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"What do you mean!?" I then head to my closet to put on some formal clothes, "Bigweld isn't going to be at the ball because Ratchet isn't allowing that to happen."

"We have to stop them from going." I finished getting ready as we both left my room to the living room, "Where is Rodney and Fender?!"

"Oh they already left to the ball." I get scared, "What!" I then rushed out of the house as Piper stays to tell the crew what happened. I head to the ball and see two strangers in the front speaking at Tim very upset.

I realized that it was them so I quickly head in front of the line and have Tim let me in. He gladly let me in as I carefully try to not be suspicious of finding them.

It didn't took long for me to find them from hearing Fender, "CA CAA! CA CAAAAAAAAAAAA!RRRRRIIIIIIIIIIICOLAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

I see them split up as I head to Rodney, on my way to him I quickly noticed Cappy and Ratchet talking, "You know, Cappy, it's nice that you can see me like this. Away from work. See my more casual, fun loving side."

He then started to to choke from something as I signaled Cappy to me and away from Ratchet, "*coughing up a metal cherry or something*
Phew! Now, where were we? Huh?"

Cappy and I walked far from Ratchet, Cappy noticed how worried I looked, "Is something wrong? You don't look like yourself." I held her hands, "Cappy, remember the blue bot that you saw crashed into the office."

"Yea..?" she said concerned. "You need to take him to the train station, and make sure he doesn't get captured by Ratchet." She sees how desperate I was as gently squeeze my hands, "I will."

"Ladies and Gentlebots! Now, coming to the stage, the top bot, the big bolt, who's your daddy? Mr. Phineas T. Ratchet!"

Cappy and I quickly head over as Ratchet gets on the stage and speaks, "Thank you. We now come to the point of the evening where I have the tremendous honor of introducing our beloved founder, Mr. Bigweld."

We both heard a little voice, "Excuse me, sorry, excuse me, coming through!" We spotted Rodney as I whispered to Cappy, "That's him." She nods as Ratchet continues, "Who, unfortunately, is unable to attend."

Crowd, "*aww*" Rodney gets a bit upset, "What?" I get worried. "He sends his apologies, his love and a small box of assorted cookies."

"Not coming?" Oh no.... "And what are you doing here?" Rodney gets angry, "What have you done with Bigweld?" Crowd, "*le gasp*" He continues, "How come we don't see him anymore, huh?"

Ratchet, "Ohohokay....security, we have a party crasher." I quietly gasp and carefully pushed through the crowd, Rodney starts taking off the disguise, "Yeah, that's right. And I had to put all this junk on in order to get in here!
So I could tell Bigweld that YOU are outmoding millions of bots! And I know because I spend all day fixing them!"

I stepped out of the crowd, "No!" Ratchet looks at me, "You!" Rodney was then grabbed by the guards, "You lied to me Y/n, wait till mother hears about this."

"No!" Ratchet signals the guards as they start to held on tight to me. Rodney looks at me, "Y/n!" He tried to break free but there was no use.

I put my head down, as tears fall. They are gonna kill them.....I've let them down.... "C-c-c-ca caa! Ca caaaa!" I looked up from what Rodney shouted. Oh no...don't tell me....

No respond, Rodney looks at me nervously and continues, "Uh...ca caaaaaaaa!" Again no respond, I felt embarrassed. "CA CAAAAAAAAAA!" Once again no use.

Ratchet walks up to us, "Take him for a drive. And bring me back his exact weight in PAPER CLIPS! While I take care of her." I felt as if the fear was in control of my body.

"No!" Ratchet, "No?" I looked at Cappy, "Um....I'll escort him out!" as she looks at me and nods her head, "You don't want to look bad in front of your people, do you?"

Ratchet looks around, "Mmm, good point..." Cappy smirks, "And when I get back, I'll show you my casual fun-loving side." She fakes gag, as Ratchet was happy, "Ohohohoho youhouhou!"

Cappy shoves Rodney "Get moving!" Rodney was a bit worried, "What? What are you doing?" Cappy whispered, "Saving your life!" She then yanks my hand and pulls me out as the we quickly ran. "Come on!"

"Let him go! Let him go! Let him go!" I turned around to see Fender. "Get out of here, you idiot!" I over hear Ratchet, "Get them!" I quickly helped Fender, "Fender, let's go!"

"You know him?" I nodded. We made a run for it but Rodney quickly stopped, "Wonderbot!" I hear Ratchet, "Get out of my way!" I quickly gave her my address, "Go to this place, he will be here!"

This is no good, if I escape with Rodney my parents will be killed! But I don't know what to do.

I then felt a trip, I then stumbled onto the ground. I quickly tried to get up but was immediately pinned down by Ratchet. "Hey, Tim! I'd like to see Mr. Bigweld!"

"Ah! You again!" I was scared, "Rod-" my mouth was covered. I watched as
Rodney escapes without knowing I was left behind, "Whuuuoah!"

I tried to get out of his grasp, "I can't wait for you to say goodbye to your parents." I stopped struggling as a tear fell down.

You can shine no matter what you're made off [Rodney x reader]Where stories live. Discover now