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Suddenly we hear noises, it was Piper, "Did I miss the butt whoopin?" We looked at each other, "Uhh....no? Matter of fact, you're a little bit early." Then the wall falls having everyone we helped here fighting with us cheering, "RODNEY! RODNEY! RODNEY!"

Piper smiles, "Then let's get started!" Fender smiles, "TESTIFY, SISTA" I stand proudly, "CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!"


{Third person}

Pretty much everyone were making charging noises as they head in battle, Rodney held onto Wonderbot to head towards Bigweld.

The battle almost looked like a robot massacre, lugnut is in a ring with Diesel speaking as a Wrestling Narrator, "OHOHOHO, NO! HE'S GOT A STEEL CHAIR! OOOOOUCH! HA HOO, BUT HE'S BACK UP INTO A NECKBREAKER! HE'S UP TO THE TOP ROPE...LOOK AT THE HANG TIME!"

Other narrator, "THAT'S SURE GONNA LEAVE A DENT!" Piper had gave it her all with fighting as more robot massacre and grunts were heard. Aunt Fanny also joined the fight while saying, "RRRRRRRRRAH! NNNH! Say hello to my dimpled friend!"

Fender was surrounded, "Aaah! AAH!" but had an idea, he began to Dance as he defeated the bots, Gasket was at the part to where the pipe was preventing Bigweld to fall in the incinerator, "NGAH! NNNNGAAAAAAAH! Ha ha ha haaa!"

She was confronted by Wonderbot as he wasn't afraid anymore, the two battled with pipes as their weapons. However the huge sweepers opened up having everything devoured as Ratchet and Y/n were smirking, "This is gonna get GREASY!"

In the corner of Y/n's eye, she spots Rodney with Bigweld as Bigweld already escaped, "Grrrr!" She got off from the sweeper and sneakily head towards Rodney.

Bigweld looks at Rodney, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Rodney smiles, "I sure am!" As he was about to set up his plan Y/n pulled him away from Bigweld, having the two battle, "I won't let you destroy everything we worked for!"

Rodney dodge her attacks, "Y/n please understand!" he says as he didn't want to hurt her, "You got your memory taken! Gasket and Ratchet are just using you!" She gets angry, "Lier! I don't know what you are talking about, all I know is that they are my family and I won't let you ruin everything!"

Y/n grabs a pipe as Rodney quickly grands one to defend himself, "That's not true, you were caught by them and they forced you to forget by taking your memory card!" She swung at Rodney as he is slowly struggling to hold on, "They're not using me! I am just doing what they are planning to do!"

"PLEASE Y/n! You don't know how much it hurts to see you like this!" She slowly stops as Rodney pleads, "This isn't the Y/n I know and love, this is Y/n that they want you to be. You aren't like them."

She turns away from Rodney, "I can't believe that an outmode is in love with me, when I haven't known you in my entire life." Rodney gets a bit upset, "Then tell me this, what do you remember about your childhood!" She gets confused, "I don't have such a memory of a childhood-"

"Or your days living with your family!" She scoffs, "No memory of them at all." He shouts, "Then what do you remember!" She gets concerned, "All I remember was......The ChopShop...." she looks at Rodney who is worried.

She looks around her and sees all the damage, "Then I know what I must do!" She clenched her fist as she heads to Gasket, as Rodney quickly head to Bigweld.

Gasket had been tossed by WonderBot as Y/n quickly head towards her,

Rodney have unhooked a giant cable as he and Bigweld held on tight, "SEE A NEED, FILL A NEED! Bigweld, "THIS ISN'T WHAT I WAS THINKING AT ALL!" It knocked over the sweepers as Ratchet panicked, "AAAAH AAH"

As the sweepers where knocked off, Bigweld and Rodney crashes onto the parts. Gasket was screaming as she was losing control, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Ratchet then held on to her, "AAAH" Y/n then got on top of Gasket upset. Gasket looks at Y/n, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"GIVE ME BACK MY MEMORY CARD!" Ratchet was screaming, "NOOOO!" Gasket, "GET OFF ME! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Y/n is trying to take the card away from her hands, "NO!" Ratchet was scared, "AAAAH"

Gasket was really getting angry, "LET. GO. DO AS I SAY!" Y/n still struggling, "NOT TILL YOU GIVE ME WHATS MINE!" Ratchet still screaming, as Gasket was about to push Y/n off, "GET! OFF!" Y/n held out her hand away from them, "I GOT IT!"

Ratchet, Y/n and Gasket looked to where they are heading, "AAAAAAAH" Gasket's chain that held her was released having her falling in the incinerator, as Tatchet and Y/n were able to avoid their deaths, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"

Y/n fell as she held on the card tightly, I'm sorry for betraying you mother, but I know that this is not who I am, she lands on her head causing her head to open making her shut down.

Ratchet held on to the chains, "MA" having him getting tangled up as he is next to his dad, "NG-OOOH. Wh-AAAH! My upgrades!" Everyone gone silent as they see where Rodney and Bigweld has crashed at.

Lucky the two got out as the crowd began to cheer, but Rodney looks around and spots Y/n lying down on the floor, "Y/n!" The crowd stops as they see Rodney running towards Y/n's body.

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