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{Rodney's Pov}

"We did it! We escaped!" Fender was very happy, "If you'll excuse me my friend, I have to take this young lady home." I chuckled as he walked away, I was still jumping in joy, "Can you believe that we made it Y/n......Y/n?"

I turned around as she wasn't by my side, "Oh no." I quickly turned back but was stopped by that chick who saved me. "You can't go back there or you will be killed."

"But Y/n is there, who knows what Ratchet is gonna do to her." She kept me still, "But you can't just barge in there, you will get captured." I turned away, "Then I'll come up with something to save her."

I head towards home leaving her behind, I have to save Y/n, I am not going to lose her. Y/n my love, I'll save you.

With Y/n

"Let me go!" Ratchet held onto my hands very tightly, "It hurts! Stop!" He smirks, "You brought yourself into this, time for a trip to the ChopShop." He tied me up as he took me into his car, "I can't wait for mother to hurt you."

We arrived at the ChopShop, Ratchet carelessly yanked me out of the car, "Ow! Hey!" He grips tighter, "Shut your mouth! Mom, there is something you should know!"

"What is it Ratchet." She then looks at me upset, "What has she done!" He smirks, "Turns out she wasn't the one behind all the fixing." She gets angry, "We warned you what was going to happen!"

Ratchet and mom forced me onto a table laying on my stomach, I then felt something on my head, "What are you doing?!" I felt him taking of the top of my head, "Don't touch that!"

Mom then held my face to force me to see my parents hanging next to the incinerator, "Please no!" She let go of the of the lever as I watched them go into the incinerator, "NO!"

Everything went black........

With Rodney

I barged throw the door worried, Diesel and lug nut were on the couch as Aunt Fanny is in the kitchen. "What happened?" I head to the couch, "This is bad. Very bad. Ratchet knows what we were up to!"

"What should we do?" I start to pace back and forth, "I don't but he has Y/n and I gotta save her. Wonder bot then reaches for my suitcase and starts packing, "Stop packing! I said cut it out! I told you I'm not leaving!"

I kept pacing back and forth thinking of how to save Y/n, I lift up my fists, "That Ratchet guy doesn't scare me, I hope he does come here."

"Rodney! Someone's here to see you!" I stopped, as Lugnut stands up, "I got your back." I was worried of who wanted to see me. It was the one who saved me earlier, "Hi"

"Oh hi, your the one who came to see me?" She nods her head, "Uh yeah, I thought you might want to go for a drive." I was a bit confused, "With you?"

"That was the idea." I was hesitating to go but diesel is pushing me to go, "Well uh- cut that out. Oh sure. Would you stop." I finally decided to go on a drive with her, we head outside.

"Hey it's chilly out tonight Rodney, Oh miss if he gets a leaky nose you bring him right home." I was embarrassed, "Aunt Fan." She softly chuckles, "Don't worry I'll take care of him."

I heard as if she sounded a bit sad, but we entered the car.

Time skip

"Hahahaha!", "Hahaha, wow, that was amazing! So where do we go now?" Cappy spoke, "I'm taking you to the train station." I was shocked, "What?! No way!"

"You don't know what you're dealing with here. Ratchet is gonna use your head for a hood ornament!" I said, "Look, I'm not leaving until I find Bigweld and rescue Y/n!"

"Oh, that's not what she-" I asked, "Can't you take me to him?" She scoffs, "I must be out of my mind." She then speeds up to take me to Bigweld.

"But don't blame me if she wanted to protect you....." I was caught off guard, "You know Y/n?" She nods, "Of course I know her, met her in high school. Is she a friend of yours?"

"Actually, she's my girlfriend... we were childhood friends up till she moved away." She looks sad, "But at least you got her, and she is a great gal." I smiled, "We just need Bigweld to help us get her out of there."

We finally arrived, the both of us got out and head to his door. Wonderbot hovers around me, I rang the door bell but no luck. "Okay, we tried. Let's get outta here."

"No no no, something's up. Look at all these newspapers and this mail."Cappy rolls her eyes, "Oh, come on. They probably stopped delivering these years ago."

"Paper!" Wonderbot,  "*laughter then anger*",  "Late edition!" I looked up, "You say something?" Cappy held the newspaper with me on the front cover, "Nice one of you. Come on, we gotta get you outta here."

I then got the door to open, Wonderbot, "*wuss noises*" he landed on my hands. We both looked at each other a bit nervous.

"Big creepy door. Perfect."

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