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Everyone also gasp, I was confused, "Sweeper?" It was a machine heading this way, Fender said quickly, "Make yourselves scarce!" We all his behind an alleyway, I'm still confused, "What's the big deal?"

Piper explains, "Well, if you're an outmode, like Fender...", "Hey!" Crank continues, "They sweep you up and take you to the Chop Shop." Piper finishes, "Where they melt you down and turn you into something else..."

I start to worry, "You mean..." Diesel, "*death sounds*" Piper said sadly, "Yep." Fender then gets out and stands in the street, "Sweepers, sweepers... Whelp! Here's one outmode you're not gonna get!
Nananananaanaa, nananana...whoops!"

His parts fell, as the Sweepers stopped and reversed, we all gasped, Piper shouts, "Fender, ruuun!" We all ran away and headed to their place.

Let time skip

After what happened we all started to laugh, Piper, "That was close!" Fender then talks, "When in Robot City, guests of the Rusties, that's us, stay at Aunt Fan's boaring house, where our motto is "beats rusting outside!" Ha ha ha ha!"

We all entered as I stay next to Fender, "We'll just let her know you're here. AUNT FAAAAAANNYYYY!!We brought someone!" Aunt Fanny responded, "I'm in the kitchen!" I asked, "Are you sure your Aunt won't mind?"

Fender smiles, "Relax, she's not my Aunt! She just takes in bots who are...broke. Ha ha ha! Bless her little heart." I asked again, "Well then why is she called Aunt Fanny?" I then see a big bot as Fender said, "We couldn't call her Aunt Booty."

"WHOA" Aunt Fanny was in the kitchen, "Whoops! Uhh, oh scrap!" Piper enters, "She's a little artsy fartsy. The artsy's okay, but when she gets fartsy..." she left as both Fender and I get worried.

"Look at this, oh, right on my shoes, I'm so clumsy, I...well, hello there! What's your name?" I stared at her, "I'm Rodney Bigbottom. No, I'm-I'm Rodney Copperbottom! Copperbottom." Aunt Fanny smiles, "That's a wonderful name! Bigbottom."

She starts to back up which pinned me against the wall, "Oof!" As she turns I start to drag, "Well I just...", "Whoooah!" Aunt Fanny asks, "What happened to your friend?"

Fender responded, "He's been rear-ended.", "Whoooaoof!" I fell off. Aunt Fanny sighs in relief, "- Ooh! There ya are! Eee hee hee hee!" I get up taking small breaths, Fender wraps his arm on my shoulder, "Aunt Fan, he needs a place to stay."

Aunt Fanny smiles, "Well just make yourself at home!" I softly smiled, "Thank you. That's very kind of you." Aunt Fanny, "My pleasure. See a need, fill a need!" I said, "Hey, just like Bigweld!" Aunt Fanny Waves her hand towards her face, "Ooh, Bigweld. That's a lot of robot!"

"Oof!" As Fender and I got knocked onto the couch, "Oh that reminds, you must be the one that Y/n talks about." I get a little surprised, "Wha....you talk to her?" She nods her head, "Yes dear, she's been talking about you whenever she thinks about you."

My face heats up, "But when do you talk to her. Does she visit you?" "Oh honey she lives here." She calls out, "Y/n would you come over here please." I hear footsteps, Y/n walks in, "Yes Aunt Fanny-" she stopped as soon as she saw me.

"Rodney? What brings you here?" I get nervous, "Well Fender offered me to stay here.....I honestly didn't think that we would see each other again." Aunt Fanny steps in, "Oh Y/n has been a wonderful help for everyone. She even talks about how she misses the days when you two were little."

"Aunt Fanny." Y/n gets embarrassed and covered her face, "Please tell me that you didn't tell him that." Aunt Fanny, "Oh sorry dear, I didn't mean to embarrass you."

Y/n looks away with her hand covering her mouth, I smiled, does this mean that she still likes me......I really love how flustered she is....so cute... Fender then said, "Come on, you can bunk with me! Heh. We'll ignore the gossip."

Fender pulls a lever revealing Piper's room, Fender smirks, "You missed a spot." Piper looks at us with fear, "AAAAGH! Fender! Get out of my room!" Fender chuckles, "Heh heh heh heh. I'm not in your room! I am now. No I'm not! I am, not, am, not..."

Piper gets angry, "GET OUT OF MY ROOM." He pulls the lever again revealing Crank, "Oh man, this is third oil change today, something's wrong with me." Fender said, "Oop, sorry." On more time and it was Fender's room, "Here we are. Home sweet home! What's mine is yours!"

His arms fell, "Oh dear." I softly sighed, "I'll get them!" Fender sees his arms, "Oh, look, look at that, oh, now they're arm wrestling."


Fender asks, "Could you seperate them? Hurry! My backside itches!" I quickly grabbed his arms and reattached them. Fender then gets in his room, "I'll wait for you inside." Hinting that I talk to Y/n, I then see her sitting by the table staring at the window.

You can shine no matter what you're made off [Rodney x reader]Where stories live. Discover now