I was fixing his neck, "When was the last time you got oiled?" He replied, "Well, I can't quite answer that with my kid sister right here." Piper moves his hand, "Can it, Fender!" I smiled, "Hold still, thi-this might tickle!"

"We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Fender! Used to be Bumper, but had to change it when we came into the country." I responded, "Copperbottom. Rodney Copperbottom."

Fender asks, "Riddle me this: Why did I meet you among the garbage?" I slightly responded, "Well today I tried to get in to see Bigweld." Everyone starts chuckling, Piper said, "Well, if you find him, tell him we really need him to come back. He cared about bots like us!"

Crank exclaimed, "Well what I heard is that they done him in! And they left the rest of us to fall apart."
I finally finished fixing Fender's neck, "Well that ought to do it!" Fender jumps up happy, "Hey, look at that! And he fixed my neeeeeeeeeck! *gasp* Sweeper!"

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