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RobotCity With Y/n

"Hey guys where's fender?" I asked before I left for work. Piper explains, "Him and Diesel are trying to get some money from people at the train station." I giggle, "I hope they don't get into trouble."

I said my good byes to everyone and head for work. It was pretty hard for me to move out on my own, but luckily I ran into Aunt Fanny and she took me in. To be honest I was nervous about it, until I met the rest of the gang and I was happy.

I head to work and spotted Cappy, "Cappy wait up!" She turns and smiled, "I almost thought you were going to be late." I smiled, "No way....I don't want that." We both chuckled and head inside.

When we walked to our offices and spotted Rachet walking passed us, luckily he didn't see us. Cappy rolls her eyes, "Does he really think he can get a chance with me."

I laughed, "I really feel bad for you, having to deal with his flirty stuff." She laughs, "There is no way in heck, that me and him will be a thing." We were then called by Rachet for a meeting.

We both head over and sat down on our seats, "At least you have someone who loves you I guess....." she looks at me concerned, "What's wrong Y/n?" I shrugged it off, "Just thinking about an old friend of mine." She slowly smiles and let me be.

I wonder if he still thinks about me.....

With Rodney

The train finally arrived at RobotCity, I couldn't be more excited. The train door opens and I walked out admiring the view. *sound of people talking in the train station*

"Woooow." However I still didn't know where to go, "Ex-excuse me, I wonder if you-I wonder if you co-oh. Could you direct me to Bigweld Indus-" I was stopped by a big flash of white, "...what?!"

"Perfect! That'll be 50 bucks." I was concerned, "50 bucks?! For what?!" He responded, "A beautiful picture of your first moment in Robot City!" He then get nexts to me and forced me a smile, "There! I captured your second moment! That's another 50 dollars." He whispered, "Are you keeping track?"

He kept taking pictures, "Come on, work with me, work with me! More pout, less pose... That's-a great. Inside of you is a fashion model just waiting to throw up!"

I tried to get by but it kept going, ""Give me those eyes, big eyes! Give me big anime eyes."

I was being blinded left and right, "YEAH, I'M LOVIN IT, LOVIN IT, LOVIN IT!" I then said, "I DON'T WANT ANY PICTURES!" He stops, "You don't?" I respond, "NO!"

Fender, "Well that's alright, there's no film in the camera." I quickly left not wanting to stall from heading to Bigweld industry. It was my first time being in the big city, as I head towards what I might think would be the way,

"Psst. Buddy. Wanna buy a watch?" I looked at the watches, "Don't buy us. We're fakes!" I simply passed by and wanted to ask where to go, ""Excuse me, h-how do I get to Bigweld Industries?"

For a second I thought he was pointing the way till I noticed he's just dancing, "*Chingy - Right Thurr* ". That's when I realized it wasn't going anywhere and walked away, "Oh, great....Nevermind!"

I kept walking till I heard, "*incomprehensable words*" it was the information booth, I immediately head towards him, "Hi, excuse me. How do I get to Bigweld Industries?"

"You take the *something something something* Crosstown Express *something something* system." I was a bit confused, "Excuse me?" He pointed, "Bigweld Industries?"

I turned around to see what he was pointing at, "...oh. Hehey. Yeah. Thanks." Phone Guy, "*incomprehensable word*" I enter the building and it was pretty amazing of how this system works.

"Crosstown Express to Foundry District with stops at Bigweld Industries and Battery Park only." I was amazed, "Wow."

"Please tighten all spools, nuts, bolts and detachable appendages. Riders with hot oil pressure are advised to take the local." I was then in some sort of half a ball, "Thank you and have a nice day."

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