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On the other half of the ball it was that guy from earlier today, he seems to be sleeping. The ball took us up on a big walkway, and he leans on me, "Nooo, noooo, *still sleeping*"

I gently tried to push him off of me till he fell and woke up, "What th-woah. Say, are you following me?" I responded, "No." He smiles, "First time on the Crosstown Express?"

"Well, actually, I-", "OOOOOOH BOY! Well, good luck in the big city. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. And if you can't make it here, welcome to the club."

I then got to see the whole city from this big view

And just like that I was in front of the Bigweld industry, I was very excited to see what my future awaits. I walked in front on the door with the slogan you can shine no matter what you're made of, "Wooow."

"Yoohoo! Excuse me! Can I help you?" I turned to them, "Sorry, I-I.... Hey, you're Tim from the TV Show!" He nods, "Tim - That's me!" I smiled, "Well hey Tim! Who closed the gate? It's never supposed to be."

"Yeah, okay. What do you want?" I stop, Hm? Oh. I'd like to see Mr. Bigweld. I'm an inventor!" I showed of Wonderbot, "*show-off noises*" Tim looks impressed, "Oooooh, why didn't ya say so? Stand back!"

Tim grabs a key opening the door, it revealed the robots walking around and the industry that was amazing, "Thanks!" Then the door shuts in front of me, "WHAT?!"

Tim starts to laugh, "I gotcha! You see, cuz you were all excited, and then BOOM!" I wasn't amused. "Alright, I had my laugh. Go on in." He opens the door, I tried to pass through but the door shuts again, "DYOOOOOOY!"

Tim was laughing up a storm, "Now that's funny
The second time! It's...you really think I'm gonna let you in! Ha ha ha ha! But I'm not!" I was getting tired of it, "Alright, now we've all had a laugh....except me hehehe.....Now let me in."

"Sorry kid, nobody gets in. Company rules!" I was confused, "Company ru...well then how do they hire new inventors?"

"They DON'T! Those days are over! My advice, hmmm, come back two years ago, then the job is yours!" He continues to laugh which isn't making it better at all.

He then falls of his little balcony, "Ah! Look what you made me do undermine my authority." I get angry, "Well yeah. I'll be back and you can't stop me!"

He gets up, "Sure I can. In fact those are my orders to keep out losers." I'm insulted, "I'm not a loser." He smirks, "Now well if your a winner you'd be up there."

"You're right....and that's where I'm going. Up there!"

With Y/n at the meeting

"So remember! Whether a bot is made of new parts, old parts or spare parts, you can shine no matte what you're made o-" Ratchet stop the tv of Bigweld saying his famous memo, "My goodness. What a remarkable legacy. Concern for the common robot."

I doze of wondering how could this happen, Bigweld was our childhood dreams of becoming great inventors. He starts to walk around, "You don't come across old-fasioned values like that anymore, friends. And for good reason. THERE'S NO MONEY IN IT!"

Cappy and I jumped a bit from surprise, "Helloooo? Memo to Bigweld: We're not a charity! That's why old fat face no longer sits in the big chair. Hee-he's a RELIC!" He continues as he spins the chair, "So I don't wanna hear another "Where's Bigweld? Where nunununununu"

One of the worker spoke, "We'll see him next month at the Bigweld Ball! He always goes to that!" And just like that Ratchet press the button making him fall down a hole, "AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa"

"Now, let's get to the business of sucking every loose penny out of Mr. and Mrs. Average Knucklehead." With a press on the remote he is holding, the windows close to present some sort of advertisement of something new.

"What's our big-ticket item?" A flash of pictures of robots with new models, "Upgrades, people, upgrades! That's how we make the dough.
Now if we're telling robots that no matter what they're made of, they're "fine", how can we expect them to feel crummy enough about themselves to buy our upgrades and make themselves look better?
Therefore, I've come up...with a new slogan. Why be you when you can be NEW?"

He then press the button opening the windows quickly, Cappy and I quickly covered our eyes. Workers, "*sounds of distress over sudden light*"

Ratchet, I gotta tell ya, I think it's brilliant, but, honestly, I'd like to hear what you employees think about this." Every one starts to cheer, "Out of the ball park, Ratchet."

With Rodney

Wonderbot - *sounds of carrying a robot*
Rodney - Just...don't look down!
Wonderbot - *sounds of scaredness over looking down*
Rodney - *sounds of trying to still be held by Wonderbot* Hey!
Ah-ow! Get off! Shoo! Go off! N-
Ow! Aargh! Get off me-aagh!

You can shine no matter what you're made off [Rodney x reader]Where stories live. Discover now