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{Fender's Pov}

"Heeelp! Open the door! Open the door!" I was scared, "Woooah! Close the door, cloose the door! Aaaaaaaaaah! Ow! Ah! Aaaaaaaaaagh! Oof! Augh!"

I looked at what's in front of me, "Wow, look at all these parts! It's a shmorgasboard, look at that! So many things I wanted all my life, and...
Ooh hoo, that's pretty-AAAAAGH!" Other bots were looking angry.

I started scream as I got myself caught on huge slinky. "Okay, mother, this way!" I gasped as they continued talking, "Oh, let me look, please! I can't bear it!" I quickly find an object to keep hold. "No peeking, now, it's a surprise!"

"Gasket, Ooh, you are a wicked boy." Ratchet, "Whoop!" It was......Y/n, what is she doing here!, she is opening a door revealing a huge machine, "Ah! For me?"

Y/n spoke, "I modeled the sweepers to me more....Efficient. And it's got a full tank of gas! If you're ready to mow, she's ready to go." Gasket was happy, "Has any mother ever had better children?"

Ratchet smiles, "Oh, by the way since we found out who's been fixing those outmodes, starting tomorrow, these babies are gonna chop him up along with all his broken down buddies and every other walking pile of junk I'm sick of looking at."

They all laughed, but then noticed me. I screamed from fear. I was then launched by the slinky, having my body split in two. My legs ran of as I turn around, almost in the incinerator.

I quickly found myself a pair of legs and quickly put them on, but noticed it was for a female, "AAH! This is so wrong, this is so wrong! Heeeeeeeelp! Aaaaaaaaaaaah!"

I jumped and quickly head for the exit, but was blocked Y/n, "Y/n, please you don't have to do this. It's me Fender!" She scoffs, "I don't know anyone by the name of Fender."

I pleaded, "You don't remember us, Aunt Fanny, Rodney...." she started to chase me as I quickly ran away, "I only know my mother and my brother, Ratchet, and Rodney who is the one that shall be stopped."

"But...Rodney loves you Y/n! You can't do this!" She looks like she's getting closer to me, "He is the one ruining our plans! He shall be killed!"

"Y/n this isn't you, what about your caretaker father and mother." I quickly head over to exit as she is almost close to grabbing me, "Gasket is my mother!"

I finally reached the exit as she was left behind, I wanted to head home but was still worried about what happened to Y/n. I decided to peak, over hearing a conversation,

"He got away..." Ratchet comforts her, "Don't worry, by the time we set up this we will destroy all outmodes." Gasket walks towards them, "Now help your brother out tomorrow in his office and make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Yes, mother." She walks to the other way, I then hear the two talking, "So what are we going to do about her memory card?" Gasket ponders, "What use is it anyway, she doesn't need her memories now that she's with me."

"Hold on, I think I have an idea of what we can do with this." He held on the memory card, "I'll use this to make that bot suffer from trying to ruin our plan!"

They both laughed as I looked back at Y/n building something, Her memories were taken! I gotta let the gang know about this! But I can't risk of being spotted, I gotta get out of here!

{Rodney's Pov}

Cappy is getting a ticket for me, "Rivet Town, please. One way." I decided to phone my parents, "Hi Mom. Oh, I'm, uh.....doing fine. How are you? And dad?"

"He's right here! I'll put him on!" She hands him the phone, "Heeey buddy! How's it going?" I was worried, "Hey Dad. Ho-how are you feeling?"

"Ooh, fine, fine, I...*cough cough* I've just been a little under the weather. *cough* No! We're just having a little trouble finding your old man a replacement part, that's all-heh heh.

But hey! Let's talk about you! What kind of work are you doing? Did you get to see
Y/n finally and what's Bigweld like? Did you meet him?" I was getting sad, "Yeah, I-I met him. But..."

"What's wrong, son?" I wasn't able to tell him, "It's....not how we thought it was, dad. It's not....uh....I can't...she...", "I see." I start to tear up, "I'm really sorry I let you down."

"Nononononono, you could never let me down, Rodney. Listen. I know it isn't easy, Rodney. But a dream that you don't fight for can haunt you for the rest of your life." I softly sigh, "Yeah, dad."

"It's up to you, son." I then hanged up, filled with sad emotions. The phone spoke, "Your father loves you very much." I softly smiled, "I know."

"With our "Friends & Family" plan, you can talk to him 500 minutes a month, free nights and weekends." I then walked away as Cappy gave me the ticket.

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